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The Mandalorian | March 2023 for S3

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We’re all in agreement that the Gideon that died was a clone, right?


Kinda feels like the lack of a moustache on him this season might be a subtle hint that this Gideon wasn’t the “real” one (especially since the Gideon on the poster they released for season 3 featured him with his moustache), although maybe I’m going too deep down the rabbit hole there.

Overall though I’d say I enjoyed it just as much as previous seasons. It obviously didn’t have quite the same impact with its ending as the Luke ending to season 2 which is definitely the high point of the show so far, but it was a satisfying conclusion to this particular part of the story.


I look forward to wherever they take it with season 4!

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Hmm...I have mixed feelings. It was entertaining but didn't really have the impact of previous season finales. 


I don't get the point of bringing Gideon back only to have him lose so pathetically. It's getting repetitive. 


Action for the most part was great, particularly the jetpack fights.


In general I feel like Din's story meandered around this season and the finale continued that, I didn't really feel the stakes in his fights. Bo-Katan vs Gideon on the other hand felt a lot more exciting because we've been given a lot more meat to her story this season. 


Also the ending serving to reset the show probably will make for a better and more cohesive S4, but also continues the feeling of this season being a bit of the copout of the most intriguing possibilities suggested by the S2 finale (particularly for Din's story). 


Edited by Menor Reborn
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The finale was fun but stuff did not land as hard as it should have because we had a very rushed and disjointed season 3 that really skimmed over and sped through a lot of things that could and should have been developed more

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On 4/13/2023 at 7:25 PM, Porthos said:




(it is ALSO one of the, if not THE, most George Lucas-y episodes of any of the Disney Plus live action series, IMO)

((which also might go a long way in explaining the reception of it, even when taking into account Lizzo and Black))

Circling back to that episode, am I the only one who thinks many of that episode's problems scream changes in the edit/production troubles? A couple of ideas for villain motive get implicitly thrown out to audience with most not really picked back up on. The Ugnaughts providing any sort of useful information doesn't really make sense from literal context. 



Lloyd's rant literally just comes across as a confused old man. 


It's very much an fun, old fashioned sci-fi adventure at its core but it feels like there's something funky going on in the execution. Of course, I've only watched it once so I may be missing something. 

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Dope finale. Loved it. Great season overall for me. Yes it had a different tone for most of the season than the previous seasons, but I thought it did a really good job fleshing out the other Mandalorians and how they fit in this world. Seems like it's set up to a return to S1 storylines with the actual bounty hunting being the main focus. I IMAGINE that Gideon will appear in the Ahsoka show, or at some point in S4.

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10 hours ago, ChipDerby said:

I IMAGINE that Gideon will appear in the Ahsoka show, or at some point in S4.

I really hope not, that would be terrible.


He makes a grand entrance in season 1, and fails immediately.

The same thing happens again in season 2, he faily even harder and gets captured.

Then season 3 tops all that by having him


be immediately rescued off-screen, appear late in the season and fail even harder than before, with him actually dying.

You can't have a villain who constantly fails like that. Not only does it lack any sort of tension, because he fails as soon as he meets any of the heroes, but bringing him back from THAT would make Palpatine's return in Episode IX look masterfully executed.

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On 5/16/2023 at 10:51 AM, Porthos said:


I love this stuff, always an interesting watch this season's whilst a little delayed is still great.


Everyone comes off looking great here but Bryce Dallas Howard I think, on top of directing great episodes, just understands Star Wars (her route early on about blending storytelling with pushing the medium of filmmaking forward nails it) I would love to see her direct a film or her own series (similar to Deborah Chow on Kenobi) in the future. 

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1 hour ago, Potiki said:

I love this stuff, always an interesting watch this season's whilst a little delayed is still great.


Everyone comes off looking great here but Bryce Dallas Howard I think, on top of directing great episodes, just understands Star Wars (her route early on about blending storytelling with pushing the medium of filmmaking forward nails it) I would love to see her direct a film or her own series (similar to Deborah Chow on Kenobi) in the future. 

very cool stuff, and thank you!

I am working in postproduction/animation 2d/3d, and I love to see such videos!


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It's been enough of time and finally found this thread so I can give me thoughts on the show as a whole.


I think Mandalorian is... mostly pretty good? I think? What's bizarre about it is that it's got the skeleton of a truly amazing show there and sometimes reaches greatness in brief moments or episodes. I always go back to the second episode of Season 1 as a great example of what I think the show is really good at - the first half or so of the episode is told almost entirely in silence with minimal dialogue, and that's I think where the show really should focus on. Unfournately the show has become bogged down in fanservice and weak storytelling across the board, and it's frustrating cause there is still stuff to really like in this.


Din is great. Grogu is great. Their relationship is great and it's the heart of the show, it's at it's best when it's just about that. I think Bo-Katan is a great character and her development has been interesting if a retread of stuff from Rebels. It's consistently gorgeous. But it's also kind of hollow; it lacks meat on the bones, with episodes too short to really leave an impact or a lack of thematic tissue. I think Season 3 also began to lose focus on what it was even about, using the season as a quick, all too neat wrap up of the Mando conflict when that really should have been bigger, longer, and far more impactful then it was.


I hate sounding like I hate this show cause I don't, I think it's entertaining and I don't regret my time with it when I watch it. But considering some of the other stuff Star Wars has put out, whether it be pre-Disney era movies, recent movies, other shows, animation, books, comics, shows, games, etc, the praise for Mando specifically has always kind baffled me.


Then again I'm still probably going to be there for Season 4 so what do I know lmfao

Edited by LegionWrex
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Without commenting on specifics and sticking to generalities, more than fair, @LegionWrex.  The thing is, one of the great things about current Disney SW is that it is so varied.  Different folks can find different things to love. 


Hell, I know for a fact that even Andor left some SW fans... I don't want to say "cold" but will instead say "more appreciate than love" (setting aside the folks who think that got over-hyped as that's more fandom politics - which interests me less and less every passing year). 


So if one is looking for something a bit more broad and interconnected, then the Mandoverse is here for you.  Want something a bit deeper or complex?  Andor is over yonder.  And if you just want some good ol' PT Time then we had Kenobi.  Want something New and Different? Man does Acolyte look to be what the doctor ordered.

And so on and so on.


(not to mention all of the different animation projects out there which are also fairly varied)




And of course if one is "A little bit of all of the above" then I'm those folks are really covered. :lol: 

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Since I'm here, something struck me as off during the season while it was on and the more I think about it, the more I think the show suffered somewhat from not having Pedro Pascal on set in the Mando Suit for most (vast majority? all?) of S3.


All due respect to Brendan Wayne and Lateef Crowder, but they are *NOT* Pedro Pascal when it comes to acting, even for something like this.  There was a... Stiffness? Lack of fluidity? A certain je nais se quois that I can't quite put into words this past season.  Not quite "robotic" in how the character moved, but just... I don't know... More reserved?  Less natural?  Like I said, I'm finding it hard to put into words.


And I'm sure if you gave me a blind test on S1/S2 on Who Is In the Mando Suit, Pedro or Stunt Double, I'd fail more often than I passed (since I haven't trained myself to look for differences in body structure and the like, if only for my own sanity).  But I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice a difference between this year and previous ones.


As such I do hope Pedro gets back into the habit of actually playing the character On Set, as I do think it makes a difference when it comes to quality of performance for the character.

Edited by Porthos
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8 hours ago, Porthos said:

Since I'm here, something struck me as off during the season while it was on and the more I think about it, the more I think the show suffered somewhat from not having Pedro Pascal on set in the Mando Suit for most (vast majority? all?) of S3.


All due respect to Brendan Wayne and Lateef Crowder, but they are *NOT* Pedro Pascal when it comes to acting, even for something like this.  There was a... Stiffness? Lack of fluidity? A certain je nais se quois that I can't quite put into words this past season.  Not quite "robotic" in how the character moved, but just... I don't know... More reserved?  Less natural?  Like I said, I'm finding it hard to put into words.


And I'm sure if you gave me a blind test on S1/S2 on Who Is In the Mando Suit, Pedro or Stunt Double, I'd fail more often than I passed (since I haven't trained myself to look for differences in body structure and the like, if only for my own sanity).  But I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice a difference between this year and previous ones.


As such I do hope Pedro gets back into the habit of actually playing the character On Set, as I do think it makes a difference when it comes to quality of performance for the character.

Agreed, it was plain as day in retrospect that Pascal wasn't on set. And I get it, he was busy with other projects at the time (mainly Last of Us) but I think it really affected the character and it's partly the reason why I think Bo-Katan stood out over him that season.

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It never occurred to me that anyone other than Pedro was on screen. And I still thought this season sucked.


The main issue for me is that nothing of value really happened or was explored. I didn't feel at the end of the show that I had been on any kind of journey in terms of the characters or the world or the plot. Season 1 and Book of Boba, I was soaking in new characters and places and learning new things about the universe. Season 2 I was invested in the plot. Neither of these things was the case for season 3.

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wow wow wow what a surprise!! :)

Disney has officially announced that it will release on 4K Blu-ray and Blu-ray The Mandalorian: The Complete First Season and The Mandalorian: The Complete Second Season. The four releases are scheduled to arrive on the market on December 12.

The Mandalorian: The Complete First and Second Season 4K


Posted August 21, 2023 06:25 PM by





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