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That One Girl

Weak-end Thread | Hitman's Bodyguard 21.6M; Annabelle 15.5M; Logan Lucky 8M; Dunkirk 6.7M | Wonder Woman beats Spider-Man and is now at 404M

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My favorite movie of the year is still John Wick. I need to finally watch something cool I'm sure I'll be all over like Nocturama or whatever the latest Hong Sang-soo joint is (I think he put out three this year already?) so I can claim it as #1 and regard most other people here as the casuals they are.

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my #1 would be game of thrones because have you guys noticed that Game of Thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days? that's right, i know i'm the first to say it but think about it... game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days! I'm not ashamed to say that game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days. truly we are living in a time when HBO's game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days. I think Hollywood does need to step up it's game because Game of Thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days!

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6 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Real talk though: The Leftovers, Twin Peaks, Master of None, and Better Call Saul are better than any film released this year. Step up your game, Hollywood.

It was incredible that there were nights where American Gods, Twin Peaks, and The Leftovers would all be airing. 

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12 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

my #1 would be game of thrones because have you guys noticed that Game of Thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days? that's right, i know i'm the first to say it but think about it... game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days! I'm not ashamed to say that game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days. truly we are living in a time when HBO's game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days. I think Hollywood does need to step up it's game because Game of Thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days!

Oh you're not, people say that every week when the Sunday drops are higher than expected due to the 'GOT effect'.


Edit: I think I missed the joke haha

Edited by m3racer123
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2 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

Don't forget Fargo and The Americans. 

I'd be with you on Fargo if the ending didn't completely shit the bed. The cast was A+ though, especially MEW :cloud9: 

The Americans dropped off a lot in quality this season. It wouldn't necessarily call it bad, but not a whole lot happened.

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15 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

my #1 would be game of thrones because have you guys noticed that Game of Thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days? that's right, i know i'm the first to say it but think about it... game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days! I'm not ashamed to say that game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days. truly we are living in a time when HBO's game of thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days. I think Hollywood does need to step up it's game because Game of Thrones is more cinematic than most of the movies these days!


Luckily Inhumans is coming up to make sure no one has any issues with what their #1 cinematic experience of the year will be :thinking: 

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50 minutes ago, Nova said:

I mean it's true. No one has seen Logan Lucky so it's clearly something that only happens in dreams. 

This is an excellent movie, it's ashamed Soderbergh decided to hide LL from most of the public just to prove a point.

The inept marketing is focus on low populated areas and the box office is showing this.

Edited by HenryMeyers20
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3 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Er, ok BOM


September 1 Theaters

Tulip Fever   Moderate

i don't know about them but my case of TULIP FEVER is the strongest fever i've ever had. nothing moderate about it. SEPTEMBER 1ST FACE THE FEVER

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