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Jackman's such a ham. idk. Great in The Prestige. How many times did he desperately yell "WHERE'S MY OSCAR?" in Prisoners? And sing-yell that in Les Mis?

Yeah, Jackman wasn't realistic in prisoners, to over the top.Sometimes (especially with big actors) smaller is better. DDL was fairly subtle for playing Lincoln, which is why he deserved his win.I found Waltz also subtle and he didn't have an Oscar begging scene in Django at all.
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J-Law in Hustle? Realistic? 


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She's playing the young version of the mother character David O. Russell had Mary Tyler Moore play in Flirting With Disaster. It's quite obvious to me that Russell's own mother suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder, and as somebody who also has a borderline mother, Jennifer Lawrence nailed it. She may have seemed surface level and her actions may have been drastic, but that's accurate to who borderlines are as people. Burning herself with a heat lamp, purposefully starting a fire, dating a mobster, crashing her car... Rosalyn is obviously a woman who gets into accidents specifically so she can feel loved by the woman in her life. The character is so repressed she doesn't even realize that she is attempting to kill herself by making it look like an accident, but that's what borderlines do. They mentally are not capable of realizing that their actions are designed to manipulate other people. Watching her performance was one of the rare times i was able to actually empathize with how terrible life has been for my mother. Her not being mentally capable of not being emotionally abusive doesn't negate anything she's done, but nobody chooses the condition. My mother is just as much a victim as the people she's victimized over the years. That's what makes Jennifer's performance and Russell's writing work so well, the fact that they got me to empathize with the person responsible for me most likely never going to be interested in ever experiencing what a healthy relationship with a woman could be. 


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Poor Paul Dano. Hugh Jackman only beat him up because he saw DDL won an Oscar for beating him up a few years ago. But Chiwetel Ejiofor is most likely going to win an Oscar for beating up Paul Dano this year.

I like Hugh Jackman, but he needs to realize not every movie is a musical that needs to be overacted. Edited by The Panda
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Fight the good fight, Amon. :)


Yeah, I'll probably let it go now. To sum it up: Don't be surprised if she starts winning awards for her performance in American Hustle. That's basically all I was trying to say. lol

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You know what I think about Jennifer Lawrence?


I've been hesitating to write this post because I've been afraid that, if I did, Jennifer Lawrence would do everything in her power to make me run for cover. But after watching all of Lawrence's insufferable orations, I could hesitate no longer. By way of introduction, let me just say that Lawrence exhibits an air of superiority. You realize, of course, that that's really just a defense mechanism to cover up her obvious inferiority. There's only one proper consideration here: the harm that'll be caused if she's allowed to overthrow all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drag people down into the sphere of her own base nature. All else is abstract, iracund, intellectual hooey. Can you really blame me for suggesting that I like to throw darts at Lawrence's picture?


Shame on Lawrence for thinking that people like you and me are malodorous! While she might not seize control over where we eat, sleep, socialize, and associate with others per se, Lawrence's behavior might be different if she were told that it blew my mind when I realized that the nicest thing that can be said about her gofers is that they are crazy dirtbags out to crush the remaining vestiges of democracy throughout the world. Of course, as far as Lawrence is concerned, this fact will fall into the category of, "My mind is made up; don't confuse me with the facts." That's why I'm telling you that her unconscious preoccupation with a subjective cognizance of reality leads her to cast the world into nuclear holocaust. The sooner she comes to grips with that reality, the better for all of us. Lawrence is like a giant octopus sprawling its slimy length over city, state, and nation. Like the octopus of real life, she operates under cover of self-created screen. Lawrence seizes in her long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection.


So Lawrence thinks that freedom must be abolished in order for people to be more secure and comfortable? Interesting viewpoint. Here's another: I try never to argue with her because it's clear she's not susceptible to reason. She loves using big words like "unextinguishableness" and "incomprehensibility". As a result, she writes like a mentally ill person with a thesaurus. That got me thinking: Perhaps there are some slovenly, shameless brownshirts who are stiff-necked. There are also some who are lackadaisical. Which category does Lawrence fall into? If the question overwhelms you, I suggest you check "both".


Lawrence wants to produce an army of mindless insects who will obey her every command. To produce such an army, she plans to destroy people's minds using either drugs or an advanced form of lobotomy. Whichever approach she takes, when one examines the ramifications of letting Lawrence outrage the very sensibilities of those who value freedom and fairness, one finds a preponderance of evidence leading to the conclusion that the only weapons she has in her intellectual arsenal are book burning, brainwashing, and intimidation. That's all she has, and she knows it.


Judging by the generally pusillanimous nature of Lawrence's squadristi, I can see that most of you reading this letter have your hearts in the right place. Now follow your hearts with actions. Lawrence will hate me for saying this, but she is a dastardly, villainous kleptocrat. I use that label only when it's true. If you don't believe it is, then consider that the objection may still be raised that power, politics, and privilege should prevail over the rule of law. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: Lawrence will concentrate all the wealth of the world into her own hands in a matter of days. When that event happens, a darkness and evil exceeding anything seen in history will descend over the world. I can hope only that before it does, people will improve the world. Only then can we reverse the devolutionary course that Lawrence has set for us.


If I chose to do so I could write exclusively about Lawrence's empty-headed, audacious prevarications and never be lacking for material. Nonetheless, I'd rather spend some time discussing how documents written by Lawrence's acolytes typically include the line, "Lawrence is a voice of probity", in large, 30-point type, as if the size of the font gives weight to the words. In reality, all that that fancy formatting really does is underscore the fact that we must do everything we can to clean up the country and get it back on course again. Fortunately, ratchetting up our level of understanding is an activity that's right in my wheelhouse. I even know where to begin: by informing people that Lawrence's current aspiration is to lower our standard of living. I'd call that the most callous idea in Lawrence's long history of callous ideas. It's the sort of idea that draws attention to how I enjoy the great diversity of humankind, in our food, our dress, our music, our literature, and our forms of spiritual expression. What I don't enjoy are Lawrence's costive intimations, which stand in the way of progress.


The tone of Lawrence's reportages is so far removed from reality I find myself questioning what color the sky must be in Lawrence's world. Easy as it may seem to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values, it is far more difficult to stand uncompromised in a world that's on the brink of Lawrence-induced disaster. I am sick of our illustrious "leaders" treading on eggshells so as not to upset Lawrence. Here's what I have to say to them: If Lawrence opened her eyes, she'd realize that I am fed up to the back teeth with her termagant litanies. She, ever the drama queen, has been shrieking about how it's perfectly safe to drink and drive, period. It's selfish for Lawrence to numb the public to the totalism and injustice in mainstream politics. Or perhaps I should say, it's impulsive.


Lawrence's worshippers don't represent an ideology. They don't represent a legitimate political group of people. They're just flat morbid. If I want to become the target of prejudice, ridicule, discrimination, and physical violence, that should be my prerogative. I don't need Lawrence forcing me to.


It is certainly the height of ironies that if I were a complete sap, I'd believe Lawrence's line that her vindictive entourage is a respected civil-rights organization. Unfortunately for her, I realize that Lawrence wishes she could buy "ethnic cleanser" at the grocery store. I'll probably devote a separate post to that topic alone, but for now I'll simply summarize by stating that if one could get a Ph.D. in Lysenkoism, Lawrence would be the first in line to have one. I'll repeat what I've already said: I'll tell you what we need to do about all the craziness Lawrence is mongering. We need to focus on the major economic, social, and political forces that provide the setting for the expression of a nettlesome agenda.


Given Lawrence's record of shady dealings, we can say that it's debatable whether her only motivation is an intrusive attachment to wealth and power. However, no one can disagree that if Lawrence can't stand the heat, she should get out of the kitchen. We must also assert with all the sincerity of informed experience and the desperate desire to see our beloved country survive that perhaps one day we will live in a world where good people are not troubled by fear of ultra-clueless, illiterate mendicants. Until that day arrives, however, we must spread the word that Lawrence is trapped in a vicious cycle. The more opposition to her ebullitions she faces, the more savage she becomes. The more savage she becomes, the more opposition to her ebullitions she faces. As I conclude this letter, let me remind you that my goal in writing it was not only to make an impartial and well-informed evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of Jennifer Lawrence's rodomontades. I sought also to use this post as a means to bring the communion of knowledge to all of us.


Thank you Tele for showing us this website a while ago

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I thought Jlaw was a deserving winner last yr although Riva was as well. However I dont get it this yr. Her AH performance was fine but not memorable enough to be Oscar worthy imo.

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She was the third most deserving nominee. But I'm not bitter. Chastain's winning in a few years and I like Jennifer Lawrence. Her performance is CF is actually better than the one in Silver Linings, though, which is interesting.


LOL You know I'm just messing with you.

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You know what I think about Jennifer Lawrence?

I've been hesitating to write this post because I've been afraid that, if I did, Jennifer Lawrence would do everything in her power to make me run for cover. But after watching all of Lawrence's insufferable orations, I could hesitate no longer. By way of introduction, let me just say that Lawrence exhibits an air of superiority. You realize, of course, that that's really just a defense mechanism to cover up her obvious inferiority. There's only one proper consideration here: the harm that'll be caused if she's allowed to overthrow all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drag people down into the sphere of her own base nature. All else is abstract, iracund, intellectual hooey. Can you really blame me for suggesting that I like to throw darts at Lawrence's picture?

Shame on Lawrence for thinking that people like you and me are malodorous! While she might not seize control over where we eat, sleep, socialize, and associate with others per se, Lawrence's behavior might be different if she were told that it blew my mind when I realized that the nicest thing that can be said about her gofers is that they are crazy dirtbags out to crush the remaining vestiges of democracy throughout the world. Of course, as far as Lawrence is concerned, this fact will fall into the category of, "My mind is made up; don't confuse me with the facts." That's why I'm telling you that her unconscious preoccupation with a subjective cognizance of reality leads her to cast the world into nuclear holocaust. The sooner she comes to grips with that reality, the better for all of us. Lawrence is like a giant octopus sprawling its slimy length over city, state, and nation. Like the octopus of real life, she operates under cover of self-created screen. Lawrence seizes in her long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection.

So Lawrence thinks that freedom must be abolished in order for people to be more secure and comfortable? Interesting viewpoint. Here's another: I try never to argue with her because it's clear she's not susceptible to reason. She loves using big words like "unextinguishableness" and "incomprehensibility". As a result, she writes like a mentally ill person with a thesaurus. That got me thinking: Perhaps there are some slovenly, shameless brownshirts who are stiff-necked. There are also some who are lackadaisical. Which category does Lawrence fall into? If the question overwhelms you, I suggest you check "both".

Lawrence wants to produce an army of mindless insects who will obey her every command. To produce such an army, she plans to destroy people's minds using either drugs or an advanced form of lobotomy. Whichever approach she takes, when one examines the ramifications of letting Lawrence outrage the very sensibilities of those who value freedom and fairness, one finds a preponderance of evidence leading to the conclusion that the only weapons she has in her intellectual arsenal are book burning, brainwashing, and intimidation. That's all she has, and she knows it.

Judging by the generally pusillanimous nature of Lawrence's squadristi, I can see that most of you reading this letter have your hearts in the right place. Now follow your hearts with actions. Lawrence will hate me for saying this, but she is a dastardly, villainous kleptocrat. I use that label only when it's true. If you don't believe it is, then consider that the objection may still be raised that power, politics, and privilege should prevail over the rule of law. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: Lawrence will concentrate all the wealth of the world into her own hands in a matter of days. When that event happens, a darkness and evil exceeding anything seen in history will descend over the world. I can hope only that before it does, people will improve the world. Only then can we reverse the devolutionary course that Lawrence has set for us.

If I chose to do so I could write exclusively about Lawrence's empty-headed, audacious prevarications and never be lacking for material. Nonetheless, I'd rather spend some time discussing how documents written by Lawrence's acolytes typically include the line, "Lawrence is a voice of probity", in large, 30-point type, as if the size of the font gives weight to the words. In reality, all that that fancy formatting really does is underscore the fact that we must do everything we can to clean up the country and get it back on course again. Fortunately, ratchetting up our level of understanding is an activity that's right in my wheelhouse. I even know where to begin: by informing people that Lawrence's current aspiration is to lower our standard of living. I'd call that the most callous idea in Lawrence's long history of callous ideas. It's the sort of idea that draws attention to how I enjoy the great diversity of humankind, in our food, our dress, our music, our literature, and our forms of spiritual expression. What I don't enjoy are Lawrence's costive intimations, which stand in the way of progress.

The tone of Lawrence's reportages is so far removed from reality I find myself questioning what color the sky must be in Lawrence's world. Easy as it may seem to stand up and fight for our heritage, traditions, and values, it is far more difficult to stand uncompromised in a world that's on the brink of Lawrence-induced disaster. I am sick of our illustrious "leaders" treading on eggshells so as not to upset Lawrence. Here's what I have to say to them: If Lawrence opened her eyes, she'd realize that I am fed up to the back teeth with her termagant litanies. She, ever the drama queen, has been shrieking about how it's perfectly safe to drink and drive, period. It's selfish for Lawrence to numb the public to the totalism and injustice in mainstream politics. Or perhaps I should say, it's impulsive.

Lawrence's worshippers don't represent an ideology. They don't represent a legitimate political group of people. They're just flat morbid. If I want to become the target of prejudice, ridicule, discrimination, and physical violence, that should be my prerogative. I don't need Lawrence forcing me to.

It is certainly the height of ironies that if I were a complete sap, I'd believe Lawrence's line that her vindictive entourage is a respected civil-rights organization. Unfortunately for her, I realize that Lawrence wishes she could buy "ethnic cleanser" at the grocery store. I'll probably devote a separate post to that topic alone, but for now I'll simply summarize by stating that if one could get a Ph.D. in Lysenkoism, Lawrence would be the first in line to have one. I'll repeat what I've already said: I'll tell you what we need to do about all the craziness Lawrence is mongering. We need to focus on the major economic, social, and political forces that provide the setting for the expression of a nettlesome agenda.

Given Lawrence's record of shady dealings, we can say that it's debatable whether her only motivation is an intrusive attachment to wealth and power. However, no one can disagree that if Lawrence can't stand the heat, she should get out of the kitchen. We must also assert with all the sincerity of informed experience and the desperate desire to see our beloved country survive that perhaps one day we will live in a world where good people are not troubled by fear of ultra-clueless, illiterate mendicants. Until that day arrives, however, we must spread the word that Lawrence is trapped in a vicious cycle. The more opposition to her ebullitions she faces, the more savage she becomes. The more savage she becomes, the more opposition to her ebullitions she faces. As I conclude this letter, let me remind you that my goal in writing it was not only to make an impartial and well-informed evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of Jennifer Lawrence's rodomontades. I sought also to use this post as a means to bring the communion of knowledge to all of us.

Thank you Tele for showing us this website a while ago

I want to struggle unceasingly against Jennifer Lawrence's fans's unremitting stream of cacodoxies and slander. I have to laugh when Jennifer Lawrence's fans says that there should be publicly financed centers of obstructionism. Where in the world did it get that idea? Not only does that idea contain absolutely no substance whatsoever, but it talks a lot about serfism and how wonderful it is. However, it's never actually defined what it means. How can Jennifer Lawrence's fans argue for something it's never defined? You see, the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to stop defending the spleenful status quo and, instead, implement a bold, new agenda for change?

With friends like Jennifer Lawrence's fans, who needs enemies? I mean, its vituperations are based on hate. Hate, paternalism, and an intolerance of another viewpoint, another way of life. I am more than merely surprised by Jennifer Lawrence's fans's willingness to divert our attention from serious issues. I'm shocked, shocked. And, as if that weren't enough, it has been said that I don't see why Jennifer Lawrence's fans wants to maintain social control by eliminating rights and freedoms. I believe that to be true. I also believe that Jennifer Lawrence's fans denies ever having tried to spoon-feed us its pabulum. I assume it's merely trying to cover its posterior, as the truth is that those—I count myself among them—who accept that Jennifer Lawrence's fans takes irreligionism to bed with it at night and snuggles up to it as if it were a big, fuzzy teddy bear do know one thing. We know that if we are to convince the government to clamp down hard on its ebullitions, then we must be guided by a healthy and progressive ideology, not by the directionless and morally corrupt ideologies that Jennifer Lawrence's fans promotes.

We can divide Jennifer Lawrence's fans's allegations into three categories: annoying, sniffish, and soporific. Jennifer Lawrence's fans has compiled an impressive list of grievances against me. Not only are all of these grievances completely fictitious, but one of the things I find quite interesting is listening to other people's takes on things. For instance, I recently overheard some folks remark that if Jennifer Lawrence's fans had even a shred of intellectual integrity, it'd admit that by writing this letter, I am unmistakably sticking my head far above the parapet. The big danger is that Jennifer Lawrence's fans will retaliate against me. It'll most likely try to force me to tear off all my clothes and run naked down the street although another possibility is that my current plan is to yank up jealous cretins from the dark rocks under which they hide and flaunt them before the bright sunshine of public exposure. Yes, Jennifer Lawrence's fans will draw upon the most powerful fires of Hell to tear that plan asunder, but it has a glib proficiency with words and very sensitive nostrils. Jennifer Lawrence's fans can smell money in your pocket from a block away. Once that delicious aroma reaches its nostrils, it'll start talking about the joy of interdenominationalism and how the Queen of England heads up the international drug cartel. As you listen to Jennifer Lawrence's fans's sing-song, chances are you won't even notice its hand as it goes into your pocket. Only later, after you realize you've been robbed, will you truly understand that it is stepping over the line when it attempts to make all of us pay for its boondoggles—way over the line.

Although I respect Jennifer Lawrence's fans's right to free speech just as I respect it for churlish clods, sick-minded leighsters, and hideous mountebanks, its whinges are a house of mirrors. How are we to find the opening that leads to freedom? Apparently, even know-it-all Jennifer Lawrence's fans doesn't know the answer to that one. It wouldn't even matter much if it did, given that it is currently limited to shrieking and spitting when it's confronted with inconvenient facts. Sometime soon, however, Jennifer Lawrence's fans is likely to switch to some sort of "stir up one part of the population against another" approach to draw our attention away from such facts. My dream is for tired eyes to open and see clearly, broken spirits to find new energy, and weary arms to find the strength to condemn Jennifer Lawrence's fans's hypocrisy.

Rest assured, Jennifer Lawrence's fans claims to have solutions to all of our problems. Usually, though, these supposed solutions ride on the backs of people who are poor, powerless, or who don't have the clout to restore the world back to its original balance. It's these classes of "solutions", therefore, that demonstrate how Jennifer Lawrence's fans is a duplicitous liar. Let's list some of Jennifer Lawrence's fans's more mutinous lies: First, it claims that some people deserve to feel safe while others do not. Second, it insists that everyone who doesn't share its beliefs is a doolally cutthroat deserving of death and damnation. And third, it wants us to believe that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance. I presented that list to get you to see that the unalterable law of biology has a corollary that is generally overlooked. Specifically, Jennifer Lawrence's fans's précis are geared toward the continuation of social stratification under the rubric of "tradition". Funny, that was the same term that its hirelings once used to make higher education accessible only to those in the higher echelons of society.

There are three points I need to make here. First, people who write using all capital letters are usually the ones without a real point to make. Second, the quest to understand how Jennifer Lawrence's fans can be so satanic raises far more questions than it answers. And third, too many unambitious, bilious pamphleteers out there are looking for the quick and easy fix, for a great savior who will make it all right again so they can go back to sleep. They gather at the foot of the mount to herald the coming of Jennifer Lawrence's fans and neglect to notice that once people obtain the critical skills that enable them to think and reflect and speculate independently, they'll realize that when Jennifer Lawrence's fans was first found exposing and neutralizing its adversaries rather than sitting at the same table and negotiating, I was scared. I was scared not only for my personal safety; I was scared for the people I love. And now that Jennifer Lawrence's fans is planning to paint people of different races and cultures as scrofulous alien forces undermining the coherent national will, I'm downright terrified.

We must overcome the fears that beset us every day of our lives. We must overcome the fear that Jennifer Lawrence's fans will take credit for others' accomplishments. And to overcome these fears, we must make plans and carry them out.

If Jennifer Lawrence's fans were paying attention—which it would seem it is not, as I've already gone over this—it'd see that it once tried convincing me that it is God's representative on Earth. Does it think I was born yesterday? I mean, it seems pretty obvious that the implications of this are obvious. To spell it out, though, if today we don't enhance people's curiosity, critical acumen, and aesthetic sensitivity, then tomorrow we'll have to put up with Jennifer Lawrence's fans abridging our basic civil liberties.

I, for one, am sick of our illustrious "leaders" treading on eggshells so as not to upset Jennifer Lawrence's fans. Here's what I have to say to them: We must stop tiptoeing and begin marching boldly and forthrightly towards our goal, which is to deal with Jennifer Lawrence's fans's adversarial pranks on a case-by-case basis. We no longer have the luxury of indulging in universalist, altruistic principles that, no matter how noble they may appear, have enabled abysmal ultracrepidarians to reduce history to an overdetermined, wireframe sketch of what are, in reality, complex, dynamic events. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that Jennifer Lawrence's fans doesn't suppress those who would seek to learn the truth about its presentism-prone adages. Jennifer Lawrence's fans is absolutely determined to believe that truth is merely a social construct, and it's not about to let facts or reason get in its way. No man who values himself, who has any regard for sound morality, or who feels any desire to see intellectual progress made certain, can rightfully join Jennifer Lawrence's fans's militant attempt to infantilize and corrupt the public. Even though Jennifer Lawrence's fans insists that the world can be happy only when its club is given full rein, I indeed warrant that anyone with eyes and a brain can tell that vigilantism is vigilantism, whether forced on us by Jennifer Lawrence's fans or merely lauded by orgulous chaterestres. That much is crystal clear. But did you know that Jennifer Lawrence's fans lusts for a world in which doctrinaire jabberers display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations? That's why I'm telling you that the virus of credentialism took control of our country's political life long ago. Now, thanks to Jennifer Lawrence's fans's homilies, that virus will continue to spread until no one can recall that the picture I am presenting need not be confined to Jennifer Lawrence's fans's solutions. It applies to everything it says and does.

Jennifer Lawrence's fans is a polarizing figure. The most resentful ranters you'll ever see love it because it promotes making people weak and dependent. The rest of us have the opposite opinion, that Jennifer Lawrence's fans may be reasonably cunning with words. However, it is completely moralistic with everything else. This is particularly interesting when you consider that Jennifer Lawrence's fans secretly has been scheming to censor by caricature and preempt discussion by stereotype. This is exactly the sort of scandal that most people understand and appreciate. It's what opens people's eyes to the reality that Jennifer Lawrence's fans is interpersonally exploitative. That is, it takes advantage of others to achieve its own self-pitying ends. Why does it do that? The answer has two parts to it. The first part regards the manner in which justice and humanity are utterly on our side and nothing but illegality and barbarity are on Jennifer Lawrence's fans's. The second part of the answer is focused on the the way that Jennifer Lawrence's fans takes things out of context, twists them around, and then neglects to provide decent referencing so the reader can check up on it. It also ignores all of the evidence that doesn't support (or in many cases directly contradicts) its position. To end on a more positive note: Jennifer Lawrence's fans's perverted communications are the cherry atop the hypersensitive sundae of resistentialism.

Edited by John Marston
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