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Weekend numbers thread:TMNT: 28.4 GOTG: 24.7 LBC. 17.7 Ex3: 16.2

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Guardians had a good hold on Friday, especially considering it dropped so many screens.  It would have gotten higher if not for that.


We went to see it Friday night and the theater was packed.  The usher actually had to come around and see if there were available seats for some people who wanted to buy tickets.  There weren't.  Normally I'd imagine they'd go to TMNT as an alternative but I doubt they wanted to wait an hour and a half until the next showing.   Or that they'd want to attend an 9pm showing with kids in tow.


Very impressed with Boyhood and 100 Foot Journey.  Both are on my to-watch list.

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Any chance of Ouija becoming another surprised hit? :lol:



It's low budget will probably make it a mild hit.  I don't know if it will break out, I have to see the trailer but the premise is something a lot of people have talked about the Quija boards for a very long time in History:



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I hope TF4 can at least get to 245m


At this point, it doesn't matter.  240-245-250, it's irrelevant.  It made its billion dollars and Paramount is dancing a jig right now.

Consider it's tragic theatre losses in the last two weeks that mercilessly killed it's leg, I wish they would just go straight to the dollar theatre run and call it a day. It's embarrassing for this kind of movie to drop 70% a few weeks in a row. If it's no longer making money at least let me have the BluRay sooner. :)

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Ninja Turtles owning another weekend! :)

Owning or borrowing? Don't ask, not even sure what I mean but it seems appropriate considering it's weekday declines towards GOTG. :) Edited by xube
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Owning or borrowing? Don't ask, not even sure what I mean but it seems appropriate considering the weekday declines towards GOTG. :)


It'll probably drop even harder during the week as more schools start getting back in session. The district I live in starts on Monday.

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Ninja Turtles is holding as expected. As the writeup on BOM points out, it's about in line with G.I. Joe's second Friday hold five years ago; if it follows that film's weekend pattern, it will finish the frame a bit over $25 million.
I was really rooting for Guardians of the Galaxy to return to #1, but it's still doing very well (and won't finish that far behind Turtles in second).
Ouch for Expendables 3. There was a lot working against it, sure, but to see it drop 44% from its predecessor's performance two years ago is alarming.
Let's Be Cops is doing okay.
The Giver had a "meh" start, as expected. Even with the long-standing recognition for the book, a movie adaptation is still a difficult sell given that so many other adaptations have covered similar ground.
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Does "The Giver" show we might be having a little "YA" Fatigue?


For poorly marketed movies there's usually box office fatigue. 


Weinsten needs to hire new people and change his approach to marketing non Oscar bait and non Tarantino or Dench movies.  Even the limited release "boutique" movies they used to be able to market outside of award season they've bleeped up.  This year has been a mess and it's not exactly the first year.

Edited by TalismanRing
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I hate to see The Giver being placed by many as a part of the YA crowd. It's a really deep story, and there's lots of great messages in the book.


I wrote up an adaptation for CAYOM that won Best Picture, it's a shame that the one in real-life wasn't good at all.

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ugh since i left it seems the convo was more or less my movie is better than yours ride hmmm!


the movie wasnt a flop and that's always a good thing ! leave the kids alone !


yes their taste is dubious at times but that's our judgement colouring our adult /older pov but let's remember we were kids too and would feel like its the best movie of the year 


to each their own ! let's just enjoy when a film comes out that pleases all generations like GoTG  ;)

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