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Weekend Numbers | actuals | 58.40M KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES | 13.70M THE FALL GUY | 4.38M CHALLENGERS | TAROT

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B is pretty meh . Still think it's gets to war  numbers domestically. 

Overall OW is doing as expected . 50m+ is good for this .


As for the whole 9 movie planned arc. That just sounds like your typical Hollywood cooperate shlock. 



 . Post covid  Audience can now see that shit from a mile way and are like nah "my wallet can't take all that".





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Man even on a weekend cinema isn't dead you all will still find something to freak out about


If it has bad legs then it has bad legs, but at least wait until it actually does to despair about it

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3 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

Eh! I see your point, but I really do think this is the actual start of summer. The Fall Guy being a summer blockbuster is like one of the greatest myths I've seen in my 16 years on these boards. I have been dead wrong on many things in just the past year alone, but being right that the Fall Guy was not this in disguise 160m blockbuster is one of the few things I was bang on from day one. The only reason people call it a summer blockbuster is the release date - nothing about the scale, the concept, the historical comps screamed it was anything besides a nice spring or fall diversion. Shoulda stayed in March!

The movie's budget is well over 100 mln, so it's a blockbuster whether you like it or not.

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I still think it will hold well over the coming weeks, regardless of that cinemascore. I think WOM will be more in the ‘maybe not as good as the last three but you should definitely see it’ camp. 

A 3x multiplier seems more than feasible 

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Serious question:

how is the weather in the US these days? Especially in the usually high bo states?
Here cinema is ‚dead‘ if the weather is nice/sunny, and really good if the weather is not nice

(not interested into the Apes movies, it‘s more to get a feeling for what is actually up)

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Fall Guy did what it did, I don't think the release month would've changed that much, certainly not with March having ended up as stacked as it was. Honestly that looks like it's going to be a much bigger blockbuster month than May. 


Apes cinemascore aside, I am pretty encouraged by the buzz for everything else coming up though. Still probably gonna be no match for the IP parade last year especially with the 5/31 dead week but rest of May and early June looks like it could turn out solid hits.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

Serious question:

how is the weather in the US these days? Especially in the usually high bo states?
Here cinema is ‚dead‘ if the weather is nice/sunny, and really good if the weather is not nice

(not interested into the Apes movies, it‘s more to get a feeling for what is actually up)


No real big weather systems right now, temperate zone is somewhat on the chilly side for this time of year though. 


Last weekend there was a dry heatwave which meant it was really nice outside, so maybe that did have something of an impact



Edited by AniNate
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2 hours ago, emoviefan said:

Seriously to have a CS barely above the  2001 movie. We are living in the Upside down. That's is becoming clearer with every day.

But the 2001 Apes actually did fine at the box office. Opened with 68.5M DOM. Finished with 181M DOM. Nothing crazy but certainly not bad. Budget was around 100M.

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Posted (edited)

A  "B" CinemaScore isnt shocking. The early verified audience scores were a warning sign.


Even the critic scores on RT for Apes are meh.


Top Critics 67% and a 6.6/10 rating.  Al Critics 80% and a 6.9/10 ratings.  The RT score and rating have slowing been dropping.

Verified audience score is at 80% and all audience score is at 78%.


All pretty blah numbers. 

Edited by JimmyB
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I didn't think there was much appeal to the advertising other than "we made another one" so this series might just have a higher floor than I expected because I thought it was really gonna flop bad. The Mark Wahlberg one did have the second biggest opening weekend of all-time back when it dropped.

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1 minute ago, CoolioD1 said:

I didn't think there was much appeal to the advertising other than "we made another one" so this series might just have a higher floor than I expected because I thought it was really gonna flop bad. The Mark Wahlberg one did have the second biggest opening weekend of all-time back when it dropped.

Very curious about the alternate reality where the Burton movie was actually good. It was on the same level of openings as Star Wars and Jurassic Park at that time, so would that lead to similar 200M style openings for the franchise? Maybe not that huge, but it’s still fascinating.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Michael Gary Scott said:

For years I used to love coming in here I've been on the forums since the early 2000s. I don't come in here much anymore because this place is just negative and too depressing. 

I also come here since (many) years and I agree that especially the weekend threads have become too negative. Also that it's the sport of a few members to say something bad every week about the performances of every film hurts the mood and overall this website a lot (also to attract new people although fortunately we have some new members who were undeterred). 

Other subforums are way better. 


The Apes Friday number is quite good, no? With an ok Saturday it will at least be in line with expectations, could even slightly overperform.

Edited by el sid
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, interiorgatordecorator said:

I dont know how to make sense out of pre-godfather grosses; was the original apes movie a big enough deal for someone to come along 40 years later and propose a 9-movie series? obviously it was, but does it make sense that it was?


Box office returns from 40 years isn't  really the way to think about it.  In many (if not all ways) the current Apes franchise is an accident of history.


(long post - even for me - incoming: Apologies)


Okay at the top it's probably best to divorce the original The Planet of the Apes film from the sequels that immediately followed.  The OG PotA was groundbreaking.  It was... I don't want to say "unique", but it was tapping into a very real zeitgeist of the time.  On the surface it was like a hundred other SciFi films/shows of the era.  However, there was some very real political and societal commentary laced throughout that film and many of the issues it was commenting on/holding a mirror to/examining would dominate the wild decade known as The Seventies. Both in the arts and in society.


There is a lot that can be said about the original film and just how influential it was immediately at the time, but I'll let others do that.  


The second thing to note is... Well, when I was growing up there was a cynical phrase about movies that went something like "Sequels Ain't Equal".  Unlike today where Even Better Sequel is, if not the norm, it is at least somewhat expected or demanded, back then most sequels were looked at like... oh, what's the phrase?  Nowadays we'd say "cynical cash grabs", but I don't think that quite fits how it was looked at back then.  Not quite the right tone, though the phrase is probably apropos enough.  


Anyway, what I think is fair is that the OG PotA was so memorable at the time that folks in the 70s kept chasing after it to try to recapture the magic of the first film.  How successful they were and how much those films (and later TV series) lived up to recapturing the magic of the first film, again I'll leave to others because... that's not really the point.,


The point is: The Planet of the Apes movie *as an idea/setting* REALLY dug itself deep into psyche of generations of nerds long after the first movie left the silver screen.  And, to be fair, even the GA. Generations of folks watching it on TV/videotape/DVD made it something like a cultural touchstone.


Even after the last sequel was made and the last TV series/comic book was produced, the idea of the first film was so captivating that folks kept wanting to chase it to recapture the magic/hoping someone would do the concept justice again.


Enter: Tim Burton.  


When Tim Burton made his remake back in 2001, there was a palpable sense of "Wow, finally we can have a Modern PotA with Modern Special Effects told by a director who should Really Get It.  This is gonna be AWESOME!!!"


What we actually got was...  Well, the film has its fans but like many remakes it also didn't catch lightning in the bottle.


But the allure of the OG PotA was and is still so strong that some mad lad came along with an idea:  Instead of trying to remake PotA again and instead of trying to make a sequel to the 2001 film, why not try something different and look at how it all began?


As Story Hooks go, it has some very obvious appeals.  Also as Story Hooks go, it also has an even longer list of ways it could have all gone wrong.  And yet.  Somehow, someway, Rise of the Planet of the Apes made its own magic.  Enough so to spawn its own franchise.


So, no.  The original series of films wasn't popular enough to greenlight a "nine movie series 40 years later".  But the first film sunk its teeth into enough people that folks kept chasing after it again and again and again over the decades until lightning did manage to finally strike twice.


And unlike the immediate sequels to the 1968 PotA, this series looks to have kept up the momentum.  How long it lasts is a whole different question.

Edited by Porthos
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OK that CinemaScore is surprising. I feel like I've been only hearing positive buzz and word of mouth and my 2 casual friends last night also really liked it. I loved it to.


It's going to be very interesting to see if legs will reflect this CinemaScore. 

According to the Numbers, Rise did 3.23 from its OW, Dawn did 2.87 and War did 2.61 its OW.

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