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3 minutes ago, Ryan Reynolds said:

i still thinks its overpraised, if Rian just gave the audience one payoff from TFA, reaction would be better, instead for better or worst Rian did his own thing

I dunno. The IMDB score feels pretty accurate as does the average score on RT. 

Via Deadline, last night:
"ComScore/Screen Engine reports a mindblowing five-out-of-five stars for the movie and a 90% overall positive with an 82% definite recommend. Forty five percent said that the Rian Johnson-directed movie came in above their expectations while close to 40% said they’ll the movie again in the theater. Huge. Older men over 25 came out in droves at 44% followed by females over 25 (24%), men under 25 (22%), and females under 25 (10%)."

I think it's just a very loud vocal minority who are complaining. I don't think you can ever satisfy all of the hardcore fan base.

Deadline isn't even reporting the Flixster numbers tonight but they might with the last update. It looks like Metacritic got targeted too with 493 negative reviews besting the 491 positive reviews.

With all the other polling, there's no way word of mouth is that bad.

Fandango, Atomtickets, IMDB, Comscore, Letterboxd (4.0) all say otherwise.

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Fuck, there's a huge group of kids behind me. Good thing they know I work here (I heard them whispering that that's why they gotta be quiet cause I'm gonna "kick them out") damn right I will if they try and ruin my Star Wars.


Ferdinand did our equivalent of about 4.6M today. Star Wars 104M give or take

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26 minutes ago, Apollo2xx said:

Just had a 2nd watch and I'm pleased to say that it was a much better experience. EVERYONE should give it a try.



PS: That RT audience score is ridiculous.

Yep, this is exactly what I was thinking as soon as I walked out of the movie. I need time to process it and I need to see it again. It was definitely different, which means as a hardcore Star Wars fan it can be distracting, so watching it a second time presents an opportunity to watch it having gotten that out of the way.

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5 minutes ago, a2knet said:

many negative reviews from rt audience i read seemed poised as such. some were throwing their toys out of the pram but many seem relatively thoughtful in voicing their discontent. i think the overall multiplier will give a better idea. tfa was 3.8x, RO was 3.4x. even as a sequel i don't think this should go below 3.2x unless wom's somewhat fragile.

Oh don't get me wrong, there's definitely people who have real issues with it and dislike it for personal reasons but a lot of the 1/2 star reviews aren't that. Those are meant to drive down the score and those are the fans attacking it. Some of the 1/2 reviews are from fans who are really let down but a lot are from reddit/4chan because they know that's the lowest they can rate it. A lot of people have admitted to signing up just to give it a 1/2 review.

The ones who are more thoughtful in their reviews are usually like 2 stars.

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5 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

Oh don't get me wrong, there's definitely people who have real issues with it and dislike it for personal reasons but a lot of the 1/2 star reviews aren't that. Those are meant to drive down the score and those are the fans attacking it. Some of the 1/2 reviews are from fans who are really let down but a lot are from reddit/4chan because they know that's the lowest they can rate it. A lot of people have admitted to signing up just to give it a 1/2 review.

The ones who are more thoughtful in their reviews are usually like 2 stars.

Also do you have to leave a review or can you drive-by-bomb it?  If the latter a lot of the negative reviews could be coming from drive-by-rankers.


I don't disagree that there are people with thoughtful or emotional arguments against it. There clearly are.


44% of the audience not liking it though?  THAT I find difficult to believe. For various reasons, including the reaction here. :)

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35 minutes ago, Ryan Reynolds said:

seems like similar reaction to STID, where hardcore fans hated it and general audience liked it. Just the fanbase for SW is huge compared to ST.

Yup, I learned every single hardcore fan HATES Into Darkness. It was an A+ to me, one of the best big blockbusters I’ve ever seen. But it messed with the precious fanboy characters or whatever. To me Star Trek was always dorky until JJ took over and made it cool. The first one was an A so Into Darkness being even better for me was an A+. Everyone I know loves it but that’s because I don’t know Hardcore Trek fans. I guess I can see why they wouldn’t like it, I guess, but it’s a great movie. 

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Maybe the younger audience has more of a problem with the movie (which is counter-intuitive as I think the 'purists' would be older ones) driving down online scores.

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1 minute ago, Porthos said:

Also do you have to leave a review or can you drive-by-bomb it?  If the latter a lot of the negative reviews could be coming from drive-by-rankers.

You usually have to leave a review and some of them are written fine but no explanation for 1/2 besides story choices. A lot of them are only a few sentences.

Few examples of half star reviews:

"I'm a long time Star Wars fan and I took my kids to see TLJ. It was horrible! I will never pay to watch another Star Wars movie again. The pacing was awful, the story was complete garbage and the CGI was laughable. A few people left the theater, during the quiet scenes people would openly scoff in bewilderment. I was going into this movie with decent expectations, not only was I disappointed I feel like the franchise I love is dead. Even my children and my teen son disliked it, words can not properly express how ripped off we all felt. Do yourself a favor and stay home!"

Yeah, sure all of this happened. A lot of times these guys will pose as families with kids to try to seem more legit. They usually contain overreactions about the audience. 

"I've never left a review for a movie before but I feel so compelled by just how absolutely horrible The Last Jedi was. It is an insult to the franchise and if this is a sign of where it's headed, I'm even more concerned."

"Many are calling The Last Jedi bold and fresh. If bold and fresh is undermining and delegitimizing character arcs with incessant jokes and one liners that rarely, if ever, land then I suppose The Last Jedi is "bold and fresh."

"I just can't even comment on how rian johnson just disregarded the lore, and added things that a little 5 year old would think is cool."

"Worst Star Wars movie by far! I left the theatre feeling dead inside and not wanting to watch any new Star Wars again. What a shame . . ."

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Disney/Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi earned its third straight A CinemaScore for the franchise since the Burbank, CA studio took ownership of the brand. Industry estimates project that Episode VIII directed by Rian Johnson will earn $100.4M tonight, easily the second best opening day after Force Awakens‘ $119M, and a three-day between $208M-$214M. It becomes wild to pinpoint for box office analysts, because when the grosses are this high, there’s little statistical evidence to support the projections. Some even think that Last Jedi can get to $220M. 


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2 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

What bone do the Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic users have to pick with this movie that IMDB and everyone else isn't doing? Are they attempting to pull a Ghostbusters or something? :lol:

Yes. 4chan and reddit.


1 minute ago, a2knet said:

Maybe the younger audience has more of a problem with the movie (which is counter-intuitive as I think the purists would be older ones) driving down online scores.

No it's a campaign by hardcore fans who hate Disney Star Wars and think they can end it this way. 

They can't even attack all the review sites.

Some of the younger audience does have a problem with it, but for every tweet bashing it on Twitter, there's 10 loving it or liking a tweet calling out Star Wars fans.

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16 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

"ComScore/Screen Engine reports a mindblowing five-out-of-five stars for the movie and a 90% overall positive with an 82% definite recommend. Forty five percent said that the Rian Johnson-directed movie came in above their expectations while close to 40% said they’ll the movie again in the theater. Huge. Older men over 25 came out in droves at 44% followed by females over 25 (24%), men under 25 (22%), and females under 25 (10%)."

lol, that is ridiculously high.


Thor 3 28% was huge.

Blade Runner got 21%


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6 minutes ago, Biggestgeekever said:


On 12/15/2017 at 12:16 PM, ReyReyBattery said:

Official AA prediction is 214.5M based on NZ numbers.


DeeCee put a lot more work into his so let's hope I am right so he looks silly.




I need that 214M number to stick.

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