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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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  1. 1. Grade The Dark Knight Rises

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Then why did they have a funeral?

Because everyone thought he was dead.The big 'reveal' was when those two workers told Lucious that a software patch had fixed the auto pilot six months ago. Lucious asked who authorised that and they said Bruce Wayne.Bruce had done what Alfred wanted him to do, to live a life away from Gotham now that it was safe again. Edited by ainsleyb
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They thought he was dead but Bruce left clues. The obvious one with Alfred in that he showed up at the cafe in Florence. In this case I think Nolan had to show Bruce. I highly doubt he wanted another Inception spinning totem debate for a Batman movie. Lucius discovered on one of the other bats that Bruce had made a software fix for the auto-pilot. Gordon discovered that the smashed bat signal on the roof of police headquarters had been fixed.

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Because everyone thought he was dead.The big 'reveal' was when those two workers told Lucious that a software patch had fixed the auto pilot six months ago. Lucious asked who authorised that and they said Bruce Wayne.Bruce had done what Alfred wanted him to do, to live a life away from Gotham now that it was safe again.

Holy fuck, I don't remember any workers telling Lucius anything. Jesus, what the fuck? Why can't I remember that? I remember early in the film when Bruce tells Lucius about the auto-pilot, but that's it.I'm gonna watch the film at least one more time. Edited by Noctis
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They thought he was dead but Bruce left clues. The obvious one with Alfred in that he showed up at the cafe in Florence. In this case I think Nolan had to show Bruce. I highly doubt he wanted another Inception spinning totem debate for a Batman movie. Lucius discovered on one of the other bats that Bruce had made a software fix for the auto-pilot. Gordon discovered that the smashed bat signal on the roof of police headquarters had been fixed.

I feel like this wouldn't have been like the Inception totem debate because he left so many clues. The fixed Bat signal and the big reveal for Lucius was proof enough. I still believe that having Alfred look directly at the camera, nod to us, the audience, and then end to credits would have been an amazing ending and I would have walked away feeling a little better. Physically seeing Bruce with Selina just added one last layer of cheese that I could not stomach. The Robin name drop was already enough haha!
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Just got back. I LOVED it. I don't know how it will hold up upon mutiple viewings but based on first impressions I enjoyed it more than TDK. Anne was FANTASTIC in it which I really wasn't expecting, in the past I've found her acting to be rather insufferable but she had such an edge to her in this role that I was not expecting at all; her Selina was kickass and a total delight to watch. The acting was across the board great, from Anne and Bale to Cillian Murphy in his awesome cameo. Michael Caine almost literally broke my heart lol, he was flawless. The entire plot/concept was something that I think really resonates with today's (western) world and I was rivetted beginning to end. The movie never dragged for me, whereas (majorly unpopular opinion here) The Dark Knight did in parts.

Slight negatives: the way both Bane and Talia went out was so unimpressive. The impact of Bane's death was hurt by its suddenness and lack of punch, Talia's by an over-the-top script and/or acting (and for what it's worth I loved Marion as Miranda/Talia up until that scene). I actually laughed out loud when she took her final dramatic breaths and I know I wasn't the only one. I thought the JGL reveal was anti-climatic because I was guessing/hoping throughout the entire movie he would become Robin, so it was a satisfying and perfect way to end things but IMO a little bit too obvious. I also agree with those who found Bruce/Selina together in the cafe a bit cheesy, since my interpretation is that Bruce did survive and Alfred did see him. But given how dark this franchise has felt, I guess I utlimately don't mind the bit of rare cheese it has given us :P

A perfect conclusion to an absolutely brilliant franchise. I can't wait to see it again.

Grade: A+. 9.5/10.

Edited by candycane
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So I slept over it, and I've decided I definitely need to see this again before I make my whole mind up about the film.

I felt the same with TDK. For all the comparisons to Begins, TDKR is far more heavily plotted so on first viewing you spend half the time just wondering what's going on. That won't be an issue on a repeat viewing, so I can work out if it really was pacing problems or just that it was too overwhelming the first time.
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Liked it more be second time. It's not as good as TDK but it was a very satisfying ending. It's not perfect but it's still excellent. Anne really won me over and so did JGL and Bale gave his best performance of the trilogy IMO. I loved the ending and it worked better the second time. Great ending to a great trilogy. A.

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I haven't read the comics. Probably watched only 1 trailer and avoided knowing as much as possible. This was good when it came to all the unexpected reveals. Where it didn't help was the extended time line of the siege of Gotham. The main action in the previous films took place over days or no more then a week. I just wasn't expecting the extended sequence over many months in TDKR, just threw me a bit on the first viewing.

Edited by DeeCee
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I think TDKR at times doesn't feel as tight as BB or TDK because the main action of the story is spread out over months. In BB and TDK the bulk of the story takes place over a few days or no more then a week or so.

That might be my biggest problem with it. There's never a sense of urgency about the bomb until the very end and the months just went on by and I barely noticed. I also thought Cotillard's reveal was too abrupt, but that might change with subsequent viewings. And I was disappointed they went with the same blue from TDK's opening titles. Other then that, I was blown away. A
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Saw it a second time. I loved it even more than the first.

I do not feel like the runtime hurts the film at all. It flows perfectly through it's 164 minute runtime, I don't think there's a dull moment at all. It helped that I picked up alot of things I missed the first time, too.

I have come to the conclusion that is the best movie in Nolan's Batman trilogy. TDK is definitely more thrilling and the villian is more memorable, but TDKR stands above it in scale, action, characters and emotion. The scenes in the prison are seriously epic. Was on the edge of my seat when Bruce was climbing the pit. And I teared up at the end with Bane. Tom Hardy's performance is fantastic. He can do so much with his eyes. Anne Hathaway is superb as Catwoman and Michael Caine gives his best performance of the three. Acting is generally great all around, but those three are standouts.

Best movie of 2012, and the best CB movie ever made IMO. It's sad we've come to the end but Christopher Nolan ended it perfectly and we now have one of the best trilogies in the history of cinema.


Edited by Avatarfan
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