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The Disney Thread | Happy 90th to Donald Duck!

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3 hours ago, keysersoze123 said:

Big question is how did he survive this long. His role was diminished back in 2015 when he was removed being part of Marvel Studios. He runs a small business division that generates 50-60m per year which is peanuts for Disney. Plus with all controversies, I am amazed he lasted this long. He is 80 years old !!!!

i think its cause he owns so many disney shares.

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1 hour ago, SpiderByte said:

These are...not quite as exculpatory as previously intended. This could definitely be read as an "I'm sorry I fell down those stairs" type thing. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


You mean a defense attorney sort of lied about his client's innocence? I am shockes..SHOVKED to hear that.

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Those messages suggest two things: 1 They had a fight that ended up with Majors injuring her and 2. She’s clearly addicted to him and she justify his behavior… “it was my fault trying to grab your phone”.

Really? That’s messed up and he may be in need of a better lawyer.

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On 2/8/2023 at 12:24 PM, Porthos said:


I promise you*, all you have to do is tell me when I can get my Mandalorian Steelbook Blu-Rays and I'll never bother you again for another leak. 👍  Even by PM would suffice!  😉

* This is a downright dirty lie, for the record**.

** But I'm sure you knew that. 😛



Take with the biggest grain of salt you have ever seen, all I got told is that something involving Mando S1 and Clone Wars S7 is being worked on, physical release seems possible but could really be anything. 

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7 hours ago, dudalb said:

And Disney has apparently outmaneuvered De Santis in Florida:




De Santis is about learn why a common saying in Hollywood is "Whatever you do, don't fuck around with The Mouse".

Not to go wildly off topic but I don't know how to square this with the fact that DeSantis has clearly already won? "Disney may have ended up exactly where they were before the political retaliation happened but with a more polarized reputation" isn't anyone's definition of winning. Disney also clearly "lost" in that its future actions were boxed in by concessions granted to opposite side of Desantis (activist employees who wanted more LGBTQ content in Disney products including directed at kids). Deadline claimed this was e.g. the reason Strange World wasn't dumped on D+ despite Disney knowing they had a stinker. These aren't zero sum fights: it would be impossible for DeSantis to lose at this point. He's just banked too much value in 2022 from it. Similarly, it's hard to see how Disney as a brand/company didn't lose even if factions inside it can be seen as winners.

The contemporary interpretation was basically that he ended up with the upper hand/Disney played their hand poorly and lost.  established himself as a top tier contender for the presidential nomination and became part of a news story that was on A-1 of the WSJ for weeks and continue to generate additional coverage. Unless Disney actively tries to pick fights with DeSantis and wins in some manner, we're just talking about mitigating the degree to which it's perceived as a complete DeSantis victory/Disney loss. Iger's initial public statements on Disney's involvement in politics seemed notably more circumspect than this sort of meme narrative implies. This is pretty much the definition of a company being outmaneuvered by all sides.


Edited by PlatnumRoyce
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DeSantis thought he could upend Disney and take over their special district. Little did he know that Disney did their own research as to how they could overrule him and strip the board he picked of having any power over the district (and, in their own foolish little minds, power over the content within Disney World - something well outside anyone's reach). If there's one company that everyone has to imagine knows how to protect their assets, it's Disney. Of course, I wouldn't expect thin-skinned wannabe authoritarians to actually do their homework and expect the unexpected ahead of time. 


Speaking of which:



“There’s a lot of little back-and-forths going on now with the state taking control, but rest assured, you know, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” the Republican governor told a crowd in Smyrna, Georgia. “There’s more to come in that regard.”

DeSantis teases 'more to come' on latest twist in Disney battle: 'You ain't seen nothing yet' | CNN Politics


Uh huh, sure, we've seen this movie before. What's he gonna do? Force Disney World to shut down and watch Florida's economy go instantly into the shitter? Please.

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40 minutes ago, PlatnumRoyce said:

Not to go wildly off topic but I don't know how to square this with the fact that DeSantis has clearly already won? "Disney may have ended up exactly where they were before the political retaliation happened but with a more polarized reputation" isn't anyone's definition of winning. Disney also clearly "lost" in that its future actions were boxed in by concessions granted to opposite side of Desantis (activist employees who wanted more LGBTQ content in Disney products including directed at kids). Deadline claimed this was e.g. the reason Strange World wasn't dumped on D+ despite Disney knowing they had a stinker. These aren't zero sum fights: it would be impossible for DeSantis to lose at this point. He's just banked too much value in 2022 from it. Similarly, it's hard to see how Disney as a brand/company didn't lose even if factions inside it can be seen as winners.

The contemporary interpretation was basically that he ended up with the upper hand/Disney played their hand poorly and lost.  established himself as a top tier contender for the presidential nomination and became part of a news story that was on A-1 of the WSJ for weeks and continue to generate additional coverage. Unless Disney actively tries to pick fights with DeSantis and wins in some manner, we're just talking about mitigating the degree to which it's perceived as a complete DeSantis victory/Disney loss. Iger's initial public statements on Disney's involvement in politics seemed notably more circumspect than this sort of meme narrative implies. This is pretty much the definition of a company being outmaneuvered by all sides.



DeSantis hasn't won anything. I'm not sure what imaginary world you're living in. Disney invoked clause loopholes that rendered the Florida governor's board nearly powerless. Under the agreement, the state board doesn't have authorization to do much other than maintain basic roads and infrastructure. In the public eye, the Mouse looks as legally powerful as ever and DeSantis looks like the same measly bigot he always looks like.


P.S. There's nothing wrong with LGBTQIA+ Disney products aimed at families. LGBTQIA+ families and Disney fans exist, and appreciate the representation. Just so ya know.

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14 minutes ago, froztking said:



the Mandalorian s3 ep1 debut with  823 mil mins ! ( with a 30mins+ epi ) so i don't understand how those ppl said the show doesn't have views 

Nope. That is not just for episode 1. This is for all 17 episodes of Mando together for that week. 

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1 hour ago, Ladybug said:

P.S. There's nothing wrong with LGBTQIA+ Disney products aimed at families. LGBTQIA+ families and Disney fans exist, and appreciate the representation. Just so ya know.

Dunking on DeSantis over this (and Disney getting paid to host a big conference) doesn't make sense to me as *political analysis*. I don't really see how you can claim he's gained nothing when it tremendously helped to boost his national profile and, again, just based on initial state of 2024 GOP presidential campaign, he has at worst a ~20% chance of being the next president. If this increases his chances of winning GOP primary in 2024 by 5% that's a massive victory. Are you disputing this or is this a question of definitions. 

Saying "____ that guy" doesn't mean he lost especially when you're not his target audience. You've trying to pivot to a straightforward moral denunciation and if you re-read the comment, you'll just see that I fundamentally don't agree that's the takeaway from that fight. Both activists pushing for more LGBTQ content in Disney family films and Ron Desantis can meaningfully point to victories from this whole kerfuffle. Disney, on the other hand, clearly lost. I mean, show me in any way that Disney as a corporation didn't come out in a worse position than it started. 



 In the public eye, the Mouse looks as legally powerful as ever

Does it? Why does Disney look more powerful today when a pro-business republican is actively running for president by attacking special tax statuses it holds? This is literally just getting back to a worse status quo than antebellum with a changed expected value matrix for people to attack them in the future. When Iger came back on board he made some pretty mealy mouthed comments about not getting involved in politics and if these are shots at Desantis/Florida GOP by Disney, it's pretty notable how off the record they are. 

I get "this shows how overstated DeSantis' claimed victories were in 2021" but this isn't jujitsu. It's attempting to fight a bad hand pack to par. No one's forcing DeSantis or his board to hype up a 2023 fight with Disney. They clearly think it's a winning play and it's just hard to see how that status quo does anything but either hurt Disney or at best have no functional impact in 90% of cases.

Anyways, it looks like people are actually having some interesting mando discussion here so I'll not clutter the feed with this tangent. 

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