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Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)  

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  1. 1. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

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Cinematography was pretty standard fair for a Marvel film. I found the action scenes on the whole to be muddled & overly crowded, which maybe some better cinematography could have improved. Not sure Marvel are brave enough to go for anything different with regards to cinematography, think they like to keep it all a bit samey with there pictures, so one doesn't seem too different in style to others.

Thanks. ;)

But Winter Soldier was in a bit different style than other MCU movies.

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lol. People giving this an F, don't know what an F is. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is an F, this is not. :)
Btw, please tell me CJohn didn't give it an F off of those opening 20 min he saw on the screener. :lol:


As usual - straight A's from fanboys and F's from haters. Nothing new.  The quality of the movie btw is in the middle of those grades.

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Haven't seen the film yet, but it's astonishing to me that an Avengers movie could feel like a placeholder. I guess when you have another two (who are we kidding: three) more Avengers movies already in production that's inevitable.

Edited by Hatebox
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Haven't seen the film yet, but it's astonishing to me that an Avengers movie could feel like a placeholder. I guess when you have another two (who are we kidding: three) more Avengers movies already in production that's inevitable.


I personally don't think it feels that way, but whatever.

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They should have made an Avengers trilogy for this group of Avengers instead of what they've just done. Killing one of them would have shown strength not just random character introduced and hardly developed. They grow as a group and then leave together with, whoever is continuing, continuing. It just didn't feel like it went anywhere.


None of the characters also felt like they had grown at all since the first Avengers and having had Iron Man 3, Captain America 2 and Thor 2 in between these, should have been acknowledged in character and acting moreso than one liner nods. 


Props to Marvel for beginning this monstrous undertaking and it is the first of its kind, but still, I personally think they've already screwed up with how they have handled many of the movies. At the end of it all, they should be contained movies with contained stories not this spider web of continuum. 


There is a scene here where they try to lift Thor's hammer, and I felt it to be contrived and lacked any genuine emotion. You mean to tell me, only after all this time, have they decided to do this? Perhaps Marvel have done so, but these standalone sequels should all take place simultaneously and obviously stakes have to change instead of the really, really boring trope of "destruction of the world" that has never any weight because we know what kind of movies we are dealing with. The whole many picture signing scenario also kills any suspense of who might live or die as does the continuous resurrection of every single character, much like the television show Heroes. 


Perhaps Civil War, is that coming out next year? could reinvigorate Marvel, but continue on like this, and they and the audience will be burnt out at a very rapid rate. 

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So after watching it i can say it was a good movie but not great. It leaves much to be desired.


At times it seemed puzzled and didn't quite make sense. The Avengers themselves are pretty solid. Though the jokes kind of seem to be forced at times. The best humour lines were given to Thor who Hemsworth plays brilliantly. Everyone else was their standard self so no complaints there. It was good to see Hawk-Eye with a family which really grounded him and sorted out the lack of care i had for him in the first movie. As for the twins....what a waste of space lol. Quicksilver was completely shit. No spectacular scenes for him except for his death scene which was pretty good. Wanda held promise but seemed to end up no where. I remember seeing her in the beginning and the way she backed out the door quickly and shut the door like something out of The Ring was pretty great. I anticipated more sequences like that but nothing. Olsen played her well with what she was given though. Hulk and Widow, there is deffo chemistry there...but what about Betty??


As for the villain, what a disappointment.  I expected better. He was no real threat. I mean i enjoyed his quips and jokes at times but it kind of dampened his whole 'destroy humanity' shtick. Just a boring villain. What a let down. His robot clones were shit too. 


The Vision was good though. I liked his introduction. As soon as he lifted the hammer the whole auditorium gasped. I found that scene to be pretty spot on at what it was trying to achieve. 


The special effects were pretty shoddy. I spotted so many extremely fake moments that i found to be much better designed in the first movie. The hulks body looked more fake than the first movie though the face looked pretty neat. Ultron was just soooo bad lol as was Iron Mans suit at times. Oh and Visions cape too.


Action wise you cant fault it though it did seem to drag at times. I giggled at all the potshots taken at MOS about civilians being priority,which is all fine and dandy. But you don't have to show the whole of the third act saving them.  It was like watching a huge line of  passengers board a plane. Very tedious


Anyways not the experience i expected but a good addition to the Marvel franchise. 


BTW how did the twins survive the unexploded stark shell.? They said if they moved or if anyone rescued them the shell would have gone off. Weird


Also were they Inhumans or were they just enhanced artificially by Hydra?


Why does Ultron walk like a diva?


Finally....i liked Thor putting the infinity stones shit together and going to look for the guy pulling the strings. But how in Zeus' butt hole did Wandas mind trick make him realise this? She could only show people their worst fears right? not the future.





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lol. People giving this an F, don't know what an F is. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is an F, this is not. :)



Seems like an F film to me.  Overstuffed and undercooked.  


Basically, the first film without the "First time crossover" appeal to disguise its piecemeal plot and cliched storytelling.  Just like DoJ will be next year.

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Am I the only one who hated the pompous biblical/political references/quotes?



"I am who I am."


"Peace for our time."


Noah... destruction... fire falling from the skies... and all that fun stuff.


"And upon this rock I will build my church." (and, of course, the last fight in... a church)



Sorry... they didn't earn something like this.


They try to make this epic in a monumental kind of way and that AoU just isn't and never should try to be.



But what to expect from a movie that uses a grand marble statue for its credits.



:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:




I think I downgrade to a 4/10 and therefore a D+.

Edited by ShouldIBeHere
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This film could be total crap (which it's not, it's not really that good either) and it would still go on and make record breaking figures. Same will happen with the following Avengers films too I'd imagine. China will eat up anything and likely add $300m to it's total pushing it past what the first one took.


I just wish this film had more to it, not just another dumb Transformerseque action movie. I appreciate some people like this and will like it too after they watch it, but if Michael Bay had directed this movie, the director would be getting slated. Extra leeway seems to be given because it's Whedon who directed it, perhaps rightly so because of his resume. 


Is progression in these film's too much to ask for? I felt like Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow watching this. Watch. 3 Year Break. Repeat. Hopefully don't have same feeling in 3 years time.

Edited by MonstersandRoy
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Seems like an F film to me.  Overstuffed and undercooked.  


Basically, the first film without the "First time crossover" appeal to disguise its piecemeal plot and cliched storytelling.  Just like DoJ will be next year.

So AOU to you is as the same level as,.. Jack and Jill or Batman and Robin? That or you must have given an F to a lot of movie.


AOU plot might be messy but it's at least entertaining. F-level movies are unwatchable.

Edited by KATCH 22
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Are you Joss Whedon? If not, you sound awfully offended for something you had no creative input in. Get over other peoples opinion's, it's a film, no need for cheep shots.


Like mentioned before, I think it's just as strange giving this particular film an F as it's is an A, because it wasn't terrible and it wasn't very good either, but I respect that people have the right to an opinion.


Who give a crap if this film earns more than TDKR, a lot of crap film's earn a lot of money. Good look to Marvel, hopefully they can reinvest it in better third & fourth film's.

If you didn't like this film then it's probably a given that you are not going to like the third and fourth film. If you think it's confusing with ten main characters then just wait till IW features 20+ main heroes, Thanos, possibly a number other villains and a large number of cameos from MCU supporting characters.

Edited by Caesar
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Squarmaster and BKB, enough with the TDKR comparisons. Squaremaster, your allowed to make your honest opinion of a movie here in the RTM threads regardless if you like a movie or not (this is based on the honesty system). However, that is it. I don't want you trolling this thread and spamming about your hate for the movie. BKB, squaremaster has the right to speak his opinion of a movie here, just as long as he doesn't go on with it.


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