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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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1 hour ago, JonathanLB said:


I agree. That was exactly the problem! Movies should be about something special. We don't need movies about ordinary people doing ordinary things. It has no place in cinema. By that logic we should just make movies about our neighbors because "everyone has a story." Well fuck that's fascinating! I mean hmm Gladiator about a guy who seeks ultimate revenge and slays the emperor or... a movie about a guy who starts bar fights and struggles with alcoholism and spends the movie hanging out with his brother's kid. Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmmm this is a tough one! And people wonder why movies like this make no money?! People take one look at that plot description and say hell no.

I've said it before we need both types of films.  


Just curious what's your take on documentary films?  Because many of those follow seemingly ordinary people but can be just as fascinating as any fictional film.

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Manchester by the Sea was 






And I am sick of this 'Oh we are all special flowers in the world, mundane shit is so beautiful to watch, it needs a 2 hours 17 minutes to talk about it" movies.


Let's have 1h50  footage of the most mundane stuff you can think of and film it, and pretend it s some sort of grandiose fillmmaking.


And I thought the gimmick Lonegan use for the BIG reveal of the movie was despicable in every way. 


I blame Richard Linklater for this horeshit trend.


The movie also felt like  a parody to me since it features basically all the worst miseries you can experience in life.




I shit you not, what the family members of the young kid experience is less likely to happen than a skybeam from an alien race appearing tomorrow in the New-York skyline.


Casy Affleck's character should have been euthanized at the end of the  movie, it would have made sense.

His sad "Oscah" puppy face was starting to get seriously on my nerves.



Other than that, yes, Manchester by The Sea is such grandiose and gifted filmmaking it would be a masterclass for Coppola, Scorcese, Spielberg, Fincher, Leone and Cameron.







Edited by The Futurist
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1 minute ago, DAR said:

I've said it before we need both types of films.  


Just curious what's your take on documentary films?  Because many of those follow seemingly ordinary people but can be just as fascinating as any fictional film.


I haven't seen too many documentaries, have any good recommendations for me? Among ones that come to mind I really liked, Startup.com was fantastic, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room was very good, obviously I enjoyed Super Size Me, Religulous is a favorite of mine, and I'm drawing a blank on a few I saw the last year. I feel like I've seen VERY few bad documentaries. I don't know why, but they usually seem to be well done.


I don't find most awards movies lately interesting or good and I'm just dumbfounded by the attention. It's like movie fans who love spectacle and great stories and characters have been left behind. Gone are the days of a Taxi Driver or Goodfellas getting all of the attention and in come the Boyhoods and Manchesters of the world. Just not my cup of tea.

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3 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Manchester by the Sea was 






And I am sick of this 'Oh we are all special flowers in the world, mundane shit is so beautiful to watch, it needs a 2 hours 17 minutes to talk about it" movies.


Let's have 1h50  footage of the most mundane stuff you can think of and film it, and pretend it s some sort of grandiose fillmmaking.


And I thought the gimmick Lonegan use for the BIG reveal of the movie was despicable in every way. 


I blame Richard Linklater for this horeshit trend.


The movie also felt like  a parody to me since it features basically all the worst miseries you can experience in life.




I shit you not, what the family members of the young kid experience is less likely to happen than a skybeam from an alien race appearing tomorrow in the New-York skyline.


Casy Affleck's character should have been euthanized at the end of the  movie, it would have made sense.

His sad "Oscah" puppy face was starting to get seriously on my nerves.








A million times yes!! So glad someone else gets it. Thank you! 

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3 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:


I haven't seen too many documentaries, have any good recommendations for me? Among ones that come to mind I really liked, Startup.com was fantastic, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room was very good, obviously I enjoyed Super Size Me, Religulous is a favorite of mine, and I'm drawing a blank on a few I saw the last year. I feel like I've seen VERY few bad documentaries. I don't know why, but they usually seem to be well done.


I don't find most awards movies lately interesting or good and I'm just dumbfounded by the attention. It's like movie fans who love spectacle and great stories and characters have been left behind. Gone are the days of a Taxi Driver or Goodfellas getting all of the attention and in come the Boyhoods and Manchesters of the world. Just not my cup of tea.


Tickled and Weiner are both great. Also it's funny to use their titles in the same sentence. 

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24 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:


I haven't seen too many documentaries, have any good recommendations for me? Among ones that come to mind I really liked, Startup.com was fantastic, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room was very good, obviously I enjoyed Super Size Me, Religulous is a favorite of mine, and I'm drawing a blank on a few I saw the last year. I feel like I've seen VERY few bad documentaries. I don't know why, but they usually seem to be well done.


I don't find most awards movies lately interesting or good and I'm just dumbfounded by the attention. It's like movie fans who love spectacle and great stories and characters have been left behind. Gone are the days of a Taxi Driver or Goodfellas getting all of the attention and in come the Boyhoods and Manchesters of the world. Just not my cup of tea.

Weiner was very good.  Grizzly Man is beyond words.  If you have HBO now the Paradise Lost trilogy is pretty compelling(might be in Amazon prime). Going Clear is good too.

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6 hours ago, The Futurist said:

Manchester by the Sea was 






And I am sick of this 'Oh we are all special flowers in the world, mundane shit is so beautiful to watch, it needs a 2 hours 17 minutes to talk about it" movies.


Let's have 1h50  footage of the most mundane stuff you can think of and film it, and pretend it s some sort of grandiose fillmmaking.


And I thought the gimmick Lonegan use for the BIG reveal of the movie was despicable in every way. 


I blame Richard Linklater for this horeshit trend.


The movie also felt like  a parody to me since it features basically all the worst miseries you can experience in life.




I shit you not, what the family members of the young kid experience is less likely to happen than a skybeam from an alien race appearing tomorrow in the New-York skyline.


Casy Affleck's character should have been euthanized at the end of the  movie, it would have made sense.

His sad "Oscah" puppy face was starting to get seriously on my nerves.



Other than that, yes, Manchester by The Sea is such grandiose and gifted filmmaking it would be a masterclass for Coppola, Scorcese, Spielberg, Fincher, Leone and Cameron.










Lmao why are you making it sound like it's completely improbable?

His kids die in a fire and years later his middle aged brother dies of a heart problem. This shit happens. In fact it was in the news a couple weeks ago 




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Seen for the 2nd time last night, this time in 4DX and enjoyed it much more :)

Humor worked a bit more this time around and I liked the characters a bit more (I was pretty tired the first time I saw it, so everybody, go see it a few times at least :D )

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1 hour ago, The Futurist said:


Yup, and the first Star Wars, story wise, had absolutely no originality in its bones whatsoever, it just added spacehips & lightsabers to tropes and clichés that existed for thousands of years in every form of storytellng thus far : oral, songs, poems, books & films.


The lack of originality of Star Wars  was even the premise of the whole damn thing since that s what Lucas had been fascinated with his entire youth.


Exactly, and I say this as a HUGE fan of SW:ANH.

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6 hours ago, Poseidon said:

Aren't early matinees owned by seniors, too? 
With RO skewing very old, this could be a factor there. 

haha, it skews older than you might have thought, but less than e.g. Doctor Strange's audience splits.


5 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Lmao, Rogue One leaked online already. Not a cam recorded version either. CW all over again.

I hope they put the person into jail for a long time, I hate such kind of people.


5 hours ago, jandrew said:

My showing didn't get claps, it got applause. I'm serious. It was actually beautiful.

How did your Mother react?


5 hours ago, Highever said:

As for Rey being... very advanced for someone without much training. This is a very common sentiment throughout the Star Wars fan community


out of another post: Rey displayed Force abilities and combat prowess with a lightsaber, untrained. ...and some other post...

In my experience: only counting for a rather small percentage...

She is't yet even a middle able sword fighter, analysing her development steps, the fights, she 'won' better: managed one counter, not the fight.


1. Kylo was overly confident against a 'normalo' as he thought at the beginning, was

2. a bit shattered/not stable based on the kill he just did and

3. angry emotions..., and

4. based on the surprise as he realised her having 'it' too (a bit like a child is distracted whilst exploring something new, hindered also by additional to the anger strong emotions) and

5. tried to get her to join his side. He never found his inner balance point.

6. His people skills are really bad, no instinct yet. Hence he was busy catching up, instead of reacting more natural to an unexpected / new kind of opponent. Plus

7. he is way more injured than she is.

8. him being far away from being ready also = big part

For him speaks: he might have more explicit training (mentally too focused on expected moves and worse, not 100% clear in mind), against him: she had years of real fights on him = a huge difference and as such a huge plus on her side.

9. In addition she started to belief into her possibilities. To let down the inner stops/breaks, based on conventions, clichés, doubts,.. can cause huge steps in results. Even surprise the person itself happening to (in most cases even)

10. Kylo will have also have had a down after the multiple adrenaline rushs are starting to break down (as she will have too to go through)


Acrobat like: what might even explain her falling outcome.


linguist = It seems not to be uncommon in the Star Wars World to learn a least the basic of the mechanical languages (term?), again, she has a lot more reason to know those, as she lives from harvesting them, living alone also can further that.


other Luke comparisons:

She is in comparison to Luke way more trained as a fighter, survivor in rough conditions, and in a way also a kind of acrobat with years of training, plus a staff fighter. To go from a staff to a sword is far less a step as to go from farmer to sword fights plus... see Luke. Luke was sheltered, had family to support him, she not = she has a real reason to be what we here call a street fighter, but also a staff fighter. (Btw, me female and actually know a bit about street fighting.... (did that till ~ 30y back))


Two group of arguments are IMHO not o.K. or not yet:

1. you state you know that people working on the films are concerned about certain things. You will never know what another person thinks as a whole picture, even if someone really stated that.

Not only are such e.g. tweets (if at all have happened) usually out of context = we do not know which little detail he/she thought about, or not longer counting, but mostly twisted and/or shortened quotes. Including journalists often tweaking their articles for click-baiting or... and as such often out of proportion. In the end you think they are concerned, but you do not know it for sure.

2. to use examples / details for comparisons out of later films too, before the actual trilogy isn't fully released = :rolleyes:


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 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is now looking to punch the hyperspace button toward a $155.7Mweekend opening after a $46.25M Saturday, which is down 35% from the pic’s $71M Friday 



If Fri and Sat estimates hold, needs an 18.5% Sunday drop to get 155

71.05 + 46.25 + 37.7 (-18.5%) = 155

2.9x will give it about 450 with 155 ow. Considering it's December, that could be the low end.

3.3x would give close to 512.

Splitting the diff, 3.1x gives 481 (5 short of Dory)


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