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Shawn Robbins

Weekend Discussion: IM3 @ 175.3m wknd est

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Sorry, had to get one out. I'm done. :)

Mandarin > Bane, Tony Stark > Bruce Wayne. Hell, even Don Cheadle > JoGoLev and Don Cheadle doesn't even do anything. JGL just bugs the shit outta me in that film.

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What do they say about opinions. You are talking about a movie which had huge critical and audience appeal.


It also had loads of critics going meh over it and it fell off in a huge way domestically from its predecessor. It increased OS because of TDK goodwill + more markets + ticket price rise.

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I remember this one guy defending Green Lantern will WALLS of text, kind of like Ijack did with Amazing Shitfest last year. Cept it was before Ijack, and there posting styles were radically different. Who was that?


Also the fight between Noctis and Mattrek back in DH2 and Transformers 3 came out were epic.

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but movies themselves were brand. Avengers was long planned get together of all Marvel SH while Skyfall was a bond film. Plus they were brilliantly marketed and came at the right time( 50th year of Bond and marketing during london olympics). for an unknown director and an original concept I dont see how general audience gets pulled it. Plus marketing has been mediocre.

They still nearly doubled their expectations, didn't they?Sci-fi genre (especially involving aliens) has given many directors their first megahits. It might very well be Del Tero's turn.
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Mandarin > Bane, Tony Stark > Bruce Wayne. Hell, even Don Cheadle > JoGoLev and Don Cheadle doesn't even do anything. JGL just bugs the shit outta me in that film.


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Fair enough. What did Star Wars have before it released in 1977?  :stirthepot:

I know you're not being entirely serious, but Star Wars' advantage was that it had nothing before it. It was a throwback to serials from decades before that presumably couldn't be seen anymore and came in an era of experimentalism and cynicism. It was a film that pretended to be nothing but a fun ride and it was different for it whereas now that's really all we see. It also had a compelling story and, perhaps more importantly, memorable characters that people identified with.I don't want to write PR off, but I can't see anything apart from giant mecha fighting. Why should anyone care what's happening?
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I should have said 200 pages (for the summer game)


I don't think there was any way to know... last year when Avengers came out, the entire forum had 2,032 posts between May 4-6. So far, just with yesterday and half of today, we've had 5,498.

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The more I think about the twist, the more I like it.


It didn't "depower" the villain at all because Mandarin was only supposed to be a terrorist orchestrating bombing attacks, anyway. Never was it implied that he was personally committing any of the violence, with the exception of shooting the Roxxon accountant in the head. The Extremis soldiers were the ones behind the bombings, whether deliberately or not. So even if Mandarin had not been revealed to be a sham concocted by Killian, he didn't have any real powers and would have relied on the Extremis soldiers to do his fighting for him.


The real villain was Aldrich Killian, who was actually the most powerful and frightening foe Iron Man has faced in any of his films. Killian said during the final battle, "I am The Mandarin," which is the truth that is being overlooked here. He used an actor to create a stereotypical terrorist facade behind which he could hide as he carried out his real schemes. The Mandarin was a distraction, created to dupe the military into chasing shadows and bait Iron Patriot into a trap. Killian wanted revenge on Tony, yes, but he also needed Tony to fix the flaw in Extremis so that he could avoid the explosive fate of his hapless soldier guinea pigs. That's a spin on what Tony did with Hansen's flawed formula in the comics that a lot of people who consider themselves rabid fans seem to have overlooked. 


Although i really loved the Mandarin twist in the movie, (it's awesome and King Ben is awesome) the fanboy in me was a lil sad as well. The fact the firedeep let us know the twist waaay in advance kinda blunted the effect and i was over the "sadness" by the time i actually saw the film.



That being said, comics are notorious for "retconning" (short for "retro-active continuity," as in alteration of previously established facts in continuity). They're already doing it with the SHIELD TV show as it relates to the Avengers:

Coulson is alive and his death was faked by Fury and Coulson himself to give the Avengers the push they needed to work together.


That being said, in the future Marvel has the option to retcon the Mandarin twist as well, if they felt like it (not that they need to, but the option is open). How?

One of the Mandarin's alien rings specializes in mind control. That is a deus ex machina if i've ever seen one. What if King Ben shows up in a future installment and it is all revealed that he was feigning and manipulating at the highest levels all along? A twist on a twist.

May not be probable that Marvel goes this way, but the possibility is definitely open... I mean Iron Man doesn't have the strongest of rogues gallery after all.

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