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10 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

Comcast buying them would be more likely to result in fewer movies being released and the end to Searchlight.  Universal unlike Disney already releases 20+ movies a year and also has Focus (another 8-10 films a year) for it's prestige label.  


WB has already absorbed Newline and under Kevin T. they're actively shrinking their schedule - going from 27 films 2 years ago to 18 this year.


There were other reasons Disney got rid of Miramax - and we're seeing part of it the news.  They had too much autonomy, Weisntein was a horror to work with and to try to control even financially and the break finally happened after years of clashes and Eisner leaving.


If Disney wasn't interested in those kind of movies post Weinsten they wouldn't have set up the Dreamworks deal with Speilberg (Warhorse, Bridge of Spies etc) .  But  that didn't work out since by then Disney was moving toward not just blockbusters but full control of it's releases.


Since a major part of this deal is content then they'd be more likely to expand their slate than other major studios and they have the space to do so since their current slate while huge in B.O is small in quantity.  They didn't release a film this year between  June 16th and Nov.  


Yeah content...which they bought for their upcoming streaming service. 


If they wanted to put more stuff, specifically non-blockbusters, they would've. I hope you're right, but I'm cynical. 

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7 minutes ago, Chewy said:


Fair but approximately 90% of the discourse on this board is devoted to funny book movies so understandable that ppl want to direct this one specific conversation elsewhere

Makes sense. The larger implications are far more interesting than the effects on the X-men/Deadpool/etc. imo and I’ve learned more than I expected about movies and the industry since joining this forum. So I’m definitely all for more discussions outside of repeating the same things about comic book movies. I guess I just found the post I replied to unnecessarily rude...

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1 minute ago, RRA said:

Yeah content...which they bought for their upcoming streaming service. 


If they wanted to put more stuff, specifically non-blockbusters, they would've. I hope you're right, but I'm cynical. 

Films do better on streaming if they have a theatrical release.  Think of it as a long extended ad for continuous streaming.


I'm looking on the bright side because the other options frankly don't look that great.  Comcast and WB would be worse fits for Searchlight.  I don't think Paramount or Sony are in the position to buy and if they were Viacom/Paramount struggles enough with it's own reduced slate and Sony also has SPC.  AT&T already has it's eye on WB.  Which I guess leaves Apple or Verizon.  Apple wants Disney more thna Fox and that might happen if Disney doesn't get Fox.  So Verizon - but fuck them because they're almost 4 years late in installing Fios and are being sue by NYC for breaking their contract.  I don't trust them to run a studio and not just strip it for it's assets until it winds up like poor MGM.

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2 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

This is bad no matter what companies are being bought or sold. I don't care if it's Disney and Fox, Wal-Mart and Costco, Mastercard and Visa. Monopolies shouldn't exist. Mergers of this size shouldn't exist. Hell, companies the size of Disney shouldn't exist BEFORE this merger, frankly. And in terms of the actual two players involved, I think it's bad news for movies. Disney's live action movies are generally good, but they're also generally a formula - same kind of jokes and ensemble play and style across Marvel, Star Wars, POTC, the fantasy movies....they all feel the same. I don't want even more movies to feel the same. Same with TV, given FX's excellent content. And the biggest loss might be Fox Searchlight, which does terrific work and will not be allowed to make R rated films or anything edgy under Disney.


And not to sound like an ass, but I'm a grown up. I want at least some primarily adult aimed entertainment options. Disney does not provide that - that's their thing. You think something like Three Billboards or 12 Years a Slave or even Logan drops once Disney owns Fox? Not happening.

You guys might as well lock this thread after this post; it really sums up the whole situation perfectly.


Well written.


Edited by Arlborn
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If Disney does this, they should take their Marvel heroes, dump them into their Marvel universe, and leave the rest of 20th Century Fox be. If they truly care about the merit of the film industry, Disney will very simply be a mere parent company to Fox.


I do not want Disney to infringe on those interesting-sounding 2019 projects like The Force and The Call of the Wild. I want those films to be left be, and I want the Fox logo displayed for those films during their theatrical runs. At least, that's my perfect scenario.

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1 hour ago, cannastop said:

Worried about the whole movie business? I don't quite get that.

Okay. Can't quite help you, it bothers me, feels wrong, and I feel it can have long lasting ramifactions that are bad for the industry as a whole.


I know it's only feelings, but it's how I feel.

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I think the best case scenario is that Fox and Fox Searchlight turn into replacements for Touchstone and Miramax respectively. Seeing how Buena Vista had a few R-rated films in its Touchstone/Dreamworks deal, I still have faith that this won't affect the output of these studios that drastically, aside from maybe X-Men. 


If it does.....Focus Features and A24 won't be complaining. 

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I don't understand why some people are so invested in defending a company that they have no financial stake in, that has billions of dollars, and is just a purveyor of content, with natural mixed results within it. I just don't get white knighting for a billion dollar corporation, especially when tons of their employees get paid jack squat (I live in Florida - I KNOW how Disney treats park employees, and it ain't pretty). I'd be saying the same if it was defending Universal or whatever. I just ain't built like that. To each their own I guess. Seize the means of production imo.

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59 minutes ago, Mulder said:

I fully get the monopoly concerns about this but the thing is, haven't WB, Disney, Fox and to a lesser extent Universal already guaranteed that? Sony and Paramount have been struggling and Lionsgate is basically a minor distributor at this point. The bigger worry here is that with this Disney can clearly come out on top over it's equal competitors but if Fox was given to Comcast, wouldn't the same thing happen with Universal?

Monopoly and oligopoly are two different things. And yes, it would still be an oligopoly but a far less diverse one.


Thing is, one less major studio would be a sad outcome no matter who bought them, I think that's the point most people here are trying to make.

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Just now, Cmasterclay said:

I don't understand why some people are so invested in defending a company that they have no financial stake in, that has billions of dollars, and is just a purveyor of content, with natural mixed results within it. I just don't get white knighting for a billion dollar corporation, especially when tons of their employees get paid jack squat (I live in Florida - I KNOW how Disney treats park employees, and it ain't pretty). I'd be saying the same if it was defending Universal or whatever. I just ain't built like that. To each their own I guess. Seize the means of production imo.


Quite a few people here (and apparently all over the internet) are brand followers and nothing more. How else do you explain the crazed conspiratorial defenses of some shitty comic book movies? 

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Yeah Iger isn't leaving any time soon.  Also looks like the deal is $40b not $60b 



Iger Likely to Stay On as Disney CEO Past 2019 if Fox Deal Is Reached

Disney is in negotiations to acquire assets of 21st Century Fox valued at around $40 billion


I wonder if Alan Horn re-ups as well


This goes well beyond the movies though, there's also the TV studio and TV newtorks (national and international)




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9 minutes ago, ck5111 said:

Disney + Fox vs WB + AT&T


Day vs Night


Kiddie Conglomerate vs studio of Warner


Greatest Conglomerate Match in the history of the industry!

Disney vs. WB already is without adding Fox or AT&T into the mix. Universal just seems to be muscling into the party lately.

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10 minutes ago, The Shape of Pasta said:

I think the best case scenario is that Fox and Fox Searchlight turn into replacements for Touchstone and Miramax respectively. Seeing how Buena Vista had a few R-rated films in its Touchstone/Dreamworks deal, I still have faith that this won't affect the output of these studios that drastically, aside from maybe X-Men. 


If it does.....Focus Features and A24 won't be complaining. 


There's also Neon (ColossalIngrid Goes WestI, Tonya) quickly rising through the ranks with a lot of goodwill. Plus, Sony Pictures Classics, Roadside Attractions, and Bleecker Street will still be around.


And Paramount Pictures is taking strides to release quality original hits that clearly have artistic merit. Annihilation and A Quiet Place both have undeniable merit. The studio has already been testing the waters of originality to little fruition (mother!SuburbiconDownsizing), but if they get it right with their awesome-looking early 2018 releases, they could feel confident enough to go in a healthier direction than the Transformers-Transformers-Transformers direction.


So all is not lost just yet, especially if the likelihood of a complete shuttering of Fox Searchlight isn't even that high to begin with.

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