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Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)

Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)  

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Before I watched this, I watched all 3 previous movies this week. I loved the first movie and the 2nd and 3rd weren't as bad as I remember, I enjoyed watching them.  But this one...wow....I went in with low expectations and I still hated it.


It was way too long.  I felt so bored. A lot of scenes could have been cut, like the Chief of Staff part (played by Thomas Lennon), which was supposed to be humorous, but wasn't.  Also, too much time spent on the ship trying to rescue the girl and Optimus.


This movie actually made me miss Shia. I didn't like the human cast at all.  The girl was okay to look at.


The good: Dinobots were nice to see

The bad: Everything else.

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How do you know if it's trash before you watch it?


I haven't seen the third one and I only watched the second one cause my friend begged me to but even though he's putting it quite bluntly ( I wholeheartedly agree with his sentiment ) in this day and era where this will gross 4 times more than EOT and Snowpiercer put together there's a justifiable notion that even if someone would want to check this one out BUT doesn't want to encourage recent Hollywood trends there's another way to watch these films without paying for them and in this day and age I find that perfectly fine and acceptable 


In this case its a preferable way to watch also given that people are having complaints about this movie causing headaches ( even more than the other TF movies ) and those complaints seem to be medically-driven rather than movie-driven


Could this be the first movie that actually physically hurts people while watching it ? something to ponder on

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This is my ranking as well.

Captain Glad you liked it..  Bay again consulted with Cameron.. So  I hope you went with a 3D  Viewing to experience the improved Avatar Camera effect with this film warrior buddy :)...



I had a feeling this could become the 2nd best transformer movie.. What is the tracking so far?

Over 130M?

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Wow ... that was pretty bad ... and really long.


Nicola Peltz in Daisy Dukes for 15 minutes was the highlight ... once she put pants on, she became a total bore ... just like Mark and the rest of the characters. 


Whether he's 'Megatron' or 'Galvatron' ... he's once again treated as a total bitch when the finale hits.  THAT pisses me off more than anything. 



Edited by Adam
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It is entertaining. It is not a bad movie as some have made it out to be. The action scenes are well staged and spectacular. The length is an issue. Should have reduced the running time by about 20 min.


Not having Shia and a few other characters from the first thee movies does hurt though.



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I liked the other three, but was disappointed in this one. I think it's time to hang up the humans as the main plot and finally actually focus on the Transformers. I don't even think there was any stand out fights like there was in the other three (Tf1 was chock full of awesome fights, the 2nd one had the forest fight, and the third had the Mexican Standoff and the finale with Optimus, Megatron and Sentinel.)


And where the fuck was Sideswipe???? I would have traded him for the fat ass.


Ok, I gave it a C. Optimus Prime is still an awesome character to see on the big screen, and Peter Cullen's voice is quite charismatic, so it's hard to hate the movie with that duo. Mark Wahlberg and Stanley Tucci were great, and I thought the Irish guy grew into his role. And, I did chuckle when he drove off the building, claiming how he and Mark's daughter did this all of the time, and Mark's "YOU"RE GROUNDED" was quite hilarious. The audience also laughed pretty hard during Tucci's "How do say in Chinese Get the Fuck Out of the Way." A couple of kids behind me were like ooooohhhh. Dirty word.


I did think the main bad Transformer was quite awesome. And Bumblebee seemed to have quite some spunk in this. But, I'm still pissed that Sideswipe isn't in it. Not even mentioned. At least Ironhide was. If they made another movie, I just hope they bring back his brother, Armorhide.

Edited by Warhorse
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Transformers 4

3:45PM About 90% full (mostly younger people, though quite a few adults too)




The Giver

Mokingjay 1 (got a few laughs at how they presented it along with "wow that was short" and "that was odd")

Dracula Untold-Some uncontrollable laughter at one point.

Into the Storm-Oh boy Twister as if that wasn't bad enough! I think I did get a little sick at the way this is filmed...

Equalizer-Looks pretty good

Apes 2-The only trailer that I've seen already out of all of these.

Hercules-Some laughs and some "Has there ever been a good live action version?" Well I will say this much, looks better then the 1960s versions.



Movie: Pretty good, better then the 2nd and 3rd for sure. Okay it felt a little long at a few points but not as near as bad as part 2. Acting was way better, and if anyone went for the story you saw the wrong film. (Sorry the critic reviews were so lame, then again they always have hated films like these even such great ones as Top Gun and ID4 as much as I hate to say that). Mark was enjoyable (and I did feel for him on his relationship I will admit) and Stanley Tucci was funny and the audience loved him. The visuals were great. And only Michael Bay can successfully make an entire cheesy scene enjoyable I think.



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Oh man... where to even begin with Transformers: Age of Extinction? (I would say that it's probably not best to type this review while under the influence, but let's be honest, that's really the best state for one to be in while assessing the artistic merits of Optimus and pals onscreen.) I really enjoyed the first film, but was greatly disappointed with each of the sequels, so I went into this one with very low expectations, and those expectations were mostly met (and man, if that's not a backhanded compliment, I don't know what is). Taken at a surface level, this movie is remarkably stupid. The plot - or what little of it surfaces over the course of an insanely-long 165 minutes (like, seriously, did no one at the studio suggest that this thing be a mercifully-short two hours?) makes no damn sense whatsoever. Despite resetting the universe as far as the human characters are concerned, the robots are still operating under the context of the first three films, and the background information to make these two storylines work with one another is as minimal as possible. As is customary with a Transformers sequel, plot holes dominate the majority of the running time. For example: why in the bluest of blue hells would a government that has seen firsthand the kind of destruction the Decepticons can put together want to hunt down every single one of the Autobots (y'know, the only beings that can realistically protect them from extraterrestrial beings with enormous guns?)? It's a question that lingers on the mind of every single thinking viewer who has seen the previous films, but never seems to occur to any of the characters in this film. Furthermore, many of the new characters suck. Bless Mark Wahlberg for instantly being a more capable protagonist than Shia LaBeouf in the last film, but I felt more sympathy for his Daniel Lugo in Pain and Gain (who, for the uninitiated, was the completely unsympathetic protagonist) than I did for the everyman protagonist in this film. The amount of blandness present from an actor who is usually so vibrant is shocking and saddening. Moreover, Nicola Peltz earns the dubious honor of being the most wholly misogynistic persona that Bay has ever depicted onscreen (honestly, would it kill the guy to have one strong female character? Just one who doesn't seem completely helpless? I'd love to see Emily Blunt's character from Edge of Tomorrow show up and kick the asses of every character onscreen). Even though her relationship to Wahlberg begins to oh-too-obviously mirror the one between Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler in Bay's Armageddon, the complete and total lack of depth ultimately makes that piss-poor relationship between Willis and Tyler look like Oscar material by comparison. As awful as the interactions between Willis and Tyler were in the aforementioned film, I could at least kind-of, sort-of believe that they were related (it helped that the boyfriend in Armageddon was played by Ben Affleck rather than the guy who plays the bf in this film), but I never believed it here for one of the film's many, many seconds. Naturally, given the weight that the film gives to the relationship between father and daughter in this film, I was left completely deprived of emotion during the moments that were meant to be intense between father and daughter.
However, if there's anything that almost singlehandedly saves the film, it's the midway entrance of Stanley Tucci. Wahlberg appears to acknowledge that he's in a terrible film for a paycheck (or that he's willingly working once again with a director who got a great performance out of him - seriously, go watch Pain & Gain, y'all), but Tucci owns every second that he's onscreen with an amount of cynicism and lack of guilt that seems to fit this project perfectly. He knows that he's in a film with a terrible script, and as such, he heightens the utter cartoonishness of the situations admirably. Unlike Wahlberg - whose performance admittedly isn't bad so much as misguided - Tucci appears to be having fun and to be winking all-so-knowingly at the audience to not take the proceedings too seriously. And man alive, the casting of John Goodman as one of the Autobots was genius. If only one of his lines had been "Smokey, you're entering a world of pain..."
As a film with a story to tell, Age of Extinction is a reeking piece of shit. The production value is obviously impeccable (any Oscar nominations for sound or visual effects will definitely not be unearned). That being said... was anyone really expecting anything good out of it? Even with the change of scenery, it's clear that Bay's heart was more in (the still very underrated) Pain & Gain than it was in this film, and it doesn't work at all on any legitimate levels. All of that said, as someone who went in expecting a crappy movie and to come out with little more than rules for future drinking games, I enjoyed it thoroughly. For all of the wrong reasons, this movie may well be the most enjoyable of 2014. As a movie in its own objective right, it undeniably sucks. As something that can provide future enjoyment for all the wrong reasons (or, hell, given the cynicism that permeates Hollywood, maybe these reasons were the ones that the filmmakers intended all along), I have to give it some credit for being enjoyable on a wholly ironic, postmodern level, even moreso than its two most immediate predecessors.
D+ (although, honestly, as I hinted at during multiple points in this elongated review, this thing defies a proper letter grade)
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I haven't seen the third one and I only watched the second one cause my friend begged me to but even though he's putting it quite bluntly ( I wholeheartedly agree with his sentiment ) in this day and era where this will gross 4 times more than EOT and Snowpiercer put together there's a justifiable notion that even if someone would want to check this one out BUT doesn't want to encourage recent Hollywood trends there's another way to watch these films without paying for them and in this day and age I find that perfectly fine and acceptable In this case its a preferable way to watch also given that people are having complaints about this movie causing headaches ( even more than the other TF movies ) and those complaints seem to be medically-driven rather than movie-driven Could this be the first movie that actually physically hurts people while watching it ? something to ponder on

No, people have said this about every single transformers movie and it always boils down to nerds overreacting. If this causes headaches for you then there's something wrong with you, not the film and I'd suggest seeing a doctor
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