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Weekend Est: 22JUMP 60.0M| HTTYD2 50.0M|Male 19.0M|EOT 16.1M|Fault 15.7M|DOFP 9.5M

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Ugh if that's true. Don't get me wrong, I'm not under the misguided illusion that 10 year olds are innocent little flowers or something, but there's still such a thing as "age appropriate." And 22JS is most certainly not for that range. Shame on their parents.

eh. I saw worse.

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I wouldn't bet on it. Toy Story 3 only managed a 3.76 multiplier, and the only animated films in the past decade that opened in June and quadrupled their OWs are the original Cars and Ratatouille. HTTYD2 might be the third if it doesn't drop too hard against Transformers and later Planes, but 5X is absolutely out of the question.


Toy Story 3 opened to $110M+, I have complete faith HTTYD 2 will surpass TS3 legs because 1.) it'll have a much lower OW, and 2.) It's getting fantastic reviews as well, not Toy Story 3 level, but still incredible for an animated film especially for Dreamworks.

Edited by Godzilla likes Tom Cruise
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I doubt they bought tickets to 22 Jump Street the Movie is rated R 1st of all so they probably bought tickets to something else and snuck in to 22 Jump Street.

Or shitty parents take their kids. Not that I necessarily have an issue with taking my proverbial 12 year old to 22 Jump Street, but it's a complicated issue.
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Babies don't count, it's not like they're actually watching the movie and understanding any of it. They're sleeping mostly.


Thats true but they was still Parents taking kids under 10 to see it aswell.,

Edited by SuperBatman
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Shame on their parents.

Do you have kids? I know I don't but if/when I do, I would MUCH rather them see that with me than without. Besides it swings both ways. I have a friend that has three boys and should wouldn't allow them to see the 3D release of TPM because of the "violence." Ugh. Over protection is far worse to me.
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Interesting thing about 22 Jump Street is that I think it's stealing a ton of boys from Dragon 2. So many 10-12 years olds in the packed matinee showing today.

But wouldn't 22 actually help Dragon in that case? I imagine most teenagers under 17 are paying for the latter just so they could try to sneak into the former.

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eh. I saw worse.

But did your parents encourage it? I hate to sound like such a conservative (especially since I'm a liberal) but I do believe media can influence kids negatively. And 10 year olds are still kids. Most are still too impressionable for some things not to have an affect on them.

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Do you have kids? I know I don't but if/when I do, I would MUCH rather them see that with me than without. Besides it swings both ways. I have a friend that has three boys and should wouldn't allow them to see the 3D release of TPM because of the "violence." Ugh. Over protection is far worse to me.

Over protection is probably the worst thing that can happen to a child. They'll never have a chance!
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Do you have kids? I know I don't but if/when I do, I would MUCH rather them see that with me than without.Besides it swings both ways. I have a friend that has three boys and should wouldn't allow them to see the 3D release of TPM because of the "violence." Ugh. Over protection is far worse to me.

Most 10 year olds aren't even gonna wanna see something like 22JS if they're normal 10 year olds. If they wanna see it that means they're trying to grow up too fast and have already been exposed to a lot of stuff they're too young for. 12 is a bit different, that I don't have as big an issue with since puberty should have taken hold for most by then. And once that happens it doesn't really matter anyways, they're gonna get exposed to stuff.


And I don't agree overprotection is worse when you're a kid (like 10 and under), because you only get to be a kid once for a very short time in your life. And if they're exposed to too much too soon, it robs them of their childhood which is something I know I would have never wanted to be robbed of.

Edited by MovieMan89
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There was a father with an 9-10 year old when I saw Bruno on opening weekend five years ago. I don't know how they survived the ride home.

When I saw Bruno I think there was a mom there with what looked to be her 7-8 year old son.  :mellow:

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Toy Story 3 opened to $110M+, I have complete faith HTTYD 2 will surpass that because 1.) it'll have a much lower OW, and 2.) It's getting fantastic reviews as well, not Toy Story 3 level, but still incredible for an animated film especially for Dreamworks.

Im sorry butHTTYD2 has as much chance of opening bigger than twice Story 3 as I doto have sex with Megan Fox right now as I'm driving.
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My mom rented Alien and Robocop for us to watch when I was 10.



Alien is really just an R for suspense. It might scare some ten year olds, but there's really not much in it that is exposing a kid to content too mature. I saw Matrix around that age, but that should be a PG-13 anyways. Never seen the original RoboCop. To me anyone who's seen 21JS should know 22JS is likely not for kids. Tweens maybe, kids no.

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A guy I know was waiting for Black Swan to start when a whole class of young girls from ballet school walked into the auditorium. Their teacher was there too, which meant they were all outta there before the 15-minute mark.

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