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Jurassic World Weekend Thread | Official Est. 204.6M | 208.8M - Actuals

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No one cares about admissions.  


Admissions do matter and I think this is definitely one of the Big 4 openings, though it's not entirely fair when we compare any of the more recent movies to an opening like Spidey 1 in 2002 with a much smaller screen count and theater count. Just not the same market at all.


That said, I would love to see JP4 set a new dollar record just because it would be the most amazing franchise comeback in history. You  go from a movie that most believed had killed the franchise to setting a new weekend record that was thought impossible to break at this moment? No "Batman Begins" in-between moment either. Straight from B&R to TDK. Amazing stuff from the dino franchise.

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I don't care if this breaks the record (ok, well maybe a little), the numbers for this are insane! It's going to make more in 3 days than even the most optimistic predictions would have had it making in 10 days.

It's weekends like this that bring losers like us flocking to these forums. And I love it!

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Everyone is over estimating the effect of the game and Game of Thrones. Yall do realize that Game of Thrones is on HBO and requires a subscription? We aren't talking about American Idol or CSI or Desperate Housewives which in their hey days pulled 40m for their season finales. Combined the viewership of those 2 programs isn't going to equal what the season ender of Housewives pulled 11 years ago - the last time the NBA was running this high.

Perspective folks, perspective.

I'm out of likes but like.

Here's something I don't understand. Both GOT and NBA Finals aren't until later in the day and evening. You have all day to see the movie if you want.

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Yes we do.

Dh2 beat tdk but we all know it was not bigger then tdk.

So imo saying admissions have zero revelance it's silly.

It's also the one film we tend to ignore when discussing record breakers.

But really the admissions argument to me is almost as silly as the "what they would have done if" arguments regarding films that didn't open on a Friday or TDKR. Films don't open on a vacuum and are subject to the whims of that time both good and bad and ticket price - social competition. Therefore a dollar based comparison makes an "easier" way to look at things.

Not saying it's right just that it's what we have.

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Pratt is obviously not the sole reason it did well, but when you add up all the factors, he certainly helped.  There's no denying that he has appeal now after GOTG.  This was just a perfect cornucopia of factors that contributed to this monstrous opening.


Out of likes but I wanted to like this.


So - Like.  :)

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I don't care if this breaks the record (ok, well maybe a little), the numbers for this are insane! It's going to make more in 3 days than even the most optimistic predictions would have had it making in 10 days.

It's weekends like this that bring losers like us flocking to these forums. And I love it!


It has a legit shot to be at about 300 mill by Friday.  That's more than about (just spit balling, don't have the actual number) 90% of the summer game players predicted for it.

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Yes we do.

Dh2 beat tdk but we all know it was not bigger then tdk.

So imo saying admissions have zero revelance it's silly.

IM3 beat tdkr and tdk but we know IM3 was not as big.

It's something we have in the back our minds.


So now we do? Okay. AOU won't beat TDKR then lol.

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Dang, I think it's gonna come up a little short especially with game of thrones finale and NBA finals game 5, and these finals have gotten the best ratings since Michael Jordan played. They'll probably affect it just enough, but we'll see. It's awesome that it's even close/has a chance and 200+ is still freakin amazing.

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It's also the one film we tend to ignore when discussing record breakers.

But really the admissions argument to me is almost as silly as the "what they would have done if" arguments regarding films that didn't open on a Friday or TDKR. Films don't open on a vacuum and are subject to the whims of that time both good and bad and ticket price - social competition. Therefore a dollar based comparison makes an "easier" way to look at things.

Not saying it's right just that it's what we have.

True but let's think about it..jw sets the record at 210 million.

A film does not beat it for 3-4 years and does 212 million.

You see it broke the record but you look more closely and you think.

It's just box office nerdiness really though in the end.

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