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Water Bottle

HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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3 hours ago, Water Bottle said:


Man if all I saw Natalie Portman in was the prequel trilogy, I'd think she was a terrible actress. John Boyega and Daisy Ridley are a huge improvement over the prequel trilogy cast. ;) 


I disagree with this.  The cast in the prequels is much better in name and in performance for the most part, imo.  Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid,Christopher Lee and Ewan McGregor all give terrific performances.  I personally thought Hayden was terrific in Sith as well.  But that's just me.

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6 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


Well you are right I can't get the argument that race or gender for characters matter most of the time. But I guess you disagree. 


One thing I disagree with is the notion that I should eat up shitty characters or I'm a bigot.


A character's race,gender or cultural backround always matters, because films are art, and they have cultural relevance. But you can't argue that a great character is a great no matter his race/gender, and likewise a bad character is bad regardless of those.



Anyway, I don't have anything else to add here, and I don't see how I could convince anyone that made their minds before they read any arguments.





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Daisy Ridley was great as Rey. I'm not sure why people are complaining about that. Im not much of a Star Wars fan but I absolutely loved her in that role. I feel like people are so hung up about the original trilogy and comparing her performance to that of Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamil and Harrison Ford but in reality she did a really great job. And get this: I would rather see her in future Star Wars films/carry the franchise than the charisma vacuum that is Alden Ehrenreich get his own trilogy as Han Solo. 

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Just now, baumer said:


I disagree with this.  The cast in the prequels is much better in name and in performance for the most part, imo.  Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid,Christopher Lee and Ewan McGregor all give terrific performances.  I personally thought Hayden was terrific in Sith as well.  But that's just me.

Well I certainly can't agree on that last bit, lest my fingers be cut off for vehement dishonest typing, but otherwise I agree. The PT had great actors for the most part, even when they were given some really subpar stuff to work with. 

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Just now, baumer said:


I disagree with this.  The cast in the prequels is much better in name and in performance for the most part, imo.  Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid,Christopher Lee and Ewan McGregor all give terrific performances.  I personally thought Hayden was terrific in Sith as well.  But that's just me.


I will admit Natalie Portman delivers the hell out of the line "so this is how democracy dies." but lol some of her line delivery was wooden, stiff, and was just outright bad. I like the prequels in general too.

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3 hours ago, Nova said:

Daisy Ridley was great as Rey. I'm not sure why people are complaining about that. Im not much of a Star Wars fan but I absolutely loved her in that role. I feel like people are so hung up about the original trilogy and comparing her performance to that of Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamil and Harrison Ford but in reality she did a really great job. And get this: I would rather see her in future Star Wars films/carry the franchise than the charisma vacuum that is Alden Ehrenreich get his own trilogy as Han Solo. 

You don';t have to worry about this.

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3 hours ago, Water Bottle said:


I will admit Natalie Portman delivers the hell out of the line "so this is how democracy dies." but lol some of her line delivery was wooden, stiff, and was just outright bad. I like the prequels in general too.


Yep, it's cool.  We can both love Star Wars and still disagree on some of the finer points.  

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The issue is EVERYTHING has become political about Star Wars, who is cast and the directors and the MCU does not have this problem.


If people find that Fin and Rose were forgettable and useless in TLJ for legitimate reasons.



The response they get is that 


"Well you are Racist, Alt right Sexist!" 


No sensible person had an issue with Finn in TFA, it was that his character was rather nerfed in TLJ but instead of taking it as a critique of the film, people turn that around into a sexism or racism issue.


Yes there are people who are racist and dislike Finn but lumping everyone together is why there is so much animosity and division in the SW fanbase.


So annoying...



Edited by Lordmandeep
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1 minute ago, baumer said:


I disagree with this.  The cast in the prequels is much better in name and in performance for the most part, imo.  Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid,Christopher Lee and Ewan McGregor all give terrific performances.  I personally thought Hayden was terrific in Sith as well.  But that's just me.


The casting in the prequels was nearly perfect, that we can absolutely agree on. Nearly all of them are/were great actors. I personally think though, that the scripts and Lucas' poor directing led to all of them (except McGregor) giving dull/hilarious performances. Im happy that you seem to truly enjoy these films though.

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1 minute ago, baumer said:


Although I disagree that all the new actors suck, I do see where you are coming from.  I personally think Boyega is terrific and and Ridley have great chemistry together.  Unfortunately they split those two up in TLJ.  I didn't personally care for Rose, the story line or the actress, but that has nothing to do with her being Asian.  I do think there has been some casting issues.  Solo's lead isn't one of them.  In fact, I thought he was quite good.  I thought Donald Glover was way over praised and he didn't have nearly the charisma that BDW did.  


So I disagree that all of the new actors suck but I do agree that some of them could have been better.

They all seem so bland, Black, white, male, female and well I have a different opinion I really dislike both boyega and Ridley, well not dislike them just don’t care about them and wouldn’t even remember them as Star Wars actors if I saw them in another movie. The only person that is passable is the one playing the bad guy Adam driver. 


Its not the first time that I write this but I am shocked at how Disney couldn’t find better actors for the new Star Wars films and “better” is not a proper term then more charismatic , more magnetic. This doesn’t even have to do with my opinion on the franchise , I despise the Harry Potter franchise and yet I can see all the talent in those movies from the young actors to Alan Rickman (rip) .


Ironjimbo wrote it the best with just a few words....”where is the talent ?”

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9 minutes ago, ZackM said:

Everything that I've seen from people that have actually seen the movie indicates that it's a real crowd-pleaser.

Is there fainter praise for a movie than “crowd pleaser”?

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10 hours ago, baumer said:


I disagree with this.  The cast in the prequels is much better in name and in performance for the most part, imo.  Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson, Liam Neeson, Ian McDiarmid,Christopher Lee and Ewan McGregor all give terrific performances.  I personally thought Hayden was terrific in Sith as well.  But that's just me.

Hell to the yes!

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The past couple of pages ugh.


Anyways this just makes doing a Boba Fett film even more silly. It might do better in the usual Star Wars markets but certainly won't reach Episode or Rogue One levels. Not to mention the other markets will reject it like they did with Solo. 


And the best thing you can do to help diversity and inclusion is to make good characters and unfortunately characters like Rose, Holdo and Finn (from TLJ) were not very well received. Add to the uselessness of Phasma in TFA and TLJ and IMO it hurts more than does any good. 


Compare that to Black Panther or Thor: Ragnarok where characters like Valkyrie, Okoye and Shuri are fan favourites because they are well written characters. 

Edited by Darth Lehnsherr
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1 minute ago, LaughingEvans said:


One thing I disagree with is the notion that I should eat up shitty characters or I'm a bigot.


A character's race,gender or cultural backround always matters, because films are art, and they have cultural relevance. But you can't argue that a great character is a great no matter his race/gender, and likewise a bad character is bad regardless of those.



Anyway, I don't have anything else to add here, and I don't see how I could convince anyone that made their minds before they read any arguments.






How does Rose being played by an Asian actress matter in the Star Wars universe? I mean really.


You can argue Rose is a bad character and a good character but if her being Asian is part of the argument, well, then yeah, that will make you sound like a bigot.


I imagine you also aren't a fan of Star Trek though.

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Just now, Brainbug said:


The casting in the prequels was nearly perfect, that we can absolutely agree on. Nearly all of them are/were great actors. I personally think though, that the scripts and Lucas' poor directing led to all of them (except McGregor) giving dull/hilarious performances. Im happy that you seem to truly enjoy these films though.

Yeah, now that I think about it I actually do think the PT had the higher caliber of actors than the ST overall. Shows how important writing is. 

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