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The Flash | June 16 2023 | Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton | We’re stoping the count at a Nice 69% RT (it’s 72% For Real) | Please Remember that Your Enjoyment Of The Film is Not Based On Others Opinions And To Be Nice To Each Other

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1 minute ago, 21C said:

Absolutely no one, and I mean, no  one is complaining about "lack of realism" in this lol They're complaining that the CGI looks bad. You can call it dynamism or whatever but that doesn't rule out it the characters look like plastic or like PS3 videogame cutscenes. There are plenty and I mean plenty of movies with even more bonkers concepts that have CGI not looking as bad (See GoTG Vol. 3 as an example)

I think that it's more noticeable here than in other movies especially because this film had like 18 months of post. At least a No Way Home doesn't have that excuse. 

I don’t think you can advocate for everybody and say “no one is doing that” but ok

I’ve seen dozens of semi viral posts complaining because of how artificial the whole thing looks, not just the VFX, which in my dictionary is exactly the opposite of the traditional realism i said is the normal in this genre.


And yes, the whole think looks artificial, that is a stylistic choice. I literally said in my post the movie does have bad VFX shots so i don’t know why you’re so angry if I agreed with the complains on this topic, i just said the artificial look many people are complaining isn’t coming from bad VFX shots alone but a problem with the fact that the movie doesn’t look believable. 

For me, a movie about a person who runs so fast it can go to past having a artificial visual style is interesting and fresh, and that’s what I’m praising. 

And Guardians 3 have a lot of visual choices meticulously crafted to look realist especially on scenarios. What Gunn does is being playful with the concept of realistic sets containing bonkers and artificial creatures in it. Flash isn’t trying to make those sets looks real, so it’s a pretty useless comparisson tbh, and NWH just looks like shit.

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9 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

I don’t think you can advocate for everybody and say “no one is doing that” but ok

I’ve seen dozens of semi viral posts complaining because of how artificial the whole thing looks, not just the VFX, which in my dictionary is exactly the opposite of the traditional realism i said is the normal in this genre.


And yes, the whole think looks artificial, that is a stylistic choice. I literally said in my post the movie does have bad VFX shots so i don’t know why you’re so angry if I agreed with the complains on this topic, i just said the artificial look many people are complaining isn’t coming from bad VFX shots alone but a problem with the fact that the movie doesn’t look believable. 

For me, a movie about a person who runs so fast it can go to past having a artificial visual style is interesting and fresh, and that’s what I’m praising. 

And Guardians 3 have a lot of visual choices meticulously crafted to look realist especially on scenarios. What Gunn does is being playful with the concept of realistic sets containing bonkers and artificial creatures in it. Flash isn’t trying to make those sets looks real, so it’s a pretty useless comparisson tbh, and NWH just looks like shit.

I mean, if you wanna think that looking like  a PS3 cutscene is a stylistic choice okay... but I don't think that's a stylistic choice, I just think Muschietti butched the execution. If the plastic-y scenes were reserved to the scenes where Barry is running fast maybe you'd have a point but there are plenty of shots with Batfleck and Supergirl that look just as bad if not worse. 

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7 hours ago, AJG said:

CG looks like ass, but my rule is: if the film enjoyable then I don’t really care.


6 hours ago, cax16 said:

That’s fine with me, vfx rarely bother me unless it’s like Superman mouth in JL. I can’t imagine too many people in the GA care about this stuff either. I see all these movies with my wife and kids and friends when I go and have never once had a conversation about any vfx. It’s more something I only see discussed on here and on twitter. 

Yeah, a bad movie with great vfx is still a bad movie. A great movie with bad vfx is still a great movie. 

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7 minutes ago, Liiviig 1998 said:

Thread title is a joke right???

Yeah that’s some classic bot mod hyperbole humor. I am not sure if Flash OD can clear Shz2 OW but it will probably be >2x OW at least

Edited by Legions of the Galaxy
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2 hours ago, Legions of the Galaxy said:


Yeah, a bad movie with great vfx is still a bad movie. A great movie with bad vfx is still a great movie. 

I do not really agree with this. This is a visual medium, how good a film looks is a direct correlation to its ability to entertain and immerse you in the story it is trying to tell. A great movie with bad vfx is not as great a movie as a great movie with great vfx 🙂


And for this film in particular...yeah. I didn't dislike the trailer per se but VFX looks rough as hell in this, particularly in that first half.

Edited by JustLurking
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3 hours ago, Legions of the Galaxy said:


Yeah, a bad movie with great vfx is still a bad movie. A great movie with bad vfx is still a great movie. 

Vfx is part of the movie though. If it's distractingly bad (and not in old charming way), it doesn't do the movie any favours.

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4 hours ago, stephanos13 said:

From all the reactions online from people after watching the movie, I haven't seen complaints about the CGI but now apparently it's a problem?


The excuse used was that the VFX of the movie is still in development and the bad CGI will probably be fixed in the final release. With so little time left I think that's wishful thinking rather than something realistic.

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The people in the buzz thread are so negative.


When Guardians pre sales didn't start off hot they said to wait for social media reactions, reviews and final week.


When it happens with Flash they're quick to write the movie off

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1 minute ago, Eduardo said:

The moderator allows this bs. But if you give a different opinion they tilde you of trolling. This is a clown site

It's an inside joke. Don't take it so seriously

Edited by Maggie
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16 minutes ago, YSLDC said:

The people in the buzz thread are so negative.


When Guardians pre sales didn't start off hot they said to wait for social media reactions, reviews and final week.


When it happens with Flash they're quick to write the movie off

If you're trying to say the tracking thread wasn't extremely down on GOTG3 only to somewhat lift up close to release (and even then it was still a disappointing opening), you're either lying or didn't read it. The possibility of a sub 100 OW (and in some cases even lower!) was brought forward many times, by many people, and on a presale start that frankly speaking was better than Flash's...

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