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Monday (7/30/12) Numbers TDKR $8,160,046

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When the summer movie seasons go by and posters here are still going back and forth about what TDKR 'would' have done, this place won't be much fun anymore.There's no argument against the shootings hitting the box office. But we'll never know how much the tragedy hit the box office so what's the point of debating it? It's still going to make an insane amount of money.

What's the point of debating it? That is the most pertinent question. There is no good answer for this. The sad fact is, people will continue to debate it because they have nothing better to do, some people want to push their own personal bias and agenda, mods included, to random strangers here on a box office forum.

Watch is just further proof that star power isn't what it used to be.

Yes, but back in the 1980s and 1990s there were films with star power that flopped as well. People are giving "star power" here on these forums too much credit in the first place. The Watch is flopping because it's a bad film. It always looked like a bad film, star power or not.Star power works when it's a good movie that people like. If it's a bad or terrible film that people don't want to watch, doesn't matter how much star power there is.In modern times for example, the star power of Johnny Depp has helped many films, and same thing for stars like DiCaprio. Also Jason Statham has consistently made small little action films in modern times that have been profitable for the most part. To an extent Bruce Willis has helped a number of films over the past few years. Without his star power, those films would be straight to home video releases. The key here is that all these films helped by star power had an audience that liked each film, whether it be a huge audience or a smaller audience.Then you can look at a film like The Expendables. That film pretty much relied mostly on star power.

This would have made 500m+ under normal circumstances. That's still more than a 15% drop in attendance from TDK so I don't get why some are so adamant that it couldn't do it even with the so-called Ledger effect in play.

Some people are hell-bent on pushing their own personal bias and agenda on these forums. The facts will not change things for them. WOM is very good for TDKR. This is a fact that some people just can't handle, so they're hell-bent on a mission to try and "prove" this fact wrong. Also, a lot of families and under 18 audiences in the US simply are not watching TDKR due to fear and worry from the shooting and the associated hysteria the media has caused. This is a sizable loss of audience for TDKR. They are afraid to watch it no matter how good the film is. Again, this is a fact that some people just can't handle and they are hell-bent to try and "prove" this somehow to be wrong. Edited by ACCA
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sigh...I don't even know who I'm talking to anymore. I guess we'll have to end our discussion about this as I no longer feel you're being objective about it Anyway, I'm curious to see how you feel the shootings are impacting movies if say EX2 "only"opens in the mid $30m range or lower ;) (hoping the movie is really good though)

unless (God forbid) a shooting happens on it's opening day with the killer calling himself an expendable, there's no point of even asking if it's gonna be affected
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Can someone find me anyone here who said the shooting had no effect on it? Find one person who said that.I'm simply stating there are a plethora or other reasons why it will not and never was going to reach 500 mill. And I'm the one not being objective FTF? Take a look in the mirror friend.

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Can someone find me anyone here who said the shooting had no effect on it? Find one person who said that.I'm simply stating there are a plethora or other reasons why it will not and never was going to reach 500 mill. And I'm the one not being objective FTF? Take a look in the mirror friend.

The shooting was the BIGGEST reason.
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Can someone find me anyone here who said the shooting had no effect on it? Find one person who said that.I'm simply stating there are a plethora or other reasons why it will not and never was going to reach 500 mill. And I'm the one not being objective FTF? Take a look in the mirror friend.

Thank you. Fact is that you either claim that the shootings are responsible for TDKR not breaking records or you are a hater.Everyone I know says that the shooting has an effect, but there are other factors at play as well.
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The shooting was the BIGGEST reason.

What about those that thought that the movie just isn't that great? What about those who thought it sucked? What about those that thought it was good but not good enough to recommend it? What about those that don't care because the Joker isn't around? What about those that are giving the film a chance and going to twitter and social networks to tell that the movie sucks?What about Dane Cook? :lol:
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What about those that thought that the movie just isn't that great? What about those who thought it sucked? What about those that thought it was good but not good enough to recommend it? What about those that don't care because the Joker isn't around? What about those that are giving the film a chance and going to twitter and social networks to tell that the movie sucks?What about Dane Cook? :lol:

They're in the minority.
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It seems more like a mixed reception than the fans are willing to admit. And by mixed I don't mean awful, I mean it isn't nothing like TDK and The Avengers reception were. It's good, but not heaven sent good.

Agreed. Kind of expected with such a long runtime, bleak tone, and controversial choices by Nolan. Plus no Joker character to make people laugh.
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Everyone I know says that the shooting has an effect, but there are other factors at play as well.

Hey now, it works both ways. We don't know how much other factors were at play related to the shootings either, or if the shooting amplified the other factors, or whatever. This film is a nightmare for box office prognosticators to the point where there's no point discussing this box office run beyond daily holds and such. Bottom line, no one has any proof- nor will they have proof- of what TDKR's box office would have been, save for maybe the opening Friday.
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Everyone keeps posting that this movie has very good WOM because of internet polls and critic ratings, but I don't see the real life translation of this.I didn't like it. My good friend (a comic book artist/nerd) didn't like it. 3-4 friends from work who have seen it have said (at best) it was pretty good, or okay (everyone else hasn't seen it yet). One of them disliked it as much as I did. 2-3 other people on FB have posted things blasting it, and I haven't seen any post the opposite.I'm not seeing it.

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Agreed. Kind of expected with such a long runtime, bleak tone, and controversial choices by Nolan. Plus no Joker character to make people laugh.

I keep my claim that the White Knight would be the perfect villain for the finale. It would link the three films together, and there is a powerful message there. I wish we could see more of Harvey Two-Face.
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Everyone keeps posting that this movie has very good WOM because of internet polls and critic ratings, but I don't see the real life translation of this.I didn't like it. My good friend (a comic book artist/nerd) didn't like it. 3-4 friends from work who have seen it have said (at best) it was pretty good, or okay (everyone else hasn't seen it yet). One of them disliked it as much as I did. 2-3 other people on FB have posted things blasting it, and I haven't seen any post the opposite.I'm not seeing it.

I agree that it's not amazing, but it's clearly not terrible either. If that was the case, it would be looking at sub-400 instead of 450. A 2.8 multiplier with $30m at midnight is pretty damn good in the superhero genre. XFC supposedly had amazing WOM and only managed a 2.66 multiplier.
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Everyone keeps posting that this movie has very good WOM because of internet polls and critic ratings, but I don't see the real life translation of this.I didn't like it. My good friend (a comic book artist/nerd) didn't like it. 3-4 friends from work who have seen it have said (at best) it was pretty good, or okay (everyone else hasn't seen it yet). One of them disliked it as much as I did. 2-3 other people on FB have posted things blasting it, and I haven't seen any post the opposite.I'm not seeing it.

My experience has been similar. A friend of mine who sees the good in anything (something I at times envy) summed it up as 'pedestrian'. A lot of people see it as Nolan going through the motions. It's still Nolan so it's not total crap but lacks his usual spark.
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Can someone find me anyone here who said the shooting had no effect on it? Find one person who said that.I'm simply stating there are a plethora or other reasons why it will not and never was going to reach 500 mill. And I'm the one not being objective FTF? Take a look in the mirror friend.

How am I not being objective? I'm not claiming it would have broken records or beaten TA, etc, etc. All I'm saying is, take an ow of $185m, use the exact same current (as you claim) so-so/mixed wom drops, and it's hitting $500m...that's all I'm saying! This all started because you claimed "no matter what (regardless of the shooting) there's no chance in the world" it would have hit $500m...and that's crazy and wrong. It may not have hit $500m, as nothing is ever an exact certainty, but all the data and figures and numbers, etc. clearly point towards that it would have, so stubbornly stating no matter what that it wouldn't have makes no sense and is wrong and I don't know why you're being so insistent about it.
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to me this movie is not that good, boring, dense, not fun at all, total crap. This movie takes out all the wonder , fantasy, inherent in comic books, and Nolan is trying to convey some deep idiotic message to us mere mortals. WOM is defintely not good. In my office, when the Avenger came out, everybody was talking about it, ie when they will go and see it. with TDKR, nobody gives a hoot, ie not one person talking about it whether it is good or bad. So, there you go, WOM for this movie is overrated, IMO. Thank God this is the last one.
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to me this movie is not that good, boring, dense, not fun at all, total crap. This movie takes out all the wonder , fantasy, inherent in comic books, and Nolan is trying to convey some deep idiotic message to us mere mortals. WOM is defintely not good. In my office, when the Avenger came out, everybody was talking about it, ie when they will go and see it. with TDKR, nobody gives a hoot, ie not one person talking about it whether it is good or bad. So, there you go, WOM for this movie is overrated, IMO. Thank God this is the last one.

Replacing bold font with italic font, that's nice.
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