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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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At the end of the day the problems with Solo box office is the fault of Solo the movie.  Bottom line: it’s mediocre.  That’s not me talking, that’s the critic consensus.  Whether you go by RT, metacritic or something else, the best objective analysis of the movie is that it’s a 60 or 70%.  Given all of the other options audiences have with their time and money, 65% isn’t good enough.


The secondary problems are many. Bad marketing. Bad release timing. Lack of trust/faith in the Star Wars brand.  Lack of overseas interest.  Bad production, it cost too much to make.  Too soon with regards to TLJ.  Lack of demand.  Lack of contribution to the mythos, lack of stakes.


It all adds up.  Maybe if the movie had been great, all the other problems could’ve been mitigated.  But it isn’t great so the problems start there.


You personally might like the movie or think it’s “fun and fine”, but that’s not what objective analysis says.  You can reject that consensus if you wish, but it won’t make you right.


To Disney’s credit they do have time to recover from this problem with the Star Wars brand, but it will take some difficult action to do the right course corrections.  But it’s not impossible.  TLJ and Solo have put them on a bad path for different reasons, and right now it’s entirely fixable.

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1 hour ago, That One Guy said:


yep this movie failed because they said he was pansexual.  good analysis there.


That's not what @Gamera is saying. The point stands that pansexual lando announcement was a last ditch attempt to net some audience for the movie they knew was sinking. Not that the announcement turned people away (look at BatB for proof that such announcements neither help nor sabotage - who wants to see the movie has already made up their mind). 

Edited by Valonqar
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3 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

LOL, that too! :lol:


@GirafficPark Good point about Solo character appeal OS though the studio with their incessant markets research, focus groups and what not should have known that he's much more an American thing and give the movie much smaller budget than what's spent on the Saga.

Well, they did, but had to film the movie almost twice..

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26 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Is this real life ? What on earth is this ? Solo flopped because he is too American ? :wintf:

The underlying sentiment I got is the american exceptionalism that always dripped from SW and its fandom domestically. That it is the king of franchises that cannot fail, the best and most popular franchise ever, yadda yadda...(Even though many franchises got more popular overseas than SW these last years, there was that prevalent sense that SW was that worldwide untouchable juggernaut that all other franchises had to bow down to...). Solo is hurting that narrative like a cold hard shower of reality that SW is not immune to falter from its american-made pedestal like any other franchises. They can't slapdash SW stamp on any half-assed product and expect audience to eat it wholesale anymore just because it's SW.

Edited by dashrendar44
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I just read a few things about the Memorial Day and I think it's a very beautiful type of holiday.

I think it's a bit strange given the small life-span of the nation, but Americans are really one of the most patriotic nations in the world. They seem to really love their country and it's beautiful.

Of cource there are those that get it on the extremes, but those are everywhere and I am sure they are not the majority.

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2 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


That's not what @Gamora is saying. The point stands that pansexual lando announcement was a last ditch attempt to net some audience for the movie they knew was sinking. Not that the announcement turned people away (look at BatB for proof that such announcements neither help nor sabotage - who wants to see the movie has already made up their mind). 

It wasn't a planned announcement, so far as I can see.  The Kasdans simply fielded a question during an interview.

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1 minute ago, Jay Beezy said:

If Infinity War had opened one week before Solo and still had its record breaking weekend, could Infinity War have beaten Solo on its second weekend?

Yes. Solo would have made like $20M for the 3-day instead. 

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2 minutes ago, ZackM said:

It wasn't a planned announcement, so far as I can see.  The Kasdans simply fielded a question during an interview.

Perhaps but doubtful the idea wasn't discussed. They didn't just make it up on a fly. :)

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7 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


That's not what @Gamora is saying. The point stands that pansexual lando announcement was a last ditch attempt to net some audience for the movie they knew was sinking. Not that the announcement turned people away (look at BatB for proof that such announcements neither help nor sabotage - who wants to see the movie has already made up their mind). 


They were literally just answering questions in an interview lmao.  it wasn't an "announcement."  he's clearly trying to pin part of the blame on the failure of the movie on the fact that they announced he was pansexual.  it's even more apparent if you look at all his other posting history.


btw his name is Gamera, stop tagging actually decent users in this mess.

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4 minutes ago, Jay Beezy said:

If Infinity War had opened one week before Solo and still had its record breaking weekend, could Infinity War have beaten Solo on its second weekend?


If Infinity War opened the 3rd weekend of May Solo would have moved long before we even got near May.

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1 minute ago, dashrendar44 said:

The underlying sentiment I got is the american exceptionalism that always dripped from SW and its fandom domestically. That it is the king of franchises that cannot fail, the best and most popular franchise ever, yadda yadda...(Even though many franchises got more popular overseas than SW these last years, there was that prevalent feeling that SW was that worldwide juggernaut that all other franchises had to bow down to...). Solo is hurting that narrative like a cold hard shower of reality that SW is not immune to falter from its pedestal like any other franchises.

Honestly the overseas audiences don’t care about these things. Everything is simpler than the analysis going on, the movie had an awful non-existent marketing campaign (I had written about that months ago) , people overseas don’t really care about the Star Wars franchise/universe/lore  that much (please don’t bring TFA , even that had a 50-50 split at a time when most fantasy effects-heavy films are roaring  overseas from rampage to MCU ) and they are bored by it. That’s about it. It’s not that Star Wars is too American, so are comics, it’s that people overseas just don’t care about it that much, it doesn’t click with them. 


Moviegoers overseas are simpler and dont overanalyse things when going to see a movie hense why films that flop in the u.s but are big on the entertainment factor do better overseas from john carter to rampage.

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5 minutes ago, dashrendar44 said:

The underlying sentiment I got is the american exceptionalism that always dripped from SW and its fandom domestically. That it is the king of franchises that cannot fail, the best and most popular franchise ever, yadda yadda...(Even though many franchises got more popular overseas than SW these last years, there was that prevalent feeling that SW was that worldwide juggernaut that all other franchises had to bow down to...). Solo is hurting that narrative like a cold hard shower of reality that SW is not immune to falter from its pedestal like any other franchises. They can't slapdash SW on any half-assed product and expect audience to eat it wholesale anymore just because it's SW.

It is true that this sentiment was very widespread between the Americans on this forum. But I think one of the reasons why SW is seen so highly is  that given the very short life-span of the USA as a nation, Star Wars is pretty much America's mythology equal to the medieval or ancient tales and legends that we have in Europe. 

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