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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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1 hour ago, Spidey Freak said:


In defense of the show, doesn't "The North Remembers" seem too fairytalish for GoT anyway? The Starks kept making dumbass mistakes and the North kept paying for it (Ned foolishly endangering himself and his daughters and triggering an avoidable war, Cat screwing up with the Jaime hostage situation, Robb screwing up with the Frey wedding deal, Robb screwing up and executing Lord Karstark and co. despite everybody's advise). All culminating in the Red Wedding. Robb, Cat and Ned jumped headlong into their own dooms, pulling many Northern men with them.


If the legitimate male heir and elders of the House proved to be so irresponsible and stupid, then why would many Northern Houses align with a polarizing bastard and a fugitive daughter who was a former Lannister spouse? A few Stark diehards are believable, but many of the major Houses? I don't find TNR epic in the slightest and I'm glad the show has done away with it. Jon and Sansa needed to earn their dues, not get free rides from the people who have suffered thanks to their family's idiocy. 

If robb had lost sure being defeated would have lost some luster but he never lost a battle and being betrayed in such a way which again caused members of every noble house to die why would thouse houses support the people who killed them that makes much less sense than supporting the family that have been your rulers for thousands of years.



at least some people see the problems here. The scenes and the visuals are great but the story just isnt there anymore and hasn't been since DD went off the reservation

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5 hours ago, boomboom234 said:

sure it is but the reviews are getting more negative from actual reviewers and the show is getting more popular people are complaining about story lines and there are more negative articles and quality isn't about popularity I thought that was clear 


I hate the RT review system, but I'm pretty sure only one episode this season hasn't had over a 90% tomatometer.  Doesn't sound negative to me.


Youre cherry picking evidence because you're butt hurt the show and books aren't one and the same.  Guess what, it's possible for both to be different and good.  They've said since near the beginning they'd have to take different routes to the same destination.  


In all actuality, I'm glad they're different.  When I finally get to read WoW and DoS, I'll get a different experience (and likely just as positive) as the show.  Book purists are one of my biggest pet peeves when discussing adaptions.  You can still create a good representation of a novel and not have it be exactly the same in the movie/show.

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16 minutes ago, The Pandaren said:


I hate the RT review system, but I'm pretty sure only one episode this season hasn't had over a 90% tomatometer.  Doesn't sound negative to me.


Youre cherry picking evidence because you're butt hurt the show and books aren't one and the same.  Guess what, it's possible for both to be different and good.  They've said since near the beginning they'd have to take different routes to the same destination.  


In all actuality, I'm glad they're different.  When I finally get to read WoW and DoS, I'll get a different experience (and likely just as positive) as the show.  Book purists are one of my biggest pet peeves when discussing adaptions.  You can still create a good representation of a novel and not have it be exactly the same in the movie/show.

I gave up on diffrences its not good on its own terms the pacing is off the characters motivations are inconsistent its kills people for the sake of killing people rather than any purpose and sometimes honestly makes no sense as a whole. Like Sansa not telling Jon about the soliders or arya turning into wolverine, littlefinger teleportating and so on

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1 hour ago, The Pandaren said:


I hate the RT review system, but I'm pretty sure only one episode this season hasn't had over a 90% tomatometer.  Doesn't sound negative to me.


Youre cherry picking evidence because you're butt hurt the show and books aren't one and the same.  Guess what, it's possible for both to be different and good.  They've said since near the beginning they'd have to take different routes to the same destination.  


In all actuality, I'm glad they're different.  When I finally get to read WoW and DoS, I'll get a different experience (and likely just as positive) as the show.  Book purists are one of my biggest pet peeves when discussing adaptions.  You can still create a good representation of a novel and not have it be exactly the same in the movie/show.


I agree. I'm fine with liberties and diversions that explore new ground yet still make sense.


But we deserved Frey pies Panda. The show even gave the initial setup like in the books with the Rat Cook story in late Season 3. :sadben:

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26 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Frey Pies might still be coming. I doubt they're showing a big Frey event just to have a random celebration next episode. Something's going down there. 


But with Jaime there he'd be caught in the crossfire of something like that, wouldn't he?


Unless he's the one doing it? :jeb!:

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28 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Frey Pies might still be coming. I doubt they're showing a big Frey event just to have a random celebration next episode. Something's going down there. 



Fair enough. But most likely it's Arya, Ninja Assassin killing Filch.

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God, please let Jaime live. He's the best character (not my favorite, necessarily- there's a difference). 


I think the season either ends on Tower of Joy, King's Landings Burning, or Dany leaving for Westeros. The Wall coming down is too early. Would make everything else irrelevant fast. 

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6 hours ago, 4815162342 said:


The build-up was excellent but I would put the battle itself below Blackwater and Castle Black (and Hardhome). The whole Littlefinger Gandalf bit was totally unnecessary if Sansa HAD JUST TOLD JON THAT A LARGE VALE ARMY WAS WAITING FOR THE SIGNAL TO SHOW UP.


Of course Jon didn't help matters by falling for the most obvious bait ever.


And Rickon certainly didn't help by RUNNING IN A STRAIGHT LINE WHILE A DUDE IS SHOOTING AT YOU. Zig-zag that shit man.

Sansa doesn't know that the the Vale Army is coming.  All she did was sent a message.  Nothing says that there was a response.

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6 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

The only other thing that disappoints me is that we didn't see the North rally to Jon and Sansa. In the books you have 1/3 of the North rebelling against Roose and Ramsey and at least another 1/3 on the fence or secretly planning to backstab the Boltons. In the show it's the Wildlings and a few hundred guys from a couple houses.


Plus the show cut out Lord Wyman Manderly, a true secret badass.

Wouldn't want to give you hope when the tide has turned with them backstabbing the Boltons.

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32 minutes ago, Klingo said:

Sansa doesn't know that the the Vale Army is coming.  All she did was sent a message.  Nothing says that there was a response.


True but if she was upfront with Jon about the Vale his planning would have been more cautious while waiting for some confirmation.

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It's not like Littlefinger is exactly a trustworthy guy, that's the whole reason she rejected him in the first place. Besides, Jon wanted to go quickly primarily because of weather. Waiting around for unknow/unconfirmed reinforcement wouldn't have been too smart in that regard. 

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36 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

It's not like Littlefinger is exactly a trustworthy guy, that's the whole reason she rejected him in the first place. Besides, Jon wanted to go quickly primarily because of weather. Waiting around for unknow/unconfirmed reinforcement wouldn't have been too smart in that regard. 


Of course the Northerners/Wildlings know how to move and fight in the winter/snow, compared to Stannis' army of Southerners and mercs

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This is a very random quibble. But while I like Sapochnik's action sensibilities between Hardhome and this, I really wanted them to continue the trend of Neil Marshall handling the Episode 9 battle in the even-numbered seasons. I guess Marshall wasn't available?

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20 hours ago, Biph Shmata said:





20 hours ago, GiantCALBears said:

I think it's pretty clear everyone is going to be fighting the White Walkers together in the end, that's what Dany setup by allowing the Iron Islands to stay independent.


We are running out of villains at this point...


Yeah, I think its obvious that Dragon Lady is gonna lead the fight against Ice Sauron.

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My ranking of Season 6 so far

1.Battle of the Bastards - A+

2.The Door - A+

3.The Book of Stranger - A+

4.Oathbreaker - A

5.Home - A

6.The Broken Man - A

7.Blood of My Blood - A-

8.The Red Woman - B+

9.No One - B

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Just now, 4815162342 said:


True but if she was upfront with Jon about the Vale his planning would have been more cautious while waiting for some confirmation.

Upfront about a reward in return that Jon would probably refuse or allowed?  You have to remember that the message mentions about helping her in return Littlefinger would be rewarded handsomely.  Something I believe and Sansa believe Jon would not allow.  Even if it leads to loss of the war.

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