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Weekend Thread | Read first post for rules | Weekend #s: Pets 50.56M, GB 46M, Tarzan 11.1M, FTF 11M, MND 7.5M, Purge 6M

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I wonder if The Shallows is having a double-feature drive in boost since it is the same studio as Ghostbusters.  The only other one would be Angry Birds....  The PTA for Shallows on Friday was slightly above, but that could also be from it being a WOM hit.  Tomorrow's Sunday estimates will show whether or not Shallows was double feature driven this weekend.  Unless someone can show some prooff....

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3 minutes ago, Porthos said:

That they opened as well as it did is a near miracle in and of itself.  That it appears to be resonating with at least a portion of the public, an even greater one.


Yeah, I think the Melissa McCarthy/Paul Feig fanbase is doing most of the heavylifting here. Something that a GB reboot/somewhat sequel by another team may not have afforded. There's nothing to concretely establish that a GB sequel had more anticipation than an ID sequel this late after the release of the originals (that's not even considering the hot mess of GB2).

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21 minutes ago, JediJones said:

I'm a lifelong rabid fan of Star Wars and Ghostbusters. Yes, it was at a fever pitch. Not saying Star Wars isn't an order of magnitude bigger than any other franchise, but Indiana Jones and Ghostbusters are RIGHT on par with each other, and were two of the movies people were anticipating sequels for the most in between the '80s and the eventual release of the next movies in the franchises. You only need to follow the constant updates and rumors on the development of GB3 before Feig was announced to be involved. The wind was let out of those hopeful sails as soon as Feig said he was doing a remake.


Sorry.  Gotta say I think you have fan blinders on here.  I loved the original GB back in the day, but there was not a level of similar interest between Indiana Jones mooted films and GB ones.  Not even remotely the same.  Not then, not in the 2000s, and not now.


Interest?  Sure, I'd go with that.  Especially in some nerd communities.  Anything even remotely close to 'fever pitch'?  Not even in the last fifteen years, which is long before Feig ever entered the picture. 

Edited by Porthos
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BTTF doesn't have the same cosplay factor. There are regional factions of Ghostbusters cosplayers that form groups, just like there is for Star Wars. BTTF actually has a bigger female fan-base than SW or GB do. So the fan-base has a somewhat different character to it. And because BTTF3 was a real conclusion, there isn't so much anticipation for another movie.


But I think a BTTF4 with Lloyd and Fox could be a $125m opener. The big problem with BTTF is where to take the story. Parts 2 and 3 were radically different in their premises. The potential for a misfire is there if the wrong idea is used. Star Wars, Indy and GB are all much easier to get right in terms of the PREMISES. While GB needs to break out of the repetitive formula that brought down GB2 and GB16, you still always know the movie has to have the good guys fighting ghosts in the present day and probably in NYC. In BTTF, the villain and the setting are totally open-ended.


A BTTF remake, however, would likely be a box office failure, the way so many '80s remakes have been (Robocop, Total Recall and, yes, the certain-to-be-unprofitable GB16). Children of the '80s grew to love movies in general because of these classics and they remain big moviegoers. The prevalence of home video since the '80s has even convinced younger generations to feel just as protective of these movies. There is no appetite to see them remade. If you turn off the big existing fan-bases, you lose a big portion of your audience right out of the gate. It's hard to think of ANY '80s movie that should be remade. The '80s defined the style of today's movies in many ways. Since the style hasn't significantly changed, remaking them is pointless.


And if you guys are seriously arguing that GB didn't have a rabid fan-base primed for a real sequel, you are absolutely blind to reality. It is this very fan-base that has driven the UNPRECEDENTED movement against this movie. You are seeing huge numbers of people become a national phenomenon and refusing to believe they actually exist. A small amount of people cannot become recognized by the national media like that. The fan-base is as big as for Indiana Jones. ID4 isn't even worth a mention. It didn't have a fan-base to speak of. Ghostbusters was a COLOSSAL hit in 1984 which spawned nearly a decade of cartoons and toys and merchandising, far more successfully than Indiana Jones was able to. It was one of the top 5 or so most important movies to children of the  '80s.

Edited by JediJones
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5 hours ago, The Futurist said:

Traditional animation is artistically & visually  limited, CGI movies have more depth, more complexity, a bigger color palette, astounding visual precision, incredible action, animation  and perspectives.

Characters look more alive, landscapes have no limitations, you can have giant crowds etc the only limit is your imagination.


I take it you don't frequent art museums either since all by your terms all non computerized art would be artistically and visually limited.  :rolleyes:


As for limits to imagination, your post seems to indicate yours is starved if it can only be fed or appealed to in specific limited ways boosted by certain technology.


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6 minutes ago, Noctis said:

$500m is officially dead for Dory. :(


Good. 500M is still a prestigious club and Dory wasn't deserving enough. Beating Shrek 2 for the domestic animation crown is more than enough.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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19 minutes ago, JediJones said:

if you guys are seriously arguing that GB didn't have a rabid fan-base primed for a real sequel, you are absolutely blind to reality. It is this very fan-base that has driven the UNPRECEDENTED movement against this movie.


Uhhh.  Yeah.  No.  The trolls over at IMDB and other places aren't that important or influential.  It was Sony's reaction to everything that causes things to go badly.  If they played it a bit cooler, things might have been better.  Or not, I gave the reasons above why even a 'fan blessed' property would be a hard sell, and I see little reason to change my mind.


Besides, I thought you argued just a while back that Ghostbusters was out of the public consciousness and a dead franchise. So which is it?  Just exactly how much pull did Ghostbusters have after, oh let's say 1996?  Far less than you think, I would guess.



The fan-base is as big as for Indiana Jones.


No.  Not even remotely close to the same.  


Like I said, I think you have fan-blinders on here.  No sin in that.  Just think you're not being very objective, that's all.

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41 minutes ago, Matrix4You said:

I wonder if The Shallows is having a double-feature drive in boost since it is the same studio as Ghostbusters.  The only other one would be Angry Birds....  The PTA for Shallows on Friday was slightly above, but that could also be from it being a WOM hit.  Tomorrow's Sunday estimates will show whether or not Shallows was double feature driven this weekend.  Unless someone can show some prooff....

That's the case at one of my local drive-in theaters, Ghostbusters/The Shallows double feature. 

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Headed to bed now, but I want to leave with one last point.  The campaign against the new version of Ghostbusters is hardly unprecedented.


538 took a look at The Story Behind the Worst Movie on IMDb a while back:



The protest against “Gunday” is the most recent cause célèbre of a Bangladeshi nationalist movement called Gonojagoron Moncho, or National Awakening Stage. Gonojagoron Moncho was founded in response to the trial of Abdul Quader Molla, a Bangladeshi Islamist leader who last year was found guilty of killing hundreds of civilians as part of a paramilitary wing during Bangladesh’s liberation war from Pakistan in 1971. He was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes by the Bangladeshi International Crimes Tribunal. But many Bangladeshis found that sentence too lenient, and more than 100,000 of them gathered in Shahbag Square in the capital city of Dhaka to challenge it.

After months of protests and escalating violence from counter-protestors, Gonojagoron Moncho got its wish. Molla’s political party, Jammat-e-Islami, was banned from participating in future elections, and Molla himself was retried, sentenced to execution and hanged to death late last year.

Flush with success, the movement has since become an online alliance of bloggers focused on protecting Bangladesh’s history and promoting the country’s image. That includes protesting “Gunday,” because of the film’s reference to the Bangladesh Liberation War as the Indo-Pak war. In its first 11 minutes, the movie claims that India alone defeated Pakistan, and implies that an independent Bangladesh was simply a result of the fight.

On Twitter, activists used the hashtag #GundayHumiliatedHistoryOfBangladesh to get the word out about the protests and to ask supporters to bury the film on IMDb. (By using a quarter of their character allotment on the hashtag alone, though, there wasn’t much room for the activists to elaborate.) Facebook groups were formed specifically to encourage irate Bangladeshis and others to down-vote the movie. (A sample call to action: “If you’re a Bangladeshi and care enough to not let some Indian crappy movie distort our history of independence, let’s unite and boycott this movie!!!”)

Fahmidul Haq, an associate professor of mass communication and journalism at the University of Dhaka, said that getting angry at Bollywood for over-representing India’s role in the 1971 war is something that even Gonojagoron Moncho’s opposition can agree on. “Pro-religious, pro-Pakistan and anti-Indian online users are very active in the cyberspace,” he told me. “For the IMDb case, I guess both groups gave lower ranking to ‘Gunday.’”

Bangladesh’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodged a formal protest about the film with the Indian government, noting it was drawn to the controversy by the “reaction of people particularly in the social networking sites.” Besieged by complaints, Yash Raj Films was compelled to put out a statement saying, “If this fictitious story and its telling have in any way upset the sentiments of anybody, we would like to clarify that it was totally inadvertent and it is sincerely further regretted.”


This is all rather small fry compared to that, I think.  And even in the US proper, there have been successful drives to kill movies at the box office.  Far more successful than this one, I'd say, as this one wasn't all that killed.


Sure, there were a lot of NOISY peeps running around.  But that's The New Aughts social media for you. That being said, "noisy" and "influential" aren't always synonyms.  Maybe not even usually. ;) :P


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Late to the party but I wanted to say that, on the topic of 2D vs 3D animation, 2D will always be better to me. 3D animation basically has no soul imo. Trying to replace 2D with 3D would be like trying to replace a mother with an android progammed to be a mother.

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Well I was wrong about the Saturday increase for SLOP. You guys were right. Good going forums. I thought it would perform more like IO. I was wrong.

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1 hour ago, Matrix4You said:

I wonder if The Shallows is having a double-feature drive in boost since it is the same studio as Ghostbusters.  The only other one would be Angry Birds....  The PTA for Shallows on Friday was slightly above, but that could also be from it being a WOM hit.  Tomorrow's Sunday estimates will show whether or not Shallows was double feature driven this weekend.  Unless someone can show some prooff....

These double features keep fucking my derby up. Im going to get edged out again because of it.


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34 minutes ago, Baumer said:

Well I was wrong about the Saturday increase for SLOP. You guys were right. Good going forums. I thought it would perform more like IO. I was wrong.

The forum is kicking ass.

Look at the average prediction's score vs BO.com and BOM

1 Exxdee 93.89 25 BoxOfficeZ 89.25
2 No Prisoners 93.82 26 Tower 89.18
3 Wonka 93.61 27 luxneji 89.07
4 Fanboy 92.59 28 Rolling Thunder 88.69
5 ChipMunky 92.09 29 Wrath 88.65
6 Derby's Pick Average 91.90 30 PanaMovie 88.48
7 TalismanRing 91.82 31 SquareWatcher 88.33
8 keysersoze123 91.67 32 Boxx93 88.30
9 moviecriticguy 91.31 33 CoolEric258 88.10
10 Wildbill 91.27 34 AABATTERY 88.06
11 cannastop 91.22 35 heh 87.98
12 Bates 91.20 36 titanic2187 87.95
13 24Lost 91.15 37 e1828 87.45
14 WrathOfHan 90.78 38 kayumanggi 87.24
15 8wombi7 90.36 39 RandomJC 86.87
16 Simionski 90.32 40 Bozly 86.84
17 Olive 90.01 41 boxofficeth 86.13
18 JohnnY 89.99 42 Dipper 85.97
19 darkelf 89.89 43 bapi 85.95
20 JMorphin 89.89 44 AndyLL 84.57
21 Viceversa 89.82 45 Lights Camera Action 84.57
22 Matrix4You 89.78 46 nelmsey 83.74
23 Horror Wizard 89.40 47 Iraf 83.67
24 Spaghetti 89.32 48 BoxOffice.com 82.72
      49 BoxOfficeMojo 77.57


Updated with Rth numbers


Edited by No Prisoners
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Copying from the movie thread:


Weekdays 1: -

Weekend 1: 104.3 (actual)

Weekdays 2: 48.16 (actual)

Weekend 2: 49

Weekdays 3: 22.5

Weekend 3: 23

Weekdays 4: 10.5

Weekend 4: 11.5

Weekdays 5: 5

Weekend 5: 6.5

Weekdays 6: 2.5

Weekend 6: 3.5

Weekdays 7: 1.5

Weekend 7: 1.5

Weekdays 8: 1

Weekend 8: 1

Weekdays 9: 1.5 (labor day)

Weekend 9: 2 (labor day_

Weekdays 10: 0.75

Weekend 10: 1

Weekdays 11: 0.5

Weekend 11: 0.5

Total Weekdays: 93.91

Total weekends: 203.8

Remaining of run (weekdays + weekends): 2.5 million


300.2m absolute worst case



Weekdays 1: -

Weekend 1: 104.3 (actual)

Weekdays 2: 48.16 (actual)

Weekend 2: 49.5

Weekdays 3: 23

Weekend 3: 25

Weekdays 4: 11

Weekend 4: 13

Weekdays 5: 6

Weekend 5: 7

Weekdays 6: 3.5

Weekend 6: 4

Weekdays 7: 2

Weekend 7: 2.5

Weekdays 8: 1

Weekend 8: 1.5

Weekdays 9: 1.5 (labor day)

Weekend 9: 2.5 (labor day_

Weekdays 10: 0.75

Weekend 10: 1.5

Weekdays 11: 0.5

Weekend 11: 0.5

Total Weekdays: 97.5

Total weekends: 211.5

Remaining of run (weekdays + weekends): 3 million


312m most realistic case



Weekdays 1: -

Weekend 1: 104.3 (actual)

Weekdays 2: 48.16 (actual)

Weekend 2: 49.5

Weekdays 3: 24

Weekend 3: 26

Weekdays 4: 13

Weekend 4: 14

Weekdays 5:8

Weekend 5: 8

Weekdays 6: 5

Weekend 6: 5.5

Weekdays 7: 3

Weekend 7: 3

Weekdays 8: 2

Weekend 8: 1.5

Weekdays 9: 1.5 (labor day)

Weekend 9: 2.5 (labor day_

Weekdays 10: 0.75

Weekend 10: 1.5

Weekdays 11: 0.5

Weekend 11: 0.5

Total Weekdays: 106

Total weekends: 216.5

Remaining of run (weekdays + weekends): 3.5 million


325m absolute best case



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1 hour ago, JediJones said:

BTTF doesn't have the same cosplay factor. There are regional factions of Ghostbusters cosplayers that form groups, just like there is for Star Wars. BTTF actually has a bigger female fan-base than SW or GB do. So the fan-base has a somewhat different character to it. And because BTTF3 was a real conclusion, there isn't so much anticipation for another movie.


But I think a BTTF4 with Lloyd and Fox could be a $125m opener. The big problem with BTTF is where to take the story. Parts 2 and 3 were radically different in their premises. The potential for a misfire is there if the wrong idea is used. Star Wars, Indy and GB are all much easier to get right in terms of the PREMISES. While GB needs to break out of the repetitive formula that brought down GB2 and GB16, you still always know the movie has to have the good guys fighting ghosts in the present day and probably in NYC. In BTTF, the villain and the setting are totally open-ended.


A BTTF remake, however, would likely be a box office failure, the way so many '80s remakes have been (Robocop, Total Recall and, yes, the certain-to-be-unprofitable GB16). Children of the '80s grew to love movies in general because of these classics and they remain big moviegoers. The prevalence of home video since the '80s has even convinced younger generations to feel just as protective of these movies. There is no appetite to see them remade. If you turn off the big existing fan-bases, you lose a big portion of your audience right out of the gate. It's hard to think of ANY '80s movie that should be remade. The '80s defined the style of today's movies in many ways. Since the style hasn't significantly changed, remaking them is pointless.


And if you guys are seriously arguing that GB didn't have a rabid fan-base primed for a real sequel, you are absolutely blind to reality. It is this very fan-base that has driven the UNPRECEDENTED movement against this movie. You are seeing huge numbers of people become a national phenomenon and refusing to believe they actually exist. A small amount of people cannot become recognized by the national media like that. The fan-base is as big as for Indiana Jones. ID4 isn't even worth a mention. It didn't have a fan-base to speak of. Ghostbusters was a COLOSSAL hit in 1984 which spawned nearly a decade of cartoons and toys and merchandising, far more successfully than Indiana Jones was able to. It was one of the top 5 or so most important movies to children of the  '80s.

I think there is no chance of BTTF 4 for many reasons, for sure the main is Zemeckis and Gale said they don´t want to do it and they won´t let it while they´re alive.

But even though, i think has no sense a BTTF adventure with Michael J. Fox over 55 (apart of the Parkinson). His role is of a teenager and i don´t think is the same like Indy or Star Wars characters that we can see as a chance of see them older.

Marty McFly is a teenager for us and i think wouldn´t be nice seeing him as a grandfather time travelling with a very old Doc. For sure for all us who love BTTF movies in our imagination would love more and more adventures, but i remember when i watched in a theatre in 1989, when the DeLorean was destroyed, i really felt " this is the end...".

And for sure i don´t see at all another Marty McFly or Doc Brown, they are icons and we should respect them as Zemeckis said.

But at the same time, i see perfectly a reboot when Zemeckis-Gale die, because studios are really poor in new ideas, i´m afraid they will do it.

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Those re some pretty big drops this weekend.  Slop about 52%, Dory about 48%, The V about the same.....why so big this weekend?  

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