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SUICIDE SQUAD WEEKEND THREAD | New REVISED SUNDAY NUMBER 134m FROM GURU ON PG 212 | 267.1M WW OW | Nine Lives 6.5 OW |No Spoilers Allowed!!! | ACCOUNT SALES THIS WEEKEND - see first post for details !!

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6 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:

Easiest way for WB/DC to make sure this "death" doesn't happen is make good movies.  Stop fucking up from the executives on down. It sounds very simple but things do have to turn around and I think with Wonder Woman they will for reasons I outlined earlier.


I think there's a WANT for an alternative to Marvel.  We discuss these DC characters and how popular they may or may not be in 2016 but I think there is also a great desire for something that isn't Marvel.


You know what's the key, stop listening to the internet. All that does is give you every advice imaginable and no clear direction. Some say, these movies need more management. Others say they need less management. People are clamoring for characters more like the comics, and when given such, do not even recognize it. Simply, these characters are divisive because of their long histories and different versions. You will win some fans while simultaneously losing others. The options are pick a side and be divisive or try to please all and either miraculously win all their hearts or more likely piss them all off.

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1 minute ago, K1stpierre said:


We're all making cracks and jokes, aka insinuating DC is falling apart and blah blah blah. I'm just shedding a new light on it that's all. I've made jokes like everyone for fun, but I'm looking at this from a different perspective. Let's say if this weren't a DC film or Marvel film, and a film on it's own and it opened to 125OW, what would the reaction be even if the film was not great? Holy shit, a 100M+ OW in August??? Are you shitting me? I think because of all the hype from this silly comic book feud (which I'll never understand), people aren't really grasping how big of a OW this is considering the month.

I was responding to someone else. But we are on the same page. I agree with you.


However I think DC is "falling" apart in the sense that their films are getting toxic WOM. Thats not something that we can ignore. Yea this film is looking at opening above $125M, but more than half of its gross came on OD. Thats not good at all. Like imagine how well their films would do, if they were actually well received. Theres absolutely nothing wrong, with people pointing that out. I think if you call a $125M OW a "fail" then you need to have your meds checked. Its not a fail, but in this particular case, there are things that contributed to it opening less than it should have, and I believe those things should be addressed. 

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Just now, grey ghost said:


Those paired up with Justice League, Batman and Suicide Squad sequels will add up to 1.2+ billion annually, yes.


Oh, you're talking about adding up the grosses of multiple movies?


Cuz LEGO and Godzilla were about as successful as this will be WW. Fantastic Beasts probably will be too

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1 minute ago, MovieMan89 said:

The reaction would be even worse if a completely original film had a 65m OD and then fell apart this bad. I'm not even sure that's actually possible. 


(shrugs) We'll agree to disagree. I would still be shocked if an original film made 125M OW in August regardless of putting drops or legs in question. Hell, especially if the budget was low.

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1 minute ago, Nova said:

I was responding to someone else. But we are on the same page. I agree with you.


However I think DC is "falling" apart in the sense that their films are getting toxic WOM. Thats not something that we can ignore. Yea this film is looking at opening above $125M, but more than half of its gross came on OD. Thats not good at all. Like imagine how well their films would do, if they were actually well received. Theres absolutely nothing wrong, with people pointing that out. I think if you call a $125M OW a "fail" then you need to have your meds checked. Its not a fail, but in this particular case, there are things that contributed to it opening less than it should have, and I believe those things should be addressed. 


I 100% everything you said in this post, my point exactly really.

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5 minutes ago, Jonwo said:






I think WAG and the Lego films will deliver solid results for them as will Fantastic Beasts. 



There's a big difference between a franchise pulling in 1.2-1.4 billion every year and one that pulls in 800-900 million every two years.


One averages 1.3 billion per year and the other 400 m.


Disney has three or four such franchises.


Most other studios would be lucky to have one.

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6 minutes ago, CJohn said:

Wonder Woman will do 100M OW and BvS wasnt well received. I think Flash, Batman and Aquaman will do big business. The sequels are all dead, tho... Cyborg will never happen. 


Wonder Woman will open well because it's the first Wonder Woman live action film which people have wanted for years. I imagine we'll get the solo films for the other JL characters apart from Cyborg, Shazam since that's being made by New Line maybe the Harley Quinn/Birds of Prey film in place of a SS sequel

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4 minutes ago, robertman2 said:

Has Cyborg even had his own comic?

Also, what happen to unite the seven? Five does not equal seven.


He had a miniseries, and also recently got his own comic, although it didn't last long due to DC restarting their titles over again.

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12 minutes ago, TLK said:


They apparently took Rogue One away from the director and now Tony Gilroy is the man in charge. It is never a good thing when that happens.


This is bullshit and Tony Gilroy worked with Edwards in the same capacity on Godzilla.  

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Btw, for all of you who are depressed by summer movies, please do yourself a favor and watch Train to Busan!


It has something for everybody!


  1. Zombies!
  2. Story with heart!
  3. Heart-racing action and thrills!
  4. Villains you will hate because they represent the worst of humanity!
  5. Love, tears, and humor!
  6. Character development
  7. 96% RT

Best movie of the summer, by far!

Edited by UrosepsisFace
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7 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Suicide Squad sequel is gonna make them money?!?!? :rofl: There's a better chance of Suicide Squad 2 committing film suicide and never happening then there is of it being profitable now. 


Add China and I can see SS2 making 600+ m easily.



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2 minutes ago, Jonwo said:


Wonder Woman will open well because it's the first Wonder Woman live action film which people have wanted for years. I imagine we'll get the solo films for the other JL characters apart from Cyborg, Shazam since that's being made by New Line maybe the Harley Quinn/Birds of Prey film in place of a SS sequel


Or it could open well because it's a good movie. It's going to be the first movie post Geoff Johns being put in charge of the movie division. Have faith.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:


He had a miniseries, and also recently got his own comic, although it didn't last long due to DC restarting their titles over again.

In favor of the wonderful DC Rebirth? Or a different relaunch?

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1 minute ago, UrosepsisFace said:

Btw, for all of you who are depressed by summer movies, please do yourself a favor and watch Train to Busan!


It has something for everybody!


  1. Zombies!
  2. Story with heart!
  3. Heart-racing action and thrills!
  4. Villains you will hate because they represent the worst of humanity!
  5. Love, tears, and humor!
  6. Character development
  7. 96% RT

Best movie of the summer, by far!


Thanks for the suggestion. I might watch it after I see Nice Guys tomorrow 

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