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7 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

Pretty mindboggling movie I must say with many bizarre narrative choices, the two worst of which are 1. Introducing this super powerful "Eternity" thing in a throwaway line 2/3rds of the way into the movie and 2. Making the entire ending predicated on a little girl we had zero connection with whatsoever? Also the humor mostly sucks and the movie is ugly as sin. Bale and Crowe great and the final dramatic beat with Portman/Hemsworth is good too. Hemsworth line delivery consistently pretty funny though tbh he's gone from "somewhat dopey badass" to "complete moron" over the course of the MCU, Jack Sparrow style.


Amen. Also, Gorr was killing Gods we never heard of (save Sif getting the Skywalker treatment which isn't a kill) so that isn't something to care about either. I didn't dislike this cause I was having enough fun but it just isn't as compelling story as Ragnarok and Gorr's quest and Jane's quest feel like they belong to different movies hence the feel of disjoinment. 

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This was a very tell don’t show movie. Feels like two subplots+an ending grafted together with little care for whether there is enough time/development  taken for the ending to emotionally pay off either.



Also the main plot being kidnapped kids for bait was deeply weird, along with all the 8 year olds fighting in act 3.  

It is unfortunate because I think both subplots do have serious merit/potential if handled differently.

Edited by Legion and Thunder
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I really enjoyed the movie for the most part and the enjoyment overrode some significant issues. Bale and the use of casting and characters were likeable and really enjoyable. I was far more invested in the late stages of the films than the usual generic fights fight stuff, and the acts of the film progressed in a sensible order. 


The enjoyment factor was really there throughout and pulled it through. The black and white sequence especially as well as Crowe were really engaging and enjoyable to me, as was the final action sequence.


That said:

- The shredding of the film was obvious and Phase 4s timing issues are there to show again. This is clearly three and half to four hours worth of material: Jane needed more at the start, Sif needed more, and it was clear that a solid half an hour has gone from arrival in the God world to Crowe's entrance. Simon Russell Beale, one of the most prestigious actors in the world, had a cameo as an extra (fully credited!) to indicate just how mad the cutting was and I believe another major actor was cut completely.

- The GOTG became normalised so quickly. This really hit home how they do need to wrap up or completely restructure. What was fresh just isn't any more.

- The most egrigious shredding of the film though is Gorr's lack of God Butchering. This is just madness. This was otherwise a brilliant character but anyone with a sense of internal logic knows he needed to kill someone on screen who was presented to us with some stakes or interest. He needed to kill a God we liked, even if it was just someone briefly introduced in this film - the retrospective discussion of the dead beast near Sif is not an acceptable equivalent. Totally undermined the stakes.



BUT....the enjoyability factor does manage to pull a lot of the nonsense. I just wish there was a four or five hour version (and not the four or five hour version with extra bullshit improv, but filled with more Gorr, Jane and God lore/analysis as the story needed)


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This is one of those times where i feel like i watched completely different movie than other people. I liked it as much as Ragnarok and i think there was actually less interrupting emotional scenes with humour than Ragnarok had and it flowed tonally better. The biggest problem of the movie is its way too short runtime. I think it could've been easily an hour longer without dragging at all and it would've fixed a lot of issues. Literally just having more scenes to develop things and for the story and characters to breathe. I genuinely don't understand why they (i assume Taika was the one who made the decision?) decided to cut it so short.

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That certainly explains a lot. I think he needs to realize at some point he's not working with his old friends from college anymore. These Hollywood actors are not really qualified or capable of just spinning a random good story out of nowhere. 

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2 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

This movie didn’t need to be two and a half hours, but maybe an extra five or so minutes wouldn’t have hurt. The pacing is a little too fast. 

i feel the movie would be like 10 minutes shorter if it wasn't that much humor and went straight to the point

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I really wanted to like this movie more. 
The ingredients are good. I like the storylines. I loved the visuals. All the casting is good. I’ve really liked Taika’s work. 
To hear that Grandmaster, Eitri and Lena Headley’s character were cut and Eternity is basically a weird cameo… makes me wonder if Sif’s brief appearances were on the chopping block too. 
Ragnarok got called Kirby-esque. As great as Kirby was, his best work involved collaboration or some editorial influence. 
Coulda helped here. 

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What a weird, soulless jumble of a movie. Killer concept, great cast (Bale's Gorr is right up there with Thanos as the best MCU villain, IMO), but every time the stakes start to matter, the tension is dissipated by a stupid one-liner that reminds the audience that this is all just a joke, so don't take it too seriously. Jane visiting the cosmic version of Mt. Olympus, on her way to meet the granddaddy of all the Gods, Zeus, and what is she consumed with? Coming up with a catch-phrase. 🤦‍♂️What should have been a sequence filed with awe and wonder instead reduces this brilliant woman to her grade-school self (maybe she caught this from Thor, who at least for the first 60 minutes, has inexplicably turned into a pompous blockhead), and for me, that kind of typified the whole movie. 


The film finally gathers some momentum in the last act, and I thought the whole sequence on the Shadow World was brilliant, but by then it's too little too late. 


2 goats out of 4.

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Surprised some people were expecting a standard issue Superhero film out of Waititi.

I overall enjoyed it, I suspect it has a lot of plot flaws that will bother me on subsequent viewing, but I had a lot of fun with it.

 Kat Dannings was not listed in the online film credits, but I sort of suspected she would show up as Darcy  since Darcy';s reapperence in the MCU was so well received in "Wandavision".

I thought the Matt Damon cameo was pretty funny, and Waititi has some chutzpah in poking fun ontheme parks in a movie from the Disney company.

Still puzzled over the accent chosen for Zeus though, SOunded like Crowe was doing a imitation of Londo Mollari in "Babylon 5".


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I couldn't with Jane being one of the smartest women in the world and yet not knowing what the stages of cancer are.


Too bad this ended up underusing Natalie because it was exciting when it was first revealed that she was gonna wield the hammer in this. Guess she only signed a contract for one movie and her "I'd be open for more" comments on the press tour were misdirection.

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As someone who doesn't care whatsoever about fidelity to source material, for the first time in ages, I can't helped but be bummed about how Eternity was used and presented in this movie.


The Eternity saga is absolutely peak Ditko. So odd, so bizarre, so beautiful. There's nothing like it. Here he's just another MacGiffun. They really squandered Doctor Strange's best story to try and stitch together something of a plot for this one. What's more, it really feels like he was added in reshoots.

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