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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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5 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Hey Empire, should I go find your quotes of when you were outright calling me and some others morons for not thinking this would open to 150m+, or 180m+, or whatever ridiculous number you were pushing as being confirmed?


Still might. We have no proof this will be anywhere near as front-loading as the first weekend of episode 7

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Just now, YSLDC said:


Am I missing something? Rogue One is locked for 150+ 

Please tell me how when previews are estimated to be around 30m? You realize that is 50-55% of TFA's? A 150M OW would give it a 60% share of TFA's OW. Certainly still a possibility, but far far from a lock. 

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Declarative statements ahoy!  


I think its likely gonna open to 150m+


I don't think WOM/repeat value is gonna be on the level of TFA.


I think it will finish around 500m


I wanted it to beat that dumb smurf movie for the lulz but a spinoff was gonna need glowing reviews to have any shot at that.


Lord Rian Johnson will deliver next year



Edited by Ozymandias
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The movie?


See it on the biggest screen you can.  


The last act is amazing.


The other 2 acts are still good.  I think people are downgrading them a little because their tone is a little different then the last act which overshadows them.


Plenty of kids ( teens and pre-teens ) seemed to enjoy it just fine.


I don't think it is as re-watchable as TFA but WOM will be just fine.  I felt really pumped when it was over.   Easily over 3 even with a big opening.


Sucks there was no opening crawl... I really missed it.



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2 minutes ago, Bonenash said:



If he wants to pull 150m 180m 200M  for his or her prediction let him alone .... The film could surprise us in a good way or open just to 130m whatever will be it's just talking about box office people it's not the end of the world.. Have your priority change Movieman...

Maybe you weren't very active here this past week to knwo, but Empire was being a total ass about how the pre-sales proved there was no way this could open sub 150m and it was highly likely to eclipse BvS and Civil War's OWs. Some of us disagreed and he told us we were ignorant. Now he wants to come in and try to shit all over my opinion of the film because of his own insecurity for being smug over a weekend number that very well might not happen. 

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17 minutes ago, Porthos said:

For what it's worth, even though there were a bunch of pissed off folks because of the film stopping twice, there was healthy applause at my IMAX showing at the end.  As long as we're pulling out that card, I might as well play mine.



My audience laughed at just about everything K-2SO and Yen's character said. And, yes, there was applause at the end. Sure it wasn't some standing ovation but it was a decent enough amount of the audience. 

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Well, back when the RT reviews came in I said that this movie was divisive. It was quite apparent to me, and I think the average score of the movie vs the RT score attest to that, as well as the numerous critics who called it a turd vs the critics who said it might just be the best Star Wars movie yet.


And now... seeing the reactions of people in this thread (and others) on what they thought of the movie --


I think I was right :ph34r: This movie sure is divisive, more than you would expect a blockbuster Star Wars movie to be anyway



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2 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Do you follow my reactions to films often here? I'm probably one of the most bi-polar posters when it comes to what I think of marketing vs what I think of the actual film. I have to swallow my words all the time about a movie I thought I would hate or love from the marketing, and then it turns out my reaction is a 180 of that. If I liked R1, this forum would certainly have been informed. 



We ll see when it will end :) Maybe he was right maybe he was wrong only 2 ways.


But plez if he was right  will you congrats him by saying he was right and you were wrong? will be kind .


Whatever it will be it's a win for Disney again and as Lordmandeep was saying the movie will play very good in the daily holidays.

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So yea, we ended up with 45.9M in previews. Not expecting a crazy 278M weekend like with TFA. But somewhere around the 180-200M mark is plausible.


oh right, and I loved the movie :P not gonna go too too in depth but really I only had a few minor flaws in some

of the editing (mainly in the sound) as well as a few... Special effects

Edited by DAJK
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The Transformers and Power Rangers trailers at my showing got the kind of laughs and sniggers that I don't think they were going for. Logan and Spider-Man trailers got decentish reactions, and the Guardians trailer went over like gangbusters. There was a Cars 3 trailer and one or two others, but they didn't seem to make any impression one way or the other.

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9 minutes ago, junkshop36 said:


My audience laughed at just about everything K-2SO and Yen's character said. And, yes, there was applause at the end. Sure it wasn't some standing ovation but it was a decent enough amount of the audience. 


Yes, even my disgruntled annoyed audience laughed at the right bits and and reacted as the film suggested they should react when important stuff happened.


I think kids older than, oh lets say 12 should be fine.  Maybe even 10 if they're mature enough, but that's probably pushing it.  But, of course, parents know their kids better than any of us do.


If a film can mostly win over a crowd that had to sit through 20 to 30 minutes of stoppages, it should be fine overall.


Some people will hate it.   Random distribution suggests that some whole theater rooms will either hate it or react underwhelming.  But for the most part it's legs should be fine.


Not otherworldly.  Not four quadrant appeal.  But there should be enough repeat business and there should be enough good WOM to ensure a successful run.


Won't get 100% approval, but we pretty much knew that as of a few days ago.

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28 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

LOL you crack me up dude. You've been pushing this weird Godzilla agenda forever. At least you're consistent, I guess. I don't know what it had anything to do with that. I wouldn't have known the same director made the two movies unless I read that. I doubt audiences will know or care.


By the way I assume it's not a spoiler if it was in the trailer, thus please excuse my Chirrut is blind comment as I think everyone already understood that from the trailers :P 


I will say it makes me laugh when I think of how Star Wars fans think of a dark movie versus if you try to use any facts about each movie... doesn't play out so well with reality. I think most fans saw ESB when they were 6, so it was "very dark" compared to either ANH or ROTJ in their minds, because the good guys win in the end for ANH and ROTJ. There's a problem with that, though, ESB is only dark in tone. The events are, meh, not light, not exactly that dark. It's still literally the only Star Wars movie where nobody significant dies. Oh my god no Luke loses a hand and has it replaced immediately by a hand that looks and functions identically! Horrible loss, that. Granted he's a "bad guy," but even in AOTC Jango Fett dies and some good Jedi die, in TPM Qui-Gon dies which is a big deal considering he was the film's main character, and in ROTS everyone dies pretty much, then in ANH Obi-Wan dies, a central figure to the saga as a whole. In ROTJ Yoda dies, who is my favorite character from the saga, so does Anakin (which is bitter sweet at that point in time, since he's revealed to be more of a sad tragic figure than the ultimate personification of evil -- which is actually the emperor), and in TFA Han dies, one of the most beloved characters. 


Without spoiling Rogue One, let's just say ESB still remains on paper, not in tone, the least dark Star Wars movie. The heroes all have their feelings hurt and yearn for a safe space to get away from the trigger words that Vader uttered. Boy, what a dark movie! Nah, ROGUE ONE is a dark movie. It was damn awesome, though, and yeah I see why everyone is saying the final act is amazing. Still though, general impression, no spoilers, you need the setup of the first half of the movie, first 2/3 of the movie, to get to that awesome part. I loved it all, and felt the tone and look was fantastic. I guess specifically that it feels like it fits right in there with ANH and the OT, like it has that sense of scale and visual style. 

Dude. A movie's 'darkness' isn't solely measured by its death count. People don't claim A New Hope is a darker movie than the Dark Knight because more people died on Alderaan than in the Joker's rampage. There are a lot of factors that make a movie dark. ESB ends with the bad guys clearly winning, with Luke suffering both major physical (showing that the hero not invincible, whether or not he gets a robot hand later) and psychological trauma from, you know, learning a) Obi Wan lied to him and b ) his father is one of the biggest mass murderers in the galaxy (but obviously only an SJW trigger could be bothered by something like that. :rolleyes:) Plus the Empire is almost relentlessly on our heroes (or at least Han + Leia) from beginning to end, in a way that doesn't feel as present in other movies. ESB is dark for a large number of reasons that the other movies don't share. Bodycount isn't everything.


That said, Rogue One is probably a darker movie than ESB. Not necessarily a better one, mind, just darker.

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11 minutes ago, DAJK said:

So yea, we ended up with 45.9M in previews. Not expecting a crazy 278M weekend like with TFA. But somewhere around the 180-200M mark is plausible.


oh right, and I loved the movie :P not gonna go too too in depth but really I only had a few minor flaws in some

of the editing (mainly in the sound) as well as a few... Special effects


45.9 in previews? Wtf, am I reading that right?

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