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The Flash | June 16 2023 | Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton | We’re stoping the count at a Nice 69% RT (it’s 72% For Real) | Please Remember that Your Enjoyment Of The Film is Not Based On Others Opinions And To Be Nice To Each Other

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9 hours ago, ChipDerby said:

@belblazer is mostly right. Audiences have been pretty welcome to a lot of... sketchy people. Not that people shouldn't care what Ezra has done, but a lot of the stuff is still mostly just... a step above shoplifting? Fights are obviously no bueno, but... really?


There's the big thing, but we'll see where that goes.

I love the way  you hand wave away Miller throwing a chair at a woman, who, if his aim had been better, could have been seriously injured.


Edited by dudalb
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22 hours ago, Cappoedameron said:


The dilmena is that Flash movie literally does something that NEEDS to happen in order for the DCEU to move on forward the way Zaslav and WB wants to, the movie needs to be released just for that purpose.

Do they? 2 of the projects tied to this movie have been scrapped or won't be moving forward (Batgirl, Supergirl)


The Flash is the previous regimes's baby. It's completely irrelevant now that Zaslav has charted a new course for the franchise

Edited by DlAMONDZ
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1 hour ago, DlAMONDZ said:

Do they? 2 of the projects tied to this movie have been scrapped or won't be moving forward (Batgirl, Supergirl)


The Flash is the previous regimes's baby. It's completely irrelevant now that Zaslav has charted a new course for the franchise

Has he charted a new course? Him saying they have a 10 year plan is pretty meaningless if they don’t have anything to show for it. 

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11 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

If you think one line of dialogue can “change everything if perfectly written,” then would you care to give an example?


You must not believe in the power of art/good screenwriting to change a viewer's perspective.  But I don't blame you, Hollywood hasn't been great at this for around 20 years.  


2 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

Has he charted a new course? Him saying they have a 10 year plan is pretty meaningless if they don’t have anything to show for it. 


What would you like them to show?  The entire plan so you wouldn't have to see the movies?  They just took over.  They are going to let things play out for the next year or two (just like I said over in the Warner Bros. thread) while the previous regime's projects release/fizzle out, *then* they will likely reveal more.  Unless you want them to also scrap the $200-$300 mil. FLASH movie and the likely $200-$300 mil. AQUAMAN sequel and just start over now?  But that would mean dropping Gal Gadot and Momoa and Henry Cavill and Affleck point blank..  Are fans/audiences ready for that, yet?  What would be the fan blowback if they did that?  I think there is a middleground to be had for as long as they can stretch it out, and I think that's what Warner Bros. is thinking, too.  

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5 hours ago, Macleod said:


You must not believe in the power of art/good screenwriting to change a viewer's perspective.  But I don't blame you, Hollywood hasn't been great at this for around 20 years.  



What would you like them to show?  The entire plan so you wouldn't have to see the movies?  They just took over.  They are going to let things play out for the next year or two (just like I said over in the Warner Bros. thread) while the previous regime's projects release/fizzle out, *then* they will likely reveal more.  Unless you want them to also scrap the $200-$300 mil. FLASH movie and the likely $200-$300 mil. AQUAMAN sequel and just start over now?  But that would mean dropping Gal Gadot and Momoa and Henry Cavill and Affleck point blank..  Are fans/audiences ready for that, yet?  What would be the fan blowback if they did that?  I think there is a middleground to be had for as long as they can stretch it out, and I think that's what Warner Bros. is thinking, too.  

So, you don’t have any examples to give? Ok then.


Also, the person I was responding to was the one who suggested that this movie is irrelevant now, and implied that scrapping it wouldn’t be a big deal. 

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17 hours ago, dudalb said:

Yes, people accepted RDJ but that took ten years and only after it was clear he had cleaned up his act.

Miller ain't even began on that road back.

If you want to stan for the film, fine, but don;t stan for MIller. You are just making a fool of yourself if you do.

RDJ stuff wasn't really that serious. Miller's stuff on the other hand...

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3 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

So, you don’t have any examples to give? Ok then.  


What are you asking for, here?  I'm not here to prove an argument -- you're the one who's apparently cynical about storytelling.  Watch more older movies and you will see how great a simple line can often be in conveying a complex meaning -- and yes, if written well, it can change not only how the viewer sees the last two hours...but their perspective on the world.  I'm not asking or expecting such lofty ambitions from a DC Comic Book adaptation...I'm just saying it's possible.    




Actually THE FLASH could do worse than ending with any of these lines...well, except for the CADDYSHACK one...and THE DARK KNGHT one...or IRON MAN...  but a variation on the line from THE MATRIX "Where we go from here is up to you"... or "Nobody's perfect"...or "We don't need roads..."  ...or "You met me at a very strange time in my life..."  😁  Anything like that would leave the wider universe open to possibilities...and doubly comment on Miller's situation, itself.  


Here's another great one, that ends with a death and hope for the future: 


"There are always 'possibilities', Spock said." -- The OG Kirk.  Star Trek II.  

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16 minutes ago, Macleod said:


What are you asking for, here?  I'm not here to prove an argument -- you're the one who's apparently cynical about storytelling.  Watch more older movies and you will see how great a simple line can often be in conveying a complex meaning -- and yes, if written well, it can change not only how the viewer sees the last two hours...but their perspective on the world.  I'm not asking or expecting such lofty ambitions from a DC Comic Book adaptation...I'm just saying it's possible.    




Actually THE FLASH could do worse than ending with any of these lines...well, except for the CADDYSHACK one...and THE DARK KNGHT one...or IRON MAN...  but a variation on the line from THE MATRIX "Where we go from here is up to you"... or "Nobody's perfect"...or "We don't need roads..."  ...or "You met me at a very strange time in my life..."  😁  Anything like that would leave the wider universe open to possibilities...and doubly comment on Miller's situation, itself.  


Here's another great one, that ends with a death and hope for the future: 


"There are always 'possibilities', Spock said." -- The OG Kirk.  Star Trek II.  

How am I being cynical? I’m just confused by your argument. I’ve seen plenty of older movies. I don’t see what that has to do with anything. 

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 I  have to wonder just how much this film is going

13 hours ago, Firepower said:

RDJ stuff wasn't really that serious. Miller's stuff on the other hand...

RDJ problems were basically drug and alcohol addiction problems; Miller's are a lot more then that.

Miller's legal problems might be lot worse then what RDJ faced.

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16 minutes ago, dudalb said:

 I  have to wonder just how much this film is going

RDJ problems were basically drug and alcohol addiction problems; Miller's are a lot more then that.

Miller's legal problems might be lot worse then what RDJ faced.

IIRC RDJ once drunk broke into somebody’s house and passed out. Dude was a dumpster fire in that era. 


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On 8/14/2022 at 7:50 AM, CaptNathanBrittles said:

RDJ was never accused of grooming minors or assaulting people. Not in the same league.


Grooming minors was the standard hollywood go to pre-social media. Heck, it still happens and it brushed under the rug.

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5 hours ago, John Marston said:

The treatment he deserves in jail because us normal folks would not get the same leeway he has to this point

Not long ago I would have agreed with you. But earlier this summer I was on a jury for a murder trial. I won't go into the specifics, but I will say the trial opened with two days of us viewing video and getting a blow-by-blow of the murder. 

What followed is really difficult to comprehend without being part of it, but it opened my eyes to just how severe some mental issues can be, and how a person that's constantly been let down by the social and health system can spiral, with the result being multiple ruined lives. 


Obviously Miller has advantages that us "normal" folk don't. But if we want to take mental health seriously, we shouldn't be dismissing the issues of a privileged person - I have realised just how easily some dismiss the poor, socially awkward, reclusive, seriously disadvantaged as well. Let's give everyone the same benefit of the doubt and opportunity to seek help. Miller can and should face legal consequences as well, but let's allow them the opportunity to seek actual help at the same time. Hopefully they will... 


Now, for the actual business side of this, the best outcome is they're kept in treatment and away from the public for the next year at, while legal proceedings slow down a bit, the Batmen take front stage for marketing, a statement of support for Miller seeking help while making it clear such behaviour is not welcome and thereby it is mutually agreed that while focusing on their recovery, Miller will not be continuing on in the role. If possible, shoot additional scenes to tease a new actor, let the movie play and hope it just about covers costs when all is said and done (including post-theatrical) while leaving people satisfied with the content and wanting more... 

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2 hours ago, reddevil19 said:

Not long ago I would have agreed with you. But earlier this summer I was on a jury for a murder trial. I won't go into the specifics, but I will say the trial opened with two days of us viewing video and getting a blow-by-blow of the murder. 

What followed is really difficult to comprehend without being part of it, but it opened my eyes to just how severe some mental issues can be, and how a person that's constantly been let down by the social and health system can spiral, with the result being multiple ruined lives. 


Obviously Miller has advantages that us "normal" folk don't. But if we want to take mental health seriously, we shouldn't be dismissing the issues of a privileged person - I have realised just how easily some dismiss the poor, socially awkward, reclusive, seriously disadvantaged as well. Let's give everyone the same benefit of the doubt and opportunity to seek help. Miller can and should face legal consequences as well, but let's allow them the opportunity to seek actual help at the same time. Hopefully they will... 


Now, for the actual business side of this, the best outcome is they're kept in treatment and away from the public for the next year at, while legal proceedings slow down a bit, the Batmen take front stage for marketing, a statement of support for Miller seeking help while making it clear such behaviour is not welcome and thereby it is mutually agreed that while focusing on their recovery, Miller will not be continuing on in the role. If possible, shoot additional scenes to tease a new actor, let the movie play and hope it just about covers costs when all is said and done (including post-theatrical) while leaving people satisfied with the content and wanting more... 

I wasn’t gonna post cause honestly everyone has already made up their minds about Ezra as you can see from

the snarky responses on social media, but I have a few family members dealing with mental health issues and it’s a very difficult situation to be in. No amount of money/fame etc can help when you’re dealing with these issues.


I truly hope Ezra gets the help they need, there’s way more to this then just movies. 

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