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Birth of a Nation | Fox Searchlight | Sundance Grand Jury Prize. ONLY DISCUSS THE MOVIE AND BOX OFFICE IN THIS THREAD.

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23 hours ago, TalismanRing said:

because the School and it's Athletic Program sent in character letters for him as he and Parker stalked the victim on campus and Penn State turned a blind eye (and were later sued over and settled).  





Yeah Penn State has a knack for turning a blind eye to sexual assault.  Oh well they'll probably give him an honorary degree.

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On 10/2/2016 at 11:47 PM, Frozen said:


It's one thing to take liberties, but they changed Nat Turner's entire motivation for the rebellion. And of course it was changed to rape so once again we can see how rape of a woman affects the men in her life and how they struggle with it. The focus isn't even on her, which doesn't shock me.


OJ was found innocent too. So what? The evidence suggests he is guilty 100%. I honestly do not care how it was brought up. He deserves it. 


 Again your nitpicking and holding this movie to a standard no other Biopicture is held to.  It's a movie not a documentary.  You can not name a single bio picture in history that didn't take artistic liberties.  The reality is a majority of the United States doesn't even know Nat story because again it was glossed over and not taught in most school.   Just like Black Wall Street in Tulsa OK and many other stories involing African Americans because America has hard time looking in the mirror about it's racist history.  The fact it took this long to open the 1st African American Mesuem says it all.   Also LOL @ bringing up OJ.   


On 10/3/2016 at 6:37 AM, JennaJ said:


LOL at this conspiracy theory. Please. Nate Parker gave a couple of high profile interviews of his own (and Fox Searchlight's) initiative. That is what blew the lid on this. He tried to get a head start by giving the press the story in his own words, thinking it'll just blow over and be done with. He was wrong.

The reason it's exploding now is:

1. He's in the media spotlight, which he hasn't been as a low-profile actor up to now.

2. He foolishly decided to give interviews about this topic, before it was brought up by mainstream press.


The idea that this is some well-orchestrated attempt to kill his movie is so proposterous to me, I can't even believe people actually buy it. This isn't a witch hunt, it's karma.




It's been a two month non stop re-litigation of the case from people who weren't even there and drawing wild conclusions after the fact.   Where is Mark Walburg's "Krama"?  I don't remember anyone bringing up his racist violent attacks against African Americans and other races in Boston during the "Deep Water Herizon" Promo tour or any of his countless Blockbusters.   If Nate has to answer to his  case 20 years later and he was innocent, then Marky Mark shouldn't go a single promo tour without answering to his violent racist past.    And he was actually guilty of his many violent attacks.  They were both young when it happen and I'm fully aware people change but you can't have it both ways.   Again the double standard is clear as day so I call it like I see it.  



Black victim of Mark Wahlberg's racial attack says he shouldn't be pardoned


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The difference between Mark Wahlberg and Nate Parker is that Wahlberg actually regrets his screwed up youth, while Parker doesn't show even the slightest bit of remorse for the poor woman and her family. Therefore, he deserves all the shit he's received, and that's why his career in Hollywood is pretty much over before it began.


I mean we could go at this all day if you like if you feel that Parker is somehow being treated harsher than others who have done heinous things.

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Box Office: Nate Parker's 'Birth of a Nation' Tracking for $7M-$8M Debut


although some are saying as high as $10M.




I don't know when I've ever outright rooted against a movie before, but this guy is so sure what he did is not wrong I would really hate for him to have reason to believe people agreed with him.


Granted the general public likely doesn't even have a clue about Parker's history, I'm pretty certain that would be how he would take it.



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On 10/2/2016 at 10:37 PM, filmscholar said:

Nate Parker had his day in court and was found innocent.  It's unfortunate what happen to the young lady but at the end of the day it was an accusation and that doesn't make it a fact.  He's been acting for 10 years and randomly a story that has not been hidden comes popping out of nowhere to try and destory this movie.  Why wasn't this an issue when he was acting in 10 previous movies?  Why now? Could it be a smear campaign? Where was this story at Sundance?  Why did it come out 2 months before the movie opens?  


There are plenty of White Actors with horrible past that were actually found guilty and they get work and roles without anyone batting an eye.   I'm there opening weekend.  Nat Turner was written out of American History books for school because Slavery is completely glossed over and misrepresented to sugar coat the horror and terror this country caused Black people. Thankfully my parents gave me the real history at home.  


I don't need to go to the African American Museam in DC because I'm fully aware of the horrific treatment Black people faced in this contry for hundreds of years.   With all the police violence in the news it still continues.  There were TONS of Slave rebellions and it's about time to show that Black People were not "Happy Slaves" and that we fought back against racial terrorism.   Sadly because of this drama it's Oscar chances are probably done but it doesn't matter, as long as a new generation learns the truth that will mean more in the long run.  


True. He was found innocent in legal court, but the court of public opinion doesn't care. He's guilty forever. This is really all on him though. From that first interview to now. Not only is he selfish, but he doesn't know how to shut up. That's all he had to do, but he's incapable.


I agree the textbooks have swept clean a lot of history and it's good that now we're starting to tell it like it is, but looks like you'll have to wait for another movie for that.


PS you should still go to the museum anyway. I went Sunday and it's fantastic. There's 6 floors. Only ONE of them is devoted to slavery. There's thousands of artifacts in there: a worn MJ jersey, Chuck Berry's car, Rosa Parks' dress, JJ's hat, Ali's gloves, a piece of timber from a slave ship, etc. Don't miss out on it because you think you know it all.

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Parker brought his young daughter to an interview in which he knew he would be asked about what happened. If there's ever been a "I'm innocent, please don't grill me!" dickball move, that's it. He has no one else to blame but himself for everything he's faced since.


As for the movie, tracking seems okay and the worst of the controversy is in the past, but I'm guessing the damage is done at this point. And the awards prospects are only becoming increasingly nil each day, to the point where even the NAACP Image Awards likely won't even go for this. Thank goodness we have other African American movies that could make up for the #OscarsSoWhite controversy.

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45 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Parker brought his young daughter to an interview in which he knew he would be asked about what happened. If there's ever been a "I'm innocent, please don't grill me!" dickball move, that's it. He has no one else to blame but himself for everything he's faced since.


As for the movie, tracking seems okay and the worst of the controversy is in the past, but I'm guessing the damage is done at this point. And the awards prospects are only becoming increasingly nil each day, to the point where even the NAACP Image Awards likely won't even go for this. Thank goodness we have other African American movies that could make up for the #OscarsSoWhite controversy.


I think you are right about awards, but I think the main impact on attendance will be that it slowed buzz from building pre-release.


I literally think the general public doesn't even know about this, and the RT score is above 80% which is higher than most.  I wondered why RT said 93% wanted to see the movie, since I figured those actually following the movie would know about this, but when I clicked the 'leave your opinion' link it went to an error page.  I don't know if they disabled the 'do you want to see it' counter or if it was only malfunctioning for me, but in any event, people who don't know about this and go to RT are going to see it as one of the higher rated options.  But I'm sure if it does better than expected Parker who still thinks he did nothing wrong will just see it as people agreeing with him. 


I'll be glad when this is out and over, to be honest.

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9 hours ago, jandrew said:


True. He was found innocent in legal court, but the court of public opinion doesn't care. He's guilty forever. This is really all on him though. From that first interview to now. Not only is he selfish, but he doesn't know how to shut up. That's all he had to do, but he's incapable.


I agree the textbooks have swept clean a lot of history and it's good that now we're starting to tell it like it is, but looks like you'll have to wait for another movie for that.


PS you should still go to the museum anyway. I went Sunday and it's fantastic. There's 6 floors. Only ONE of them is devoted to slavery. There's thousands of artifacts in there: a worn MJ jersey, Chuck Berry's car, Rosa Parks' dress, JJ's hat, Ali's gloves, a piece of timber from a slave ship, etc. Don't miss out on it because you think you know it all.


First what does "Know it all" have to do with anything?  I wasn't saying I wasn't going litterally,  of course I will eventually go, My point in saying "I don't need to go" was to say that Black Families have a different view of History in this country,  We don't need a meseum to know the truth.  To me it speaks volumes that America is Just Now finally getting around to have the courage to honor our historical achieves to this country in that big of a way.   I am well verse in Black History because I come from that linage.  It's apart of my families history.   I feel the mesuem is more for other races of people than us because so many people are still in denial about the effects of racism and what it has caused to Black people.    


The United Nations just released a report and it was very damaging to America worldwide about it's treatment of Blacks.   Also for the record, I went to the "Slavery in New York" exzibit 10 years ago at the National History Meseam in New York and that was very eye opening to see how much Black People built New York City another fact that is completley swept under the rug.   Also the "Court of Public Opinion" isn't as clear cut.  Plenty of African Americans are supporting Nate and will watch the film.    I've said my peace on the subject, let's keep it box office I don't want to derail the thread.   Early tracking is about 10 Million, I hoping for 15-20 Million.   Again it's low budget so it's not like it has to be  blockbuster to be a success. 



Image result for Slavery in New York

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New Yorker: “The Birth of a Nation” Isn’t Worth Defending

Nate Parker’s retelling of Nat Turner’s rebellion does not succeed as art or as propaganda.




Beware spoilers since it's a review as much as an opinion piece on everything going on around it.

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Can't wait for this to bomb this weekend. I think people are still overestimating it. Proof Fox Searchlight doesn't care: I got this shitty ass final trailer at When the Bough Breaks last night.



Like what the fuck, why would you show that in a movie theater

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On 10/4/2016 at 7:13 PM, filmscholar said:


First what does "Know it all" have to do with anything?  I wasn't saying I wasn't going litterally,  of course I will eventually go, My point in saying "I don't need to go" was to say that Black Families have a different view of History in this country,  We don't need a meseum to know the truth.  To me it speaks volumes that America is Just Now finally getting around to have the courage to honor our historical achieves to this country in that big of a way.   I am well verse in Black History because I come from that linage.  It's apart of my families history.   I feel the mesuem is more for other races of people than us because so many people are still in denial about the effects of racism and what it has caused to Black people.    


The United Nations just released a report and it was very damaging to America worldwide about it's treatment of Blacks.   Also for the record, I went to the "Slavery in New York" exzibit 10 years ago at the National History Meseam in New York and that was very eye opening to see how much Black People built New York City another fact that is completley swept under the rug.   Also the "Court of Public Opinion" isn't as clear cut.  Plenty of African Americans are supporting Nate and will watch the film.    I've said my peace on the subject, let's keep it box office I don't want to derail the thread.   Early tracking is about 10 Million, I hoping for 15-20 Million.   Again it's low budget so it's not like it has to be  blockbuster to be a success. 



Image result for Slavery in New York


Awesome interview. Frankly, I'm not surprised that people (on these boards and outside of it) are naysaying this film. It's in their interest to draw attention toward Nate's legal troubles (of which he was acquitted) and away from this powerful story. I and millions of others will see this film. I'll buy two tickets to cover for someone boycotting. LOL


If marketing is $20m and the film itself $7m then $60m would probably be needed to break-even (including lucrative tv rights, streaming, international grosses). It'll make back its production budget during the first weekend. 



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15 minutes ago, lilmac said:

Frankly, I'm not surprised that people (on these boards and outside of it) are naysaying this film. It's in their interest to draw attention toward Nate's legal troubles (of which he was acquitted) and away from the film.


I'm pretty sure most (if not all) of us here have no material interest in drawing attention to the rape allegations. That's also the case for most of the people drawing attention to it outside of these boards.


It's one thing to say that you're satisfied with his acquittal and looking forward to seeing the film, it's entirely another to suggest that those who are not have ulterior motives.

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