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DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS | 05.06.2022 | Disney | 4th Most Profitable Movie of 2022

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Not really, Feige himself said in the premiere today that it's Sylvie/Loki unleashed the multiverse because Sylvie killed Kang/HWR, otherwise, NWH and MoM wouldn't exist. The last episode was a bit cheesy and dragging because of that pull-push romance arc between 2 Loki(s)

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Still, those shows are nothing compared to WandaVision. I'm happy for the people who got something out of it, but I don't understand why people say it's the best show and I never will. It was just a nonsensical smorgasbord of ideas and characters thrown together with an unfunny framing device, with an utterly atrocious final episode in all respects IMO. Teyonah Parris and Kathryn Hahn deserved better. A good chunk of my excitement for this movie is just to see the Multiverse plot done properly.

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4 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Yes i do think the production of TV shows should slow down a bit to focus a bit more on the movies again because many of these shows are unnecessary, and obviously is my opinion what else should be? We have very different views of what a meltdown is. 


But anyway this discussion isn't relevant so anyway, back on topic, 84% with 58 reviews (6.9 average)



Except for What If? every show either introduced new characters or evolved some more underused characters.

Even FatWS introduced US Agent, Madripoor, the Broker and solidified Falcon's right to be the next Cap. We don't know yet how important all that stuff will be. And that was the weakest show imo and I still think it was important.

I think those additions to flesh out characters will make the movies much better for fans. If they manage to connect them.

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5 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Yes i do think the production of TV shows should slow down a bit to focus a bit more on the movies again because many of these shows are unnecessary, and obviously is my opinion what else should be? We have very different views of what a meltdown is. 


But anyway this discussion isn't relevant so anyway, back on topic, 84% with 58 reviews (6.9 average)



Oh I agree.


Personal taste, I’m not big on the Disney plus shows minus Wandavision. Falcon&WS, Loki, Hawkeye, and Moonknight all have ATROCIOUS pacing.

I almost bailed on Moonknight, but Oscar Isaac is crazy good in it. Master class of acting.

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14 minutes ago, Eric Strange said:

Loki and Falcon & Winter Soldier have some of the most glacially atrocious pacing I've ever seen. You could turn both of those shows into 2.5 hour movies and nothing would be compromised or lost. Don't know if it's because Papa Feige has no clue how to make TV shows or what, but it's frankly ridiculous.


IMO, it's because those are TV movies stretched into a series so that respective stars wouldn't feel slighted if they got a TV movie instead of a solo theatrical one. TV movie has always been considered below TV show and theatrical movie. Perhaps unfairly but we are talking about a big ego business so...

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Also it's funny that people think the long runtime on FatWS was the problem, when it was the opposite. The biggest problem of that show was that they had to cut a lot of Flagsmashers stuff because of Covid and the whole storyline was just bad because of that.


And I have no idea where you see bad pacing in Hawkeye tbh.

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For what it's worth, if it wasn't for the references to a bunch of TV shows and comic books I don't have any fucking idea about, I'd actually say the reviews from critics I trust on this are the most exciting for the MCU in this phase.

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1 minute ago, fabiopazzo2 said:

You dont talk about The CW right?

Does it matter anyway? He seems to be a troll. I mean you can not like some or all of those shows but there is no way that you can argue with a straight face that WandaVision, FatWS, Hawkeye, Moon Knight are the same.

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4 minutes ago, Inuyaki said:

Does it matter anyway? He seems to be a troll. I mean you can not like some or all of those shows but there is no way that you can argue with a straight face that WandaVision, FatWS, Hawkeye, Moon Knight are the same.

Yeah i see no logic in his post

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kinda more excited after reading some of the reviews. i’m a big fan of wacky, messy creative departures in the mcu (gotg2 is my favorite of them all) so i think i’m gonna be all over this.


but also, no trademark formula = morbius WOM, thinking 150/300 as of rn:sarah:

Edited by Eevin
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