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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)


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Better than Transformers but the movie was dumb but that made it funny. Acting by Megan Fox was terrible. Shredder felt wasted, he was never given a motive and was barely in the movie.  The turtles were okay, they were at least given characterization compared to Transformers. I did like some parts since as kid, I loved the 90s show. I like the references like "hero's in a half shell"  


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Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles: To be honest with you, im completely shocked that this movie is actually good. The action scenes are good, the turtles are great and have some pretty funny moments and the last half of the movie is so much fun. Now there are some plot holes and some very bad over acting (Megan Fox) that had me laughing. Really if they recast April ONeil with someone who could act, the role would be getting more prazie because April O Neil is actually given stuff to do and actually helps the turtles. Even Will Arnett who plays the camera man gets in on the fun and gets a note worthy action scene. Overall I can recommend Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles with confidence.


Grade B+

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Awful camera work, it took me out of the movie incessantly. The score was awfully generic, its theme was similar to Thor 2's theme, a theme that wasn't very good to begin with. The FX was bad, kinda unacceptable for a 125m movie and TMNT is a must see in 3D, good depth and many pop-up effectsFox was decent, so was her friend whatever his name is. The script and villain were expectantly awful. The turtles and its dynamics were bright spot, the movie was genuinely funny and captivating when they were o screen.The turtles, and specially April, surviving that falling was fucking stupid, I mean, I know this movie requires some suspension of disbelief, but that was too much. 40/100Some said Liebesman could replace Bay in the Transformers franchise and no one would notice, that's just not true, Bay is just better in every way and he would never make a 101 minutes film :P. If this was TF movie, it would be the second worst one.

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I enjoyed this movie tremendously.  Obviously, TMNT is targeted at pre-adolescents, but the movie is structured so that the broad range of folks in the older demos could enjoy it as well.  And that's no small trick for a property as quirky as this.  The fight sequences were fun and engaging, and the interactions among the turtles were displayed with pitch perfect timing and charm.  B from me.

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It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I was upset when I first heard there was a ninja turtles movie coming out and the trailer didn't look good, because it looked bad and they would butcher the legendary turtles.  I thought the action scenes and cinematography were good,  if the story and characters were better the movie would be a lot better.


Overall: 2.5 maybe 3 stars out of 4


Good parts:

-Action scenes are very good

-Some good, funny parts

-It was a lot better than the Transformers movie and a bit better than Spiderman 2


Bad parts:

-The story, characters

-I don't really like the voices, and look of the turtles

-I don't think Megan Fox makes the perfect April O'Neil

-Sometimes the turtles are very awkward in a bad way when there is a joke that is supposed to be funny, like it makes me cringe

-Some unbelievable parts, like what the turtles were able to survive

-I saw it in 3D but forgot i was watching a 3D movie, not really worth it to see in 3D

Edited by sarahpopcorn
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a good movie but room for a lot of improvement. Action was fine. Acting needs to be better and does the CGi on splinter especially. Megan Fox was not a believable April either. Decent but it looks as though it was only made for kids, which they will love.



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As the Turtles were a big part of my childhood I was kind of worried about this for quite a while, but after seeing it today I'm relieved. Barring the look of the Turtles, it's pretty much what I wanted out of it. The action was cool, the acting was solid, any use of Will Arnett makes me happy and best of all, the 4some were just how I wanted them to be. It won't win awards for originally, craft, or acclaim, but it's a damn solid fun time at the movies. Especially in IMAX ;)


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Ugh. The turtles were fun and it wasn't that long. Those are about the only good things about this movie.


The story you've seen a hundred times before and I guess you need to be a fan to get over that, the bad guys are so cliche it hurts, the CGI is bad for its budget and Megan Fox and Will Arnett are... just no. I mean I like the guy but I really can't get past this GOB with bad writing, it just doesn't work, and she is very... pretty, even after all the operations but she couldn't sell water in a desert, and her co-workers (Whoopi :rolleyes:) are just too much. Seriously, they were there just to fill the time and annoy us, since that story line had no satisfying conclusion, even if the movie tried really hard to catch all the other familiar beats. One of those beats was the 'now we're a team' which was not earned at all and it was actually painful watching Raphael do his obligatory monologue in the end.


So, very frustrating since there is potential in this franchise to make great little silly movies but they instead chose to go with the formulaic blockbustery route and made a studio movie without a director (I won't waste words on Liebesman, I've already said too much on the topic... But still, what was up with that lens flare? Damn that was ugly...) which was fun at times, but too ordinary most of the time that I really can't be looking forward to the sequel.



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It's like any other Bay production, lots of CGI which leads to no real danger. It's one of the (many) problems I had with the Star Wars prequels. I don't expect much from a plot involving fighting and talking turtles, but this one was half-assed not to mention shoehorning April into the Turtles' origin.

I can't say I hated this movie unlike Transformers: Age of Extinction but it's not good and utterly forgettable.

*¾/****, (D-, 3.4/10, 1.25/4)

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Just watched it! As a fan of turtles, I might see why some were dissapointed but it actually was better for me than I thought. Sure, the acting from Megan (just take her out really) and others could have been better and there were some holes that I kind of rolled my eyes at (like how April and her friend managed to get all the way where Sachs was and yet there were no guards, or even employees anywhere. It was like already had the day off work lol).

However, I knew that this was an action/comedy film and I think it did deliver for me. I was engaged throughout, I think the turtle look ive become used too, it's fine looking. I did think Shredder was cool, though I thought he had red eyes. I was pleased with it. I'd give it an 8/10, high B overall (85).

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...... Where do I start? 


This film... Is an awful excuse of cinema. 


It's like a fever dream reached by a fourteen year-old after he's jacked off for seven hours and wrote down a bunch of bullshit onto a page in his dazed state.


Horrible Writing, directing (If there really is any... It's mostly CGI), acting, and score.


A spit in the face for all cinema-junkies everywhere.





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