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Weekend Thread: Endgame 40.6M Friday, 61-62.5m Sat (per Asgard p.49)

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18 minutes ago, A Panda of Ice and Fire said:

Does anyone else feel like the general internet opinion is moving more towards of a point of something is either “Perfect and I’ll be angry if you critique it” or “The worst thing ever and there’s nothing positive to be said!”?


I’d say 99.5% of things (at minimum) fall well in between those extremes.  For franchises in particular it seems each movie/episode is either “The best ever!” or “Completely ruins the whole thing!”.  Yet, it seems rarely are either of those even close to the truth.


It also makes trying to have a decent conversation about anything insufferable. 

I feel like this has been a thing to one extent or another for a long time, the increased toxicity in online discourse during the last five years has only worsened it.


Film discussion is becoming more and more like gaming discussion though and that's not a good thing.

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Just now, cookie said:

I feel like this has been a thing to one extent or another for a long time, the increased toxicity in online discourse during the last five years has only worsened it.


Film discussion is becoming more and more like gaming discussion though and that's not a good thing.

Yeah, on one hand I understand why people like to feel validated for their opinions about something.


But on the other, there needs to be someway to simply accept that it’s okay if you came away from some material with a completely different opinion than someone else.  

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23 minutes ago, A Panda of Ice and Fire said:

Does anyone else feel like the general internet opinion is moving more towards of a point of something is either “Perfect and I’ll be angry if you critique it” or “The worst thing ever and there’s nothing positive to be said!”?


I’d say 99.5% of things (at minimum) fall well in between those extremes.  For franchises in particular it seems each movie/episode is either “The best ever!” or “Completely ruins the whole thing!”.  Yet, it seems rarely are either of those even close to the truth.


It also makes trying to have a decent conversation about anything insufferable. 

I don't know is this really a new phenomenon or only feels like it but I definitely think "the stan culture" has got more toxic in the past 5 years or so. I feel that it's most prominent in music where people act like their fave artist and everything they do is absolutely perfect and then put down other peoples faves and different fandoms. It definitely occurs a lot in tv, movie and even gaming fandoms too. Nobody can accept differing opinions anymore. Another annoying thing is when people insert moral elements on things like if they don't like someone/something they have to find, or even make up, reasons why it's somehow problematic and at the same time overlook similar problematic things in their own fave piece of entertainment/people. I think people of all ages do this but I wish my generation in particular would understand that it's fine to just not like something and move on.

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I think what happens is that most people watch something, form a mild opinion on it.


Then they see the epic strong reactions (in either direction), like "SO FUCKING BAD" or the opposite, then it reinforces their current view.


If it was mild but "meh, it was kinda good" it becomes "basically perfect" to compensate for the "SO BADDDDDD" crowd, or vice versa if they had mildly bad reactions. They become "it was atrocious" to counterjerk the "it was PERFECT" reactions around.


Basically it all becomes a sort of massive "let's play Swing the Pendulum" event.


Edited by Daxtreme
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Just now, JimiQ said:

People on internet crave reaction (likes, comments). Strong opinions gather more reactions than mild opinions.

It also takes more time and thought to form a nuanced opinion.

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It's pretty much escalated the moment some guy wanders into the conversation like "THIS MOVIE WAS TRASH". Had they come in and said "I didn't care for the movie, it wasnt the worst but it didn't do it for me" then those who liked it would be more willing to accept the opinion. Instead you get them showing up and yelling about how the movie offended their very being and suddenly you get people who originally just kinda liked it feeling like some dick is personally attacking their opinions and it radicalizes them as well. Same for the other way around.

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2 minutes ago, A Panda of Ice and Fire said:

It also takes more time and thought to form a nuanced opinion.


And nuanced/thought-out reviews or discussions are a lot more "complex" to digest. Its so much easier just to say "It sucks!" or "Its perfect!".

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2 minutes ago, Killimano3 said:

It's pretty much escalated the moment some guy wanders into the conversation like "THIS MOVIE WAS TRASH". Had they come in and said "I didn't care for the movie, it wasnt the worst but it didn't do it for me" then those who liked it would be more willing to accept the opinion. Instead you get them showing up and yelling about how the movie offended their very being and suddenly you get people who originally just kinda liked it feeling like some dick is personally attacking their opinions and it radicalizes them as well. Same for the other way around.

I think the idea that a movie or installment can retrospectively ruin previous movies is silly.


Like the “TLJ ruined SW!!” comments were silly imo.  

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There is a mob mentality and I think it 100% stems from a rise in social media cause it was not like this before that (from what I remember at least) Now a days, whatever the mob says goes. So something is either good or bad; black or white. And it's not just movies either. It is crossing over into other forms of entertainment and even how folks view people. That gray area that we had, is kinda gone.


I mean you even see it on here and how folks view RT scores for example. If a movie doesn't get like 90+ on RT it is viewed as average. And if it gets below a 70 suddenly it's not good. And that goes into influencing how posters view movies on here. 

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If I try to say I found TLJ merely okay, that the stuff that bothered people only mildly annoyed me, that I basically enjoyed the movie on initial watch but still had no urge to watch it again, I get downvoted on Reddit as if I’m shilling for TLJ.


Also, I’m an MCU fan but I’ve actually been more a fan of the DC characters over the years, I loved The Dark Knight, liked Wonder Woman/Aquaman/Shazam, didn’t care for Man of Steel/Batman v Superman/Suicide Squad/Justice League, but still see DC’s films in the theater. This also tends to get me downvoted, presumably for being an MCU shill (though it doesn’t get me downvoted as much as not fully coming down against TLJ).


I’m afraid to admit there how I thought Captain Marvel was OK and enjoyed Shazam just a bit more, that the supposed “SJW” stuff in CM only slightly irritated me for feeling too “on the nose” but it didn’t anger me, I liked the Fury/Coulson stuff more than the main story (seriously, Marvel, a “Fury and Coulson, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” animated series on Disney+ with both Jackson and Gregg reprising the voices, make it happen) but that I thought Brie Larson did a perfectly fine job and in no way actually hate the movie even if I’m not itching to see it again. Both factions could come at me.


Edited by TServo2049
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I love how people use the CM as an excuse. I've seen on this board loads of people ranking it near dead last.


I've consistently said it's 10th or 11th me. The difference between 9th and 15th isn't much for me.

Very few have indicated it was the best imo.

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Ugh because disney is a bunch of stupids my theatre might not be allowed to play aladdin. Hydro company is cutting power across a large portion of town for part of the day Sunday on opening weekend and we’d have to cancel a matinee show if it (of everything cause theatre can’t be open). They’re super strict about cutting shows, and may not even let us play the movie at all cause we can’t “play by their rules” 


if that happens I hope it bombs 30M OW 70M domestic 

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7 minutes ago, TServo2049 said:

that the “SJW” stuff in CM only slightly irritated me for feeling too “on the nose

People would come after you for the way you use that term. Not sure why people still legitimize such a ridiculous term/complaint. 

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4 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Ugh because disney is a bunch of stupids my theatre might not be allowed to play aladdin. Hydro company is cutting power across a large portion of town for part of the day Sunday on opening weekend and we’d have to cancel a matinee show if it (of everything cause theatre can’t be open). They’re super strict about cutting shows, and may not even let us play the movie at all cause we can’t “play by their rules” 


if that happens I hope it bombs 30M OW 70M domestic 

But I thought Disney didn't force theaters into situations like this :sadno:

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Yeah, I have no real ordering for my “bottom half of the MCU”, it’s just the movies not in my top half (which aren’t in a clear order either, I just know that I put GOTG1  and the not-Ultron Avengers movies at the top, I enjoy IM3 more than most, I consider CA:TFA underrated, I probably rank GOTG2 higher than most, and I don’t really hate any of them.)

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18 minutes ago, Deja23 said:

People would come after you for the way you use that term. Not sure why people still legitimize such a ridiculous term/complaint. 

I put it in quotes for a reason, the point is that I meant the stuff alleged to be “SJW” by others. And really, I just thought the “there’s a reason why they call it the cockpit” line was kind of stupid and cartoonishly dickish. But I get what they were going for and it did not make me actually mad in any way.


My biggest “issue” with CM was just that it felt middle-of-the-road, but I feel the same way about something like Doctor Strange (I can’t remember a single thing about that movie off the top of my head other than “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain.”)


I may have stated my feelings poorly. My point is that I am not pro- or anti-, it was just an OK movie to me and I just can’t bring myself to care about all the fuss on either side - just like with TLJ, or the DC films, or any of the other things which fuel the ongoing geek-blockbuster flame wars.

Edited by TServo2049
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19 minutes ago, Deja23 said:

People would come after you for the way you use that term. Not sure why people still legitimize such a ridiculous term/complaint. 

Yes the term SJW makes no sense, never did to me as any time I ever saw people use it was so they can be sexist/racist/homophobic & not feel guilty. And using it unironically in 2019 is ridiculous lol


Captain Marvel was okay. Love Brie. But I am just over origin stories now. Was better than Wonder Woman though. Aquaman was the best of the stand alone comic book movies for me in the past year

Edited by darthdevidem01
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21 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Ugh because disney is a bunch of stupids my theatre might not be allowed to play aladdin. Hydro company is cutting power across a large portion of town for part of the day Sunday on opening weekend and we’d have to cancel a matinee show if it (of everything cause theatre can’t be open). They’re super strict about cutting shows, and may not even let us play the movie at all cause we can’t “play by their rules” 


if that happens I hope it bombs 30M OW 70M domestic 

What seems silly about that is by playing hardball they’re losing more showings than they’d be doing by making the exception

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36 minutes ago, darthdevidem01 said:

Yes the term SJW makes no sense, never did to me as any time I ever saw people use it was so they can be sexist/racist/homophobic & not feel guilty. And using it unironically in 2019 is ridiculous lol

Which I did not intend to do. I shouldn’t have used it at all, and I apologize for giving the wrong impression. I just meant “the things that pissed off the people who throw that term around all the time, didn’t piss me off, but at the same time I’m not a stan for the movie either.” I was trying to say I’ve been ignoring the whole political flame-fest over CM just like with TLJ, I certainly did not want to give the impression that I agreed with the CM bashers. (They would almost certainly consider me a “shill” for my own independently-formed opinion, based solely on watching the movie and ignoring pre-release caterwauling the same as I do with every other movie, that I do not hate Brie Larson and that there was nothing wrong with her performance, the same way they downvote me for being merely middle-of-the-road on TLJ.)


My whole point is that I don’t fall on a side, but it seems like even when trying to communicate that I put my foot in it and say things that make me appear like I’m on the “other” side.


Captain Marvel was okay. Love Brie. But I am just over origin stories now. Was better than Wonder Woman though. Aquaman was the best of the stand alone comic book movies for me in the past year

Agreed on Aquaman. Wonder Woman vs. CM, I’d give WW the edge but probably because it reminded me a bit of The First Avenger and I love that one.

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