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Ghost in the Shell | March 31, 2017 | Scarlett Johansson | Paramount | New Trailer on page 43!!!

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16 minutes ago, Kalo said:


He's only directed one other full length film though, sure it looked good, but the story was awful and he didn't do anything to help it and got some of the most wooden performances out of actors I've seen give a lot better performance from. (with the exception of Charlize who can act in anything). but yeah maybe this will be better, the writers behind it have more credit at least. 


And I understand that whole business perspective deal, and Yeah Johanson is a big name so I understand, I just wish there were Asian actresses in America that were. but yeah it's not real and that isn't really going to affect my opinion of the film much, at least if it were good. but unless this gets good reviews I probably won't watch it. 


A reasonable reaction.  No reason to watch it unless it's good.


Well, unless you're me.  I'll watch everything cause...I fucking will.  Quality ain't my stopping point.  I devour movies like a black hole.

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21 minutes ago, kowhite said:


A reasonable reaction.  No reason to watch it unless it's good.


Well, unless you're me.  I'll watch everything cause...I fucking will.  Quality ain't my stopping point.  I devour movies like a black hole.


Considering it's Sci-fi I'll probably watch it on VOD eventually either way. I watch pretty much everything as well, I mostly meant in theaters. 

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6 minutes ago, Kalo said:


Considering it's Sci-fi I'll probably watch it on VOD eventually either way. I watch pretty much everything as well, I mostly meant in theaters. 


Expand past theaters.  There's some serious amazing when you delve into 1970s Women in Prison movies and Chinese gangsta flicks.  And seriously, yes they're 3 hours long and musicals but Bollywood mother fucker.


Shit, cinema has so much to offer.  There was even a time when porno was interesting (if it was made past 1982, seriously, that's not what I meant).

Edited by kowhite
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7 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:


Ehh, I mean, there wasn't even a trailer out three months before release, and The Dark Tower isn't exactly Bad Moms or something, it doesn't seem to be a low budget film that quickly gets its budget back if marketing is just half-decent. It more than likely will be heavy budgeted (and it is Sony, after all, so of course it will), and honestly, it was facing abundantly strong competition in its original February release date. The new release date it got (the Jumanji spot) is much better for it, since it'll then have the whole of August to leg it out. Even if Alien: Covenant cuts its legs a little bit (like Suicide Squad did to Jason Bourne), it'll still do good w/the lack of competition in the remains of the month. I really think it was a smart move.


It won't be making my top 10 BO hits of Summer 2017 predictions (I really don't think The Dark Tower is that famous of a series, maybe I'm TOTALLY wrong about that but it doesn't seem quite as well known for the general audience as some might say, despite Stephen King's fame and the Elba/McConaughey duo), but I really believe it'll do better here than where it was.


Oh, yeah, I definitely agree with you that it is a good move, I don't think Feb was a good date either considering they need time to build up the hype. So it will probably do better now in July. I was mostly speaking from a personal interest point of view, next Feb/March is seriously the most stacked ever, to me it pretty much matches the excitement level of summer 2017, with the Dark Tower (a movie I'm really interested in seeing) moving I think the summer takes a slight lead for me now, but there's still so much to look forward to in Feb/March of next year.

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16 hours ago, Belakor said:

The cinematography looks absolutely gorgeous, that being said, the casting is terrible, they all look wrong but Batou is really terrible, worst casting choice since Ryan Reynolds as GL IMO.



You know Green Lantern was terrible but I'll say this...it wasn't Ryan Reynolds that was the problem.

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On 15.11.2016 г. at 0:05 AM, Nutella of Arabia said:

Finally got around to seeing the trailer. 


I dunno. :unsure: It feels like I've seen this sort of thing a million times already. I'm still not sure what the point of a remake is (except, of course, the desire to squeeze money from some pre-existing franchise). 


Really, Tele?


OK, I'll explain it. Imagine MMFR existed - but only in the form of an outdated foreign cartoon, a media unsuitable of doing it justice. Wouldn't you then be the first one to want to see it remade in the form it currently is in? ;)

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On SJ, what if...


Been talking to someone on Twitter about this, apparently in the original anime at the end she discards her current shell and gets a new one. What if Ríla Fukushima'a role is actually the 'original' Mokoto and then at the end she ditches the ScsrJo shell and decides to have herself? And Rila becomes the lead in the sequel, assuming this one does well enough to warrant a sequel without a big lead star.


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3 minutes ago, antovolk said:

On SJ, what if...

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Been talking to someone on Twitter about this, apparently in the original anime at the end she discards her current shell and gets a new one. What if Ríla Fukushima'a role is actually the 'original' Mokoto and then at the end she ditches the ScsrJo shell and decides to have herself? And Rila becomes the lead in the sequel, assuming this one does well enough to warrant a sequel without a big lead star.



So in the original anime (i am afraid i dont know the manga so i cant say anything about storylines tackled in that) she



switches shells only briefly. She basically merges with an AI and leaves her new shell (which btw is that of a child) behind and uploads herself into the net. With that considered, if they follow through with that storyline the major wont have a body anymore at all, as is the case in the second anime movie.


As far as i know they will go with a more conventional storyline and villain which has been in an arc shown in the GitS anime tv series. But kudos to them if they can pull off what you have suggested above. That would be pretty ambitious :)

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What year is it? 1995?


That gives me Johnny Mnemonic and every B-movies cheap vibes which were all about "Cyber-shit" this, "Cyber-stuff" that, (because slapping "cyber" onto your movie title was seen as automatically cool and hip back then) when the internet was this new nebulous thingy stoners were tripping over scifi schlocks full of scantily clad gynoids and HK action movies rip-offs.

Edited by dashrendar44
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6 minutes ago, dashrendar44 said:

What year is it? 1995?


That gives me Johnny Mnemonic and every B-movies cheap vibes which were all about "Cyber-shit" this, "Cyber-stuff" that, when the internet was this new nebulous thingy stoners were tripping over full of scantily clad gynoids and HK action movies rip-offs.


The original source material is 1989 as a manga and the movie is 1995.

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