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55 minutes ago, aabattery said:

Hot take: The first Thor movie would be more well received if they didn't dye Hemsworth's eyebrows blonde.


Hot Take #2 Thor is comfortably second best MCU. Only casuals like Han don't like it.

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16 hours ago, Macleod said:


Pretty pessimistic for Superman, don't ya think?


No. It's just a lot of previous Superman movies never addressed what happened after some of his decisions. You don't think something terrible happened after Superman flew backwards around the Earth to save Lois? Something terrible definitely happened.

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16 hours ago, Macleod said:


Pretty pessimistic for Superman, don't ya think?


If Superman is ever going to be what fans like me want him to be (i.e. like Wonder Woman is), he will definitely have to get past his pessimistic parents.   If that happens, it will prove they gave him bad advice and turned him into emo Supes.   Maybe in his 3rd movie appearance he can get over what his parents taught him.

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As a DC and Marvel fan what I love about WW's success is I feel like Marvel has actual competition now and they have to compete with each other, not only for BO now but greatness, which in turn should cause both studios to raise the bar and push their limits. 

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7 minutes ago, Kalo said:

As a DC and Marvel fan what I love about WW's success is I feel like Marvel has actual competition now and they have to compete with each other, not only for BO now but greatness, which in turn should cause both studios to raise the bar and push their limits. 


That's exactly what Feige said about BvS failing. He wasn't happy as a comic book fan, but he also emphasized that Marvel needs a strong DC.

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1 hour ago, Harpospoke said:



If Superman is ever going to be what fans like me want him to be (i.e. like Wonder Woman is), he will definitely have to get past his pessimistic parents.   If that happens, it will prove they gave him bad advice and turned him into emo Supes.   Maybe in his 3rd movie appearance he can get over what his parents taught him.


That's why MoS and BvS makes me so mad, they screwed up some many things about Superman that even if they tried to fix it in MoS 2 there is all this baggage from the previous instalments to deal with, if I were WB I would honestly not feel the need to stay 100% in continuity with the rest and just do a partial recon, since we probably aren't going to see another Superman reboot any time soon (which would be my first choice). they need to at least.


1). Let Superman reprise is Clark Kent persona that was never given the treatment it needed in the first place, and it integral to Superman IMO and he needs Clark.


2). Let Jimmy Olsen live, bringing and killing Jimmy Olsen in one scene was one of the most erroneous things I've seen done with disrespect for Superman characters, Olsen is an awesome sidekick and buddy to Clark and needs an important role in Superman, most people don't even know that was Jimmy in BvS anyways. 


3). rework Lois Lane, so far as much as I love Amy Adams her portrayal of Lois Lane has been Almost pointless, and her character needs more personality.


4) Make Superman Super again. you can actually organically make Clark Kent come to this more bright positive, confident hero without rebooting I think, he doesn't have to be Christopher Reeves, but make him a hero who wants to be a hero. 


I would also put Patty Jenkins on in it some role, executive producer maybe as she seems to understand heroism better then any others involved so far.

Edited by Kalo
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12 minutes ago, Kalo said:

As a DC and Marvel fan what I love about WW's success is I feel like Marvel has actual competition now and they have to compete with each other, not only for BO now but greatness, which in turn should cause both studios to raise the bar and push their limits. 

Maybe they can break through the Box Office Wall created by James Cameron. They just have to hope that if they smash through it they don't find a new wall (3.5b ww 2020)

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3 hours ago, ChipMunky said:


No. It's just a lot of previous Superman movies never addressed what happened after some of his decisions. You don't think something terrible happened after Superman flew backwards around the Earth to save Lois? Something terrible definitely happened.


And Superman would probably try to fix that. Because he's Superman. He's the embodiment of hope.


That's the problem that I and a lot of others have w/this interpretation. A different interpretation doesn't go the same stylistic way as the original but also should never lose the aura of what makes the character special in the 1st place (i.e. Heath Ledger's Joker, Daniel Craig's Bond). This just misses the point of Superman entirely by making him a pessimistic and devoid of any charisma (not entirely Cavill's fault, though) mofo who wonders why even bother.

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22 hours ago, Macleod said:

How about Ghost Pa Kent's "advice" in BvS?  The story about the flood?  Nothing much positive there, either.  What was the point?


"No matter what choice you make, you're screwed."


We just have different philosophies about life, fair enough.  I prefer the Pa Kent portrayal of 1978's Superman, and I always will.

I prefer Byrne's Pa Kent. Jurgens and Byrne's Superman will ALWAYS be my Superman. So happy with how he has been portrayed in DC Comics lately. I don't mind the super marriage like I didn't mind the spider-marriage, but Jurgens just feels right when it comes to Superman, like Slott feels right when it comes to Spidey. 

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31 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:


And Superman would probably try to fix that. Because he's Superman. He's the embodiment of hope.


That's the problem that I and a lot of others have w/this interpretation. A different interpretation doesn't go the same stylistic way as the original but also should never lose the aura of what makes the character special in the 1st place (i.e. Heath Ledger's Joker, Daniel Craig's Bond). This just misses the point of Superman entirely by making him a pessimistic and devoid of any charisma (not entirely Cavill's fault, though) mofo who wonders why even bother.


That was the point of his father's BvS speech. It's not about "why bother". It's about doing everything you can no matter what. Because you can't control the consequences.

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16 minutes ago, ChipMunky said:


That was the point of his father's BvS speech. It's not about "why bother". It's about doing everything you can no matter what. Because you can't control the consequences.


Yeah, but the millions of deaths in Man Of Steel that Superman caused or help cause were consequences that he absolutely could have controlled, so that's a bullshit argument that only encourages more reckless behaviour by a so called superhero because ITZ FOR THE GREATER GOOD, SO DESTROY AND KILL AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, AS LONG AS THE BAD GUY IS DEAD, which yeah, sure, it's understandable, there are some things you can't control, but the least he can do is at least try to minimize it instead of only amping it up.


Luckily, Superman does change on that, as they really made sure to let you know that he was fighting Doomsflop in an abandoned location.

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3 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:


Yeah, but the millions of deaths in Man Of Steel that Superman caused or help cause were consequences that he absolutely could have controlled, so that's a bullshit argument that only encourages more reckless behaviour by a so called superhero because ITZ FOR THE GREATER GOOD, SO DESTROY AND KILL AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, AS LONG AS THE BAD GUY IS DEAD, which yeah, sure, it's understandable, there are some things you can't control, but the least he can do is at least try to minimize it instead of only amping it up.


Luckily, Superman does change on that, as they really made sure to let you know that he was fighting Doomsflop in an abandoned location.


LOL what? Millions of people died?! What the hell? Did you watch Star Wars or something?! He could control Zod wanting to murder EVERYONE ON EARTH? (he did, by killing him)


The ONLY reason they made a point to mention the "abandoned location" and that "downtown was empty" was because insane people like you bitched and moaned for 3 years about how "omg bad guys killed people!!!@#!@" in MOS.

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What makes DC fans angry about the MOS criticism is that people keep referring to the Christopher Reeve's Superman as the "original" Superman, when the source material for MOS is the comics. People shouldn't act like they know the whole history of the character and they shouldn't have the arrogance to say Snyder's movies are not faithful to the "real" Superman. It's easy to understand why there's endless online fight about it.

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I'm a fan of Superman from the comics, not really Reeve. Yes, he was my "first" Superman, but John Byrne's and after that Jurgens is THE Superman for me. That Snyder's Man of Steel was not. Hence why many people, including Mark Waid, one of the best Superman comic writers ever, think that Man of Steel was crap. And I still think it's crap. And it will still be crap until somehow it's fixed. 


Man of Steel is basically New 52's Superman and that sucked ass to the point that DC needed to make DC Rebirth happen. Thankfully, Superman is flawless in the comics now, thanks to Johns, Jurgens and Tomasi. I feel that very soon, Superman will soar in the movies as well. Johns and Whedon will make it work. 

Edited by iJackSparrow
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