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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 | May 5, 2023 | The 9th most profitable film of 2023

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6 hours ago, scytheavatar said:


The reality is that the most positivity received characters post Endgame are at best B list characters rather than C list characters like Shuri....... trying to make a Shang Chi 2 is basically Shazam 2 happening all over again. Shang Chi was just an ok MCU film. It was a cookie cutter MCU film that's reasonably well executed, that's enough to make it the best post Endgame MCU film. But is it enough to make it deserve a sequel? I don't think it is, and the exact same can be said about films like Shazam and the first Fantastic Beast. It is a bit delusional to pretend your Shang Chi/Yelena/Agatha are such great characters that they should be milked like cows and appear everywhere like Tony Stark.


1) "My" (lists characters)? Im referring to what were broadly the best perceived characters since Endgame. Unless you disagree with this assertion I'm not sure what you're point is in making this personal.


2) I'm not sure what your actual point is here: are you advocating to just end the MCU? Are you saying the only thing the MCU can do is have XMen/Fantastic 4 films? Or do you think what the MCU is currently doing is working really well?


3) "Milked and appear everywhere like Tony Stark" Tony Stark wasn't particularly famous in 2007. It's easy to forget this. I realise that to a comic book fan or someone who delves deeper there are such things as B and C and D tier characters. But in popular film there aren't particularly. It's much closer to a binary: There are characters that producers can assume that the average punter knows about.....which for Marvel were Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk and to a much lesser degree Captain America. And then there is basically everyone else. And everyone else is close to the same level and it's a matter of how well you can bolster them up.


4) "Just an OK film" - I mean, unless we're at cross purposes here the MCU generally aspires to "just OK films" in terms of quality. OK films done right in popular brands and established franchises are hugely successful. Unless you sincerely believe there are any A-grade Marvel films, which I certainly don't despite mostly enjoying the MCU. B/B+ is still the best they've ever realistically got. And those Bs include Shang Chi and Wandavision.


5) The first Fantastic Beasts did easily enough to make a sequel. The problem was that the first film had a dud reveal at the end and the sequel, partially as a result of that dud reveal's consequences, was poor. I'm not sure why you think that's a comparison. Shazam doesn't work either since the reaction to the first was lukewarm and it was always dissonant to the rest of what DC was doing. Plus the box office performance of the sequel to Shazam can't be evaluated as a comparison since the studio threw all their current projects under the bus with the reboot that renders them all pointless anyway.


6) Which A list characters would you focus around? Bear in mind Thor, Hawkeye, Deadpool, Guardians etc are only "A tier" characters because of the films lifting them up and doing that in the way you *don't* think they should do with Yelena/Shang-Chi/Wanda. The average Joe on the street before the MCU had all equally heard of none of them.

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46 minutes ago, RobrtmanAStarWarsReference said:

This isn't going under Ant-Man 3 unless it's unwatchable lmao


I woudnt underestimate how much damage the last few superhero movies (and Ant-Man 3 in particular) have done to the CBM/Marvel films' perception among the GA and the fans as well. I personally just dont feel like there is any real excitement for future Marvel films compared to the hype from pre-Endgame times (with No Way Home and probably also MoM as outliers).


GOTG Vol 3 imo is a true test of the state and standing of the MCU in the present. If it only opens in the 100-120M range despite (presumably) getting very good reviews, that would be a very troubling sign for Disney/Marvel going forward and Phase 4 could (and imo should) be seen as a misfire that Marvel needs to learn from fast before its really too late to win back the big crowds. 


All in my opinion ofc.

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28 minutes ago, Jeight said:

Every suggestion i see here regarding marvels future storytelling makes me really glad no one here has any say in it. Hilariously bad


Literally the closest anyone has come to talking about Marvel's future (or rather alternative) storytelling was just me writing once that they could have left more flexibility to benefit from more popular characters, and that was with reference to that being exactly what they did in Phase 1. Nobody has said anything else and nobody at all has said anything about the future from here.


Is this 'hilariously bad' for some reason? Or are there loads of posts hidden from me? Or is this just a piece of classic internetting of just pretending that other people have said whatever you want them to have said so that you can act condescending towards it?

Edited by Ipickthiswhiterose
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Just now, Brainbug said:


I woudnt underestimate how much damage the last few superhero movies (and Ant-Man 3 in particular) have done to the CBM/Marvel films' perception among the GA and the fans as well. I personally just dont feel like there is any real excitement for future Marvel films compared to the hype from pre-Endgame times (with No Way Home and probably also MoM as outliers).



This right here is spot on. NWH had the hype, MoM did, I would argue Thor also did. But given 2 of those 3 didn´t deliver in the eyes of the audience and Ant-Man 3 also arguably being the worst MCU movie the hype seems dead in the fandom aswell. Besides Deadpool 3 I don´t think there´s any real hype right now. Which is why Vol 3 is so important. Marvel will never reach Phase 3 levels consistently again, but if they want to earn good money consistently on every movies this movie needs to deliver big time. This all slowing down from Marvel is good but it might be to late if they don´t deliver on those projects that´s already filmed.


It´s Gunn´s movie to save the future of the MCU and the genre in general. Don´t think enough emphasis have been made on the horrible year of 2022 the genre had. We had 6 CBM´s and only 2 of them got good reviews and audience score. Ofc some movies will always have hype, say a Spider-Man etc but this genre desperately needs good movies the audiences really like. We are at the point where more movies are made in the genre but the quality has fallen hard.

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14 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

its presales are around 70% of Ant 3 at this point. 

Yup. Guardians needs good reviews to land in Antman range at this point.


This is why I'm fascinated by the performance, because I think people are going to really struggle with reconciling a Guardians performing so much worse than other films. It should be the safest franchise within the MCU.


The outlook for Marvels, Captain America and Thunderbolts is going to be bleak.

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22 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


I woudnt underestimate how much damage the last few superhero movies (and Ant-Man 3 in particular) have done to the CBM/Marvel films' perception among the GA and the fans as well. I personally just dont feel like there is any real excitement for future Marvel films compared to the hype from pre-Endgame times (with No Way Home and probably also MoM as outliers).


GOTG Vol 3 imo is a true test of the state and standing of the MCU in the present. If it only opens in the 100-120M range despite (presumably) getting very good reviews, that would be a very troubling sign for Disney/Marvel going forward and Phase 4 could (and imo should) be seen as a misfire that Marvel needs to learn from fast before its really too late to win back the big crowds. 


All in my opinion ofc.

An OW Under Antman2 would be a disaster 

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I mean, Wakanda Forever had hype too. It opened to 180M+ DOM and finished at 455M~ DOM. That was the last MCU movie that seemingly delivered for the masses. Vol. 3 appears to be having its hype dampened a bit by the recent Ant-man and, maybe even, Shazam. But, really, the more cosmic MCU stuff like Strange 2, Thor 4 and Ant-man 3 (especially) leaving viewers a bit flat.


That said, if it opens to around 115M and legs it out to 300M+, I don't necessary think that that's a bad thing given it would've restored some faith in the MCU brand.


For the Marvel humor got stale 10 movies ago people... This is James Gunn humor. It's in his stuff before Guardians. It's in his Suicide Squad movie. It's in his Peacemaker series. This isn't the junk they forced into other MCU stuff that didn't work. 


What's funny about this MCU, DC or superhero movie restart or whatever people are referencing... I don't know. I get that Avatar and Top Gun and Mario broke out enormously but what are these other movies doing these numbers recently...


Shang Chi 225M DOM

The Batman 370M DOM

Strange 2 410M DOM

Thor 4 345M DOM

Black Panther 2 455M DOM


...Ant-man 3 is definitely the big drop and, I guess, failure. Shazam is the unquestioned failure too... Much worse than Ant-man. But, again, what are these other movies other than Avatar, Top Gun and Mario and, I guess, Rise of Gru that are stepping up with 300M+ grossers? Are we confident that Transformers and Barbie and Mission Impossible and Elementals and Indy will coast to 300M+? Also, there ain't gonna be another Indy for a while. Jurrassic Park is on hiatus for a bit so we're not gonna see huge numbers there. Will next Kong and Godzilla flick do 300M+? Or, even, 250M+? Will Fast X break out and do even 200M+ next month?

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In terms of summer movies, would anyone be surprised if Spider-verse, Flash and Guardians are 3 of the top 5 or 6 DOM earners? 


I think the big think is maybe pull back on the oversaturation (primarily referencing MCU here) and the superhero stuff can still make nice mint for a few more years but obviously not it was making in that 2008 through 2022 boom. But, still, likely more than similarly priced blockbusters. Focus on quality not quantity and people will still see them until it completely dries up a few years from now.


I think it's good that Guardians and Spider-verse and Flash are all very different movies stylistically too. Should allow each to feel somewhat fresh.

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1 minute ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

In terms of summer movies, would anyone be surprised if Spider-verse, Flash and Guardians are 3 of the top 5 or 6 DOM earners? 


I think the big think is maybe pull back on the oversaturation (primarily referencing MCU here) and the superhero stuff can still make nice mint for a few more years but obviously not it was making in that 2008 through 2022 boom. But, still, likely more than similarly priced blockbusters. Focus on quality not quantity and people will still see them until it completely dries up a few years from now.


I think it's good that Guardians and Spider-verse and Flash are all very different movies stylistically too. Should allow each to feel somewhat fresh.


I'm coming around to the thinking Spidey will win DOM.  I'm not as certain of the other 2 supers performance, although I'm coming around strongly to the thinking of under $300M for GOTG 3 when prior to Ant Man 3 and the Kang mess, I was in the around $400M camp.

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2 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:


I'm coming around to the thinking Spidey will win DOM.  I'm not as certain of the other 2 supers performance, although I'm coming around strongly to the thinking of under $300M for GOTG 3 when prior to Ant Man 3 and the Kang mess, I was in the around $400M camp.

Yes... So it's possible superhero (which many are saying is played out) and multiverse (which many are saying is played out) will win the summer? I agree. I think Flash will do very, very well too though... Novelty of Keaton and other DCEU characters popping up in it should help it break out a bit.

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