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4-Day Wknd Est: AS - 105.3M, Pad - 25.2M, TWR - 24.5M,Taken 3 - 17.44M (pg 109)

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Time for a post I'm sure has been said several times in this thread, but I wanna write it out. HOLY SHIT FOR AMERICAN SNIPER. Even if I haven't seen this, this is a major win for stuff in Hollywood that most analysts have said are dead in the current times.


The R-Rated Blockbuster: With movies like Unbroken and others clearly censoring themselves for a PG-13 rating, people have said big R-rated movies don't happen anymore, and for good reason. For the past few years, studios have shied away from the R-rating when trying to get big money. Yet, American Sniper, with it's R-rating, looks to have sold more tickets than any opener last year besides Trans4mers. Great!


The Mid-Budget Film: American Sniper is only budgeted at 58M. Middle budgeted movies like this have been dying because studios have started to believe you can only have uber-small budgets to guarantee a profit, or take a big risk for great reward. American Sniper proves that a movie doesn't need to be 200M-budgeted to provide a spectacle to an audience. A mid-budgeted movie can now do huge.


The Quality January Movie: January has proven again and again it can only handle 40M openers and poor reviews. Yes, Sniper is a December release technically, so I shouldn't be counting the reviews. Yet, the success of Sniper shows that if studios really wanted to, they could open a movie in January with good marketing and nice quality to huge heights.


The Quietly Marketed Film: Nowadays, most movies include as many scenes as possible in the trailers and TV spots. With Sniper, I maybe saw the same three minutes of the movie in every bit of trailer or TV spot, and you know what? It worked, but not because of mystery box bullshit. The movie had great marketing that sold the concept while not really revealing anything outside of the central premise. This is a far change from most summer blockbusters or films in general; one that worked well for American Sniper.


The Star-Driven Movie: For the first time since Hancock really, we have a film we can credit its success mostly to the appeal of the main actor. Yes, the marketing was good, and yes, Clint Eastwood's name brings people in. Yet, I would blame American Sniper's success almost entirely on Bradley Cooper, the rare actor who can sell to every demographic as a great guy who also stars in recently, only quality films. Cooper marketed the film around on talkshows too, and I honestly think, with this, Cooper is on the 90s Tom Cruise level of being a draw. With any other actor in the lead currently, I don't see 90M OW; no one else comes to mind as famous in every type of acting as Cooper at the moment. American Sniper's success shows that "Star Power" is still alive today in Hollywood.



Good post but the star driven movie? Nope. Bradley Cooper is nowhere close to Tom Cruise. We'll see how the years play out, but one movie does not make a person a draw. Also, Cooper's pretty vanilla bland, but maybe that's what makes him so beloved by America. 

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Cooper helped the movie but the real star of the movie is Chris Kyle himself. The book was on the bestsellers list for over three years. I am not a gambling guy but I am willing to put money on Serena not making anything even with Cooper and JLaw in the lead. Cooper isn't at Cruise's level and the comparison isn't fair unless and until he consistently starts carrying movies on his name alone. Cruise has 20+ movies that adjust to over $100 million DOM and he is the sole lead in at least 18 of them.



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Tom cruise. Stans comin out of the woodwork....

They are right. The film's catnip for jingoistic-propaganda-loving, patriotic Americans whose values are not always reflected by major Hollywood films. i'd wager to say that Clint Eastwood (in his wheelhouse) and the sociopath Navy Seals dude on whose story the movie is based are the real draws of the film). This will certainly help Cooper cement his clout and celebrity, but when he has had as many hits as Cruise, then we can say that his appeal is extraordinary.

Edited by cochofles
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The only I movie where I ever experienced applause Skyfall


I've only been to a movie once where there was applause, Argo


The only film I've heard applause for at the end is At Worlds End, goes to show how useless it is using that as an indicator lol.

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I attend press screenings here in my country and there's almost always an applause (Taken 3 is the last one I attended and it had an applause) I think it's mainly because to be polite to the distributor/publcisit

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