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Worst theater experience?

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I'll shush anyone who talks too much, so my worst experience at a theater was when I went to see Peter Jackson's King Kong. For whatever reason, the genius who designed the theater decided to put windows right outside the entrance to the auditorium. Any time someone came in or out of the room, you would know about it because of the light flowing in.

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When I saw Muppets in Space there was a gigantic group of Head Start kids at the theater. Enjoying the movie at all was a hopeless endeavor. Recently there were two people in front of me during Life of Pi who would not stop talking for much of the first half. Maybe they thought they could get away with it because they weren't doing it in English.

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Unstoppable there was a group of kids talking and texting so I shushed them, they told me that I was being very rude to them and for listening to their conversation. They shut up but after the movie was over, when walking out of the theater they gave me the ugliest look, like I did something wrong. Stupid kids

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Probably not the worst but the most annoying/awkward that i can remember was at my second viewing of skyfall yesterday, me and my friend had to watch a group of 13 year olds in the row in front of us talking but the worst bit was watching one of them trying to hug/flirt with another, through the whole movie. the worst part was he was doing a terrible job of it and it was just awkward seeing this guy failing whilst trying to concentrate on the movie.

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Probably not the worst but the most annoying/awkward that i can remember was at my second viewing of skyfall yesterday, me and my friend had to watch a group of 13 year olds in the row in front of us talking but the worst bit was watching one of them trying to hug/flirt with another, through the whole movie. the worst part was he was doing a terrible job of it and it was just awkward seeing this guy failing whilst trying to concentrate on the movie.

:lol: That's hilarious!The worst for me would probably have to be when I saw The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. There were a bunch of girls around 14 in front of me that would not stop texting and talking and they kept leaving the theatre to talk on the phone. When the more graphic scenes came on they'd insult the movie really loudly. and call it sick. I wish they would have went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks or something, it was so annoying. :angry:
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:lol: That's hilarious!The worst for me would probably have to be when I saw The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. There were a bunch of girls around 14 in front of me that would not stop texting and talking and they kept leaving the theatre to talk on the phone. When the more graphic scenes came on they'd insult the movie really loudly. and call it sick. I wish they would have went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks or something, it was so annoying. :angry:

It was the worst...i wonder if he sore me and my friend laughing at his pathetic attempts or when she pushed him away when he went in for a hug... Edited by phillip
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The one that takes the cake for me is opening night of Spider-Man 2, when this loud lady and her 5-year-old son talked throughout the entire movie. She was even shushing the people who were shushing her after a while, and at one point even encouraged her son to keep talking. And then on the way out, she went ahead and inadvertently spoiled the ending for some of the people who were standing in line to get into the next show. This probably would have frustrated me under any circumstance, but the fact that it happened at what was easily my most anticipated movie of the year was a little infuriating.Almost as legendary was when I saw The Proposal over its second weekend. It was the birthday of a friend of mine, we had already gone bowling, and then we decided we wanted to go see a movie. Because Transformers was sold out for the night (for which I thanked my lucky stars) and some of the girls in our group didn't want to see The Hangover because it was playing in a theater on the sketchy side of town, we compromised on The Proposal. We got there just before the 6:45 start time, and walked into an already nearly-full auditorium. There were 7 or 8 of us, so we couldn't all sit together in the stadium seating section. One of the other guys and I bit the bullet and sat down front. The catch was that we were sitting in front of a group of middle school age girls who never shut up. Like, ever. First, they had a heated debate about whether Kristen Stewart was pretty when the New Moon teaser played. Then, they giggled in the ever-so-brief brief moment of silence between the final trailer and the beginning of the film, which prompted one of them to say "I think we should stop talking now," to which someone in the back of the auditorium yelled "Yeah, shut up!" They did not heed that warning. Rather, they commented on virtually every aspect of Sandra Bullock's behavior, called every male character in the movie a bastard at least twice, and finally, for the icing on the cake, had a debate on whether Ryan Reynolds would kiss Bullock at the very end. The exchange is now legend: "Do you think he's gonna kiss her?" "Of course he is!" "But what if he doesn't?" "KENDRA, YOU WHORE! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" To which all in earshot burst out laughing. Given that so much of what transpired over those 100-plus minutes was bordering on unintentional comic trolling genius, I can't really call it the "worst" experience, but still.The winner (loser?) so far this year was the opening night screening of The Dark Knight Rises I went to. These three assholes behind me kicked off their night of infamy by joking about how the audience in Aurora should have used their concessions items as weapons against the shooter (I shit you not, they did this in a crowded auditorium less than 24 hours after the shooting happened), and then kept it up by making inane comments throughout the movie, like "Anne Hathaway is hot, dude" or "Did you see that? That was fuckin' sick," or "Dude, are they chanting This Is Awesome over and over again?" If I was more of an asshole, I would have turned around and spoiled the ending for them, since I had already seen the movie at midnight - and I was sorely tempted to do so at numerous points.

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I saw The Avengers at a large screen theater, so that was pretty cool. However, there was this man coughing throughout the movie, and these teenagers in the crowd were mocking him after a while. The coughing was pretty annoying, but they made it worse than it had to be.

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I saw The Avengers at a large screen theater, so that was pretty cool. However, there was this man coughing throughout the movie, and these teenagers in the crowd were mocking him after a while. The coughing was pretty annoying, but they made it worse than it had to be.

Some people....If I couldn't stop coughing I would just leave, I wouldn't be able to enjoy a movie knowing that I'm annoying everyone in the audience.
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With every breath, in and out, the guy was clearing his nasal passage. This happened for every breath for the entire running time. Eventually, I just blocked it out, but that was so utterly selfish of him. He must have had a problem, but then...don't go to the fucking cinema! It was in China, and they are 100% selfish. They have no respect for other attendees whatsoever.

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I'd be curious to hear about some of those.

Harry Potter and the Order Phoenix 3DA couple left the film early, we suppose to collect the glasses but this couple was in a huge fight, they yelling "fuck" and "I hate" to each other. So I did not want to say "excuse me can please have your glasses." I honestly that they going to start a fist fight.Prom Night?I think it was the movie was called prom night or some PG-13 horror film but it was prom for the local high school. So the a lot students from the local middle school came to see a movie. There must have been 200 plus students. Before the movie was started they were running around the lobby creating a mess. During the movie we had several complaints from non middle school moviegoers about how the middle school moviegoers were loud, throwing food, ect. After the movie the middle school contiuned to make a mess in the lobby and were yelling. Had to tell them to quiet down several times. Cleaning up after the sucked.????Have some custom yelling the fuck at me so random reason about something they did like.There are several bad stuff but a lot good/ funny stuff working at a movie theater.
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Trying to remember the movie, but I guess the experience was the memorable part. One instance, I had a person about 3 seats down in the same row as me not only answer their cell phone but proceed to have a conversation for about 10 minutes which lead to pretty much the end of the movie.Lately, when I saw Flight on my own, I sat to the side to keep away from everyone, but these 2 people that came in late (of course, it is usually those people) had to sit directly behind me. The place was at least 50% empty so for them to sit right behind me, I knew how the movie was going to go. So basically during the whole film the guy was explaining the whole movie to the girl he was with. I got up and moved but I could still hear them.I won't even go into the time I saw the Friday the 13th remake at midnight on opening day and had a baby crying. Yes, there are so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to start

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