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Weekend Actuals (Page 75): X-MEN 103.3M OS OW | Angry Birds 38.15M | Captain America 32.9M (Ahoy Matey!!) | Neighbors 21.7M | The Nice Guys 11.2M | Jungle Book 10.9M

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11 minutes ago, Treetrunk Special said:

I disagree. You got any idea how satisfying it is to refuse service to a teenager? They get so desperate when they get ID'd and have no ID. On a boring day...it brightens things up.

This is the truest post ever. If we never kick you out, its because the usher is lazy (which isn't me, especially when the kid is being a jerk).

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2 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Yikes, disastrous OD for Neighbors. So glad I left it out of my top 15 in the summer game as I kept going back and forth between putting it in. Good numbers for Birds and CW

Disastrous? 9M OD means roughly 25M OW, finishing with 65M+, plus international, on a 35M budget. That's not disastrous. It's an expected steep drop from the first one, sure, but it's not a flop by any means.

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8 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Yikes, disastrous OD for Neighbors. So glad I left it out of my top 15 in the summer game as I kept going back and forth between putting it in. Good numbers for Birds and CW


Nah, it's not disastrous it's just another comedy sequel that nobody asked for. It's doing average business.

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7 minutes ago, Treetrunk Special said:

Disastrous? 9M OD means roughly 25M OW, finishing with 65M+, plus international, on a 35M budget. That's not disastrous. It's an expected steep drop from the first one, sure, but it's not a flop by any means.

9m means like a 22m OW if it follows the firsts patterns, which wasn't a sequel so this could technically be even more front loaded. From there I doubt it clears 60. But yes the budget is small enough for it to be nearly impossible to lose money regardless of how poorly it does. Still terrible though for what the first did 

Edited by MovieMan89
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4 hours ago, La Binoche said:

The first Neighbors sucked so this isn't really surprising. Just a lot of lame, unfunny "gross out" frat humor + Seth Rogen yet again trying to wring laughs out of being a hairy schlub. Rose Byrne was the saving grace. 


I thought the first movie is more inspired by sketches rather than a full screenplay. Some of the jokes felt forced and some are downright unfunny. The DeNiro party is the best bit and the only one that is funny IMO. And I don't want to see Seth Rogen humping a honey like Rose Byrne. "Gluten? What gluten?"

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I thought the first Neighbors was a pretty clever satire of fratboy movies. Unlike most of those where the adults were seen as just bad authority, Neighbors went out of its way to say that both the adults and the fratboys are equally terrible. The ending to Neighbors was really corny though.


From what I've heard the second movie makes a similar statement.

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I wanted to go see The Nice Guys with the fiance and she shrugs saying she would rather prefer Neighbors 2...


I was like you are a doctor and shes like I don't give a shit snice she just put in a long shift...


Hopefully it's atleast as enjoyable as the first one...

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10 Lowest Derby predictions for Neighbors:


glassfairy: 17M

WrathOfHan: 20M

Blank: 22.13M

e1828: 22.8M

MarcusG: 23M

Rolling Thunder: 23.89M

No Prisoners: 24M

XeOF4: 24M

PanaMovie: 24.89M

lilmac: 25M


5 highest:


owiewankenobi: 46.16M

heh: 44.17M

IAmBagel: 40.55M

Boxx93: 40M

CapDanAm15: 38.75M


There weren't many predictions 26M or less.


Edited by WrathOfHan
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2 hours ago, RyneOh1040 said:

So pumped to see The Nice Guys tomorrow been getting hype for it for weeks now.  Caught Money Monster this week and honestly thought it was kind of a snooze fest.  Everything in it was just paint by numbers to me and I'm confused why it got such incredible reception out of Cannes.  Wasn't terrible or anything but as middle of the road as it gets.


Where did you get the idea that it got an "incredible reception" at Cannes?  Its reception there was middling at best.

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9 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

Just when you think Civil War and Deadpool are killing cinema and lacking substance here come the Fruit Ninjas, Tetris and Candy Crush movies.



At least Civil War and Deadpool are good movies. Can't say the same for movies like the angry birds movie. 

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