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Oppenheimer | 2024 Academy Award Winner for Best Picture and Best Director

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I can see why this a problamatic release for Japan, but I doubt it is problamtic for other parts of Asia. Memories of the days of the Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere are still strong in much of Asia...China., both Chinas...in particular.

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The film will definitely be released in Japan. Probably not same date though since it looks like a horrible date. Whether or not it does well is another matter. But Nolan does have an audience so it will probably do okish numbers atleast.


I am not exactly sure I agree with the arguments that the atomic bomb saved millions of japanese lives especially given the long term effects of it but this is not the topic to go into a long winded argument over it.


Edited by JustLurking
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Showed this trailer to my Social Studies class. The next day we did a Kahoot, and the first question was "What movie are you ALL going to watch this summer?"


About 95% of them answered "Barbie."

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21 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Showed this trailer to my Social Studies class. The next day we did a Kahoot, and the first question was "What movie are you ALL going to watch this summer?"


About 95% of them answered "Barbie."

I have been and always will  be a huge american history buff. But I'm not sitting thru 3 hours of this either. 

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8 hours ago, DAJK said:

Showed this trailer to my Social Studies class. The next day we did a Kahoot, and the first question was "What movie are you ALL going to watch this summer?"


About 95% of them answered "Barbie."

I know this was posted as a joke but, yeah, obviously the audience this movie is going for isn't teens in a social studies class. I imagine if posed the same question regarding Mission Impossible or Indy, a large % would still say Barbie. After all, Barbie is made for that audience and then in additional audience will skew heavily female with Millennials/Cuspers/Gen X.

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1 hour ago, excel1 said:

They don't look alike whatsoever 

They don't sound alike, either-Jonathan has an American accent (their mom is American, they spent more of Christopher's childhood in the UK while Jonathan mostly went to US schools). There's another brother, no idea on his accent, but he did a prison break and once used Oppenheimer as an alias during his alleged criming. Some people on Twitter have joked that this movie is just an elaborate SEO exercise on Chris Nolan's part to bury the articles about his other brother's murder charges. I seriously doubt that but even if you search with the brother's first name, it largely pulls articles about Matt Damon being in Oppenheimer, lol.

Edited by BoxOfficeFangrl
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I showed the trailer to a friend who barely watches movies (like he saw Wreck it Ralph for the first time today) and was pretty skeptical about how much he'd enjoy a 3-hour long biopic, and he was convinced by merely watching this. Selling this as an intense thriller is working in its favor IMO.

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10 hours ago, Maggie said:

Is the runtime confirmed to be three hours? That's kinda excessive

I disagree, the story of Oppenheimer and the Manhatten Project has more then enough meat to justify a Three Hour running time from a story/drama point of view.

Problem is ti will be three hourse with very little visual "eye candy"..something which all the people talking about they need to see thi on IMAX don't seem to get.

Real History is a different animal then fiction.

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