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Eric Prime

WGA/SAGAFTRA Strike Discussion Thread | SAG Ratifies Contract

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7 hours ago, Noctis said:

Can someone explain to me how a fucking piece of A.I is going to write screenplays? That's horrifying. How would they even write romance scenes?


"Romantic Movie Script"



Creating a full romantic movie script is a substantial undertaking that typically involves multiple scenes, character development, and detailed dialogue. Writing an entire script here would be quite extensive, but I can provide you with an outline for a romantic movie that includes key plot points and scenes. Keep in mind that this is a simplified version, and a professional script would require more depth and detail.

Title: "Love Across the Stars"

Genre: Romantic Drama

Setting: A picturesque coastal town

Main Characters:

  1. SARAH (late 20s, artistic, independent)
  2. JAMES (early 30s, introspective, adventurous)


1. Opening Scene: A Chance Encounter

Sarah, a talented but struggling artist, visits a local cafe to gain inspiration. James, a photographer with a wandering spirit, is passing through the town. They accidentally bump into each other, sparking an instant connection.

2. Shared Passion

Sarah and James discover they both have a passion for exploring the world and capturing its beauty through art. They decide to spend the day together, exploring the town, sharing stories, and discovering common interests.

3. A Deepening Connection

As Sarah and James spend more time together, their connection deepens. They support each other's dreams, and Sarah encourages James to pursue his love for photography more seriously. They bond over their shared sense of adventure and love for the arts.

4. A Test of Love

Conflict arises when James receives an offer to travel the world on a prestigious photography assignment. He's torn between his dreams and his growing feelings for Sarah. Sarah faces her own artistic struggles and fears of letting someone into her life.

5. Grand Gesture

Realizing their feelings for each other, James decides to turn down the photography assignment and stays in the town. He organizes a surprise art exhibit featuring Sarah's work, showcasing her talent to the world. It's a grand gesture of his love and support.

6. Resolution and Future

The art exhibit is a success, and Sarah and James admit their love for each other. They decide to explore the world together, combining their passions for art and adventure. The movie ends with them holding hands, ready to face the future as a team.

Note: This outline covers the major plot points and character arcs. A complete romantic movie script would include detailed scenes, dialogue, emotional moments, and visual descriptions. It's important to flesh out the characters, add depth to their relationship, and create engaging interactions between them. Additionally, the script should have a unique voice and capture the essence of the romantic drama genre.


"Computer, Generate a Romantic Movie Script"



Creating a full romantic movie script is a significant undertaking due to its length and complexity, but I can certainly provide a short excerpt of a romantic scene within a movie. Here's a sample romantic scene for a movie:

Title: "Eternal Love"

Genre: Romantic Drama

Setting: A beautiful garden at sunset


  1. EMILY (late 20s, intelligent, ambitious)
  2. NATHAN (early 30s, compassionate, creative)


Emily and Nathan stroll through the vibrant garden, the sun casting a warm glow on the flowers.

EMILY (looking at the sunset) It's so beautiful, Nathan. This garden feels like a hidden paradise.

NATHAN (smiling) Much like the moment I first saw you. You're the most beautiful part of my world.

Emily blushes, a slight breeze rustling the leaves around them.

EMILY (softly) Nathan, I've never felt this way before. It's as if time stops when I'm with you.

NATHAN (gently taking her hand) Emily, you've brought color into my life. You're my muse, my inspiration.

They pause by a small pond, its surface reflecting the hues of the sunset.

EMILY (teary-eyed) I used to believe in fairy tales as a little girl, but life taught me to be practical. Now, being here with you, it feels like a fairy tale come true.

NATHAN (brushing her hair back) You deserve all the magic in the world, Emily. I want to be the one who brings that magic to your life, every day.

Emily and Nathan share a tender kiss, the world around them disappearing as they lose themselves in the moment.

Note: This is a brief scene that captures a romantic moment between the main characters. A full romantic movie script would include a captivating storyline, character development, various scenes, dialogue, and a resolution that ties the plot threads together. It's important to create engaging characters and build up their relationship throughout the movie, leading to emotional and heartfelt moments like the one described above.


"Generate script of a romantic movie scene"



Sure, here's a brief romantic movie scene:

Title: "Midnight Serenade"

Genre: Romantic Drama

Setting: A quiet park under the moonlight


  1. SOPHIA (early 30s, free-spirited, loves music)
  2. ALEX (late 30s, thoughtful, enjoys writing)


Sophia and Alex sit on a park bench, gazing up at the full moon. There's a soft breeze, and the distant sound of a guitar playing nearby.

SOPHIA (smirking) Did you plan this, Alex? A moonlit serenade?

ALEX (chuckling) Maybe I did, maybe the universe just knows the perfect setting for our conversations.

Sophia leans her head on Alex's shoulder, and he places his arm around her.

SOPHIA (whispering) It's moments like these that make life feel like a beautiful story.

ALEX (smiling) You know, I've been working on something. A little surprise.

SOPHIA (curious) A surprise? What is it?

Alex reaches into his pocket and takes out a folded piece of paper. He hands it to Sophia, who unfolds it to reveal a handwritten poem.

SOPHIA (teary-eyed) Oh, Alex. This is beautiful.

She reads the poem, her voice filled with emotion.

SOPHIA (CONT'D) This is about us, isn't it? About the journey we're taking together.

ALEX (nodding) Every word is a piece of my heart, Sophia. I wanted to capture what you mean to me.

Sophia places the poem on the bench and turns to face Alex, her eyes shining.

SOPHIA (softly) You've already captured my heart, Alex.

Alex leans in, and they share a sweet, heartfelt kiss under the moonlit sky. The guitar music continues in the background, creating a magical moment.

Note: This is a brief romantic movie scene that captures a special moment between the characters. In a full movie script, scenes like this would be woven into the broader narrative, further developing the characters' relationship and contributing to the overall plot and emotional arc.



Edited by The GOAT
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Talking is better than not talking, but aside from that I'm gonna steal @Plain Old Tele's line and say "Nobody knows anything" about how this is gonna affect the length of the strike(s).


I would add a corollary that the "nobody knows anything" maxim also perhaps extends to the people engaged directly in negotiations as I'm not sure even they know what they're willing to negotiate away for the sake of a deal and what are red lines that are never being crossed without months and months and months of attrition to morale/finances.


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29 minutes ago, Reddroast said:

I think he's talking Netflix here. But I don't know for sure


19 minutes ago, Plain Old Tele said:

Given the replies, sounds like Stranger Things specifically. 


4 minutes ago, AniNate said:

That would definitely be the thing that'd force Netflix's hand


Context?  Twitter (or rather Nitter) is being unhelpful in trying to decode what the original tweet was referencing.

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7 hours ago, grim22 said:

This guys timeline is a trip (not Hawken, the guy in the picture, he regularly posts videos addressed to Iger and Zaslav and others about their franchises)




I must address the statement in the picture. Know that we, as human beings, were never meant to be mere consumers. We were never meant to fully absorb ourselves in the works of Disney and Warner Bros., or Microsoft, or Nintendo, or any conglomerate. We were made for much more than that! We've seen artistic greatness throughout history from figures like Michelangelo, and Shakespeare, and Chevalier, and Austen, and Critchon. How sad it is that some of us have lost our way! And many of those on strike live the life of a writer out of inner purpose, out of an unspoken knowledge that they were placed in the 21st century specifically to tell beautiful stories only they can tell! How sad it is that conglomerates block the beauty of these writers' works in favor of promoting "blockbusters" designed for "safety" and "general audiences" in a cowardly manner! How sad it is they 'live,' greedily, for the bottom line! I've prayed for the souls of Zaslav and Iger. I've prayed that they repent, and that they turned from their wicked ways before it's too late for them. Because it may seem like nothing will ever change, but behold—a change is coming soon! Man-made empires have fallen in the past, and in due time, we'll see them fall again, with our very own eyes. And it is my hope that we will allow our stories to pursue excellence, to help people along in their lives, and to shake the earth once more! Yes, indeed—a change is coming soon! Amen.

Edited by SLAM!
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14 minutes ago, SLAM! said:


I must address the statement in the picture. Know that we, as human beings, were never meant to be mere consumers. We were never meant to fully absorb ourselves in the works of Disney and Warner Bros., or Microsoft, or Nintendo, or any conglomerate. We were made for much more than that! We've seen artistic greatness throughout history from figures like Michelangelo, and Shakespeare, and Chevalier, and Austen, and Critchon. How sad it is that some of us have lost our way! And many of those on strike live the life of a writer out of inner purpose, out of an unspoken knowledge that they were placed in the 21st century specifically to tell beautiful stories only they can tell! How sad it is that conglomerates block the beauty of these writers' works in favor of promoting "blockbusters" designed for "safety" and "general audiences" in a cowardly manner! How sad it is they 'live,' greedily, for the bottom line! I've prayed for the souls of Zaslav and Iger. I've prayed that they repent, and that they turned from their wicked ways before it's too late for them. Because it may seem like nothing will ever change, but behold—a change is coming soon! Man-made empires have fallen in the past, and in due time, we'll see them fall again, with our very own eyes. And it is my hope that we will allow our stories to pursue excellence, to help people along in their lives, and to shake the earth once more! Yes, indeed—a change is coming soon! Amen.

Braveheart- labor edition 

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