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14 hours ago, Napoleon said:

But that's just not what happened at all.


I know it's not, but it totally looked like it, and deep down, I had to convince myself that the intent was not the one that it appeared to be. That is the director's fault, and that scene is really, really scatterbrained for making me think something when its intent was 360º degrees the opposite. It's like trying to tell me in code that you live a life of vegetarianism by saying "I love McDonald's" out loud. It makes a little bit of sense only hours after you think how dumb that sounds, and you can still think of a million better ways to put that idea together in a sentence.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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14 hours ago, Napoleon said:

But that's just not what happened at all.


Of all the legitimate problems that BvS had, I find it ridiculous that people would aim all their self-righteous ire and mockery at something as ridiculously easy to get as the two Marthas thing.  And I don't even think that it's because people don't understant the concept of empathy and the notion of Batman (after dehumanizing Superman all throughout the film) suddenly realizing that Superman was indeed a person...a son...a human being (even if he was born in a far-off planet)... Nah, the whole thing was all about hating on a film that was 2016's go-to whipping boy. It was open season on Snyder, and overlooking the easy-to-understand motivation behind the Martha thing perfectly worked with the "Snyder is the Anti-Christ" sentiment.  And it's not like the two women being called Martha was made up by the filmmakers. It has been canon in the comics since day one.  But of course it was "dumb"...after all, it happened in BvS, directed by Snyder!! I can totally imagine that, had something similar to the two Marthas thing been done in an MCU movie, fanboys and critics would have been raving about the "sheer brilliance" of the whole conceit. 




Edited by Cochofles
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3 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


Of all the legitimate problems that BvS had, I find it ridiculous that people would aim all their self-righteous ire and mockery at something as ridiculously easy to get as the two Marthas thing.  And I don't even think that it's because people don't understant the concept of empathy and the notion of Batman (after dehumanizing Superman all throughout the film) suddenly realizing that Superman was indeed a person...a son...a human being (even if he was born in a far-off planet)... Nah, the whole thing was all about hating on a film that was 2016's go-to whipping boy. It was open season on Snyder, and overlooking the easy-to-understand motivation behind the Martha thing perfectly worked with the "Snyder is the Anti-Christ" sentiment.


That's Suicide Squad. :P


Hey, I'll say this: BVS has a lot of dumb and poorly thought of, but it also has quite a bit of awesomely awesome. The warehouse fight, the trinity reunion, the Wayne parents murder, every dialogue scene w/Bruce and Alfred, the MOS climax sequence... all of that is fucking brilliant. I don't think it's a bad movie, actually. If only Snyder's vision had a better flow and less memetastic idiocy to it (still haven't seen the Ultimate Cut, though, so maybe there I'll get what I wish), it probably would have been great.


And btw, Civil War has a lot of awesomely awesome, but I also think it has plenty of dumb and poorly thought of in there too (like Zemo's contrived ass plan). See? I can love and hate on both Marvel and DC at the same time. Bringing the world together a minute at a time :ph34r:

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8 minutes ago, Cochofles said:


Of all the legitimate problems that BvS had, I find it ridiculous that people would aim all their self-righteous ire and mockery at something as ridiculously easy to get as the two Marthas thing.  And I don't even think that it's because people don't understant the concept of empathy and the notion of Batman (after dehumanizing Superman all throughout the film) suddenly realizing that Superman was indeed a person...a son...a human being (even if he was born in a far-off planet)... Nah, the whole thing was all about hating on a film that was 2016's go-to whipping boy. It was open season on Snyder, and overlooking the easy-to-understand motivation behind the Martha thing perfectly worked with the "Snyder is the Anti-Christ" sentiment.  And it's not like the two women being called Martha was made up by the filmmakers. It has been canon in the comics since day one.  But of course it was "dumb"...after all, it happened in BvS, directed by Snyder!! I can totally imagine that, had something similar to the two Marthas thing been done in an MCU movie, fanboys and critics would have been raving about the "sheer brilliance" of the whole conceit. 





I think the concept that Batman finally forms a human connection with Superman because his final plea before he dies is to save his mother is a perfectly legitimate idea.


I think the derision of that scene comes from the (IMO, of course) incredibly overwrought and awkward way the moment is written and executed.  It needed a deft, understated touch that just wasn't present, at least for me.  It makes it an easy target.


Just be glad that they did not use the Batman line in the shooting script (confirmed by folks who read it): "No Marthas will die tonight."  Talk about a meme that would truly never die.

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12 hours ago, Johnny Tran said:

I'm going to see Spider-Man: Homecoming probably on that Saturday, the 8th.  I think it could be good or even very good but I am very cautious heading into it based on the trailers,  it didn't light my world on fire. Maybe if there is going to be a spoilers thread I can discuss it there,  the actual Spider-Man thread is not a place you want to post at if you have even the tiniest bit of negativity or criticisms. They don't react well to that


True that.   I got jumped pretty hard after a glowingly positive review of WW.   But I had just the slightest problem with Gadot's slight frame.  (it bothered me like twice in the whole movie)   Suddenly that's all anyone wanted to talk about.


5 hours ago, Cochofles said:


Of all the legitimate problems that BvS had, I find it ridiculous that people would aim all their self-righteous ire and mockery at something as ridiculously easy to get as the two Marthas thing.  And I don't even think that it's because people don't understant the concept of empathy and the notion of Batman (after dehumanizing Superman all throughout the film) suddenly realizing that Superman was indeed a person...a son...a human being (even if he was born in a far-off planet)... Nah, the whole thing was all about hating on a film that was 2016's go-to whipping boy. It was open season on Snyder, and overlooking the easy-to-understand motivation behind the Martha thing perfectly worked with the "Snyder is the Anti-Christ" sentiment.  And it's not like the two women being called Martha was made up by the filmmakers. It has been canon in the comics since day one.  But of course it was "dumb"...after all, it happened in BvS, directed by Snyder!! I can totally imagine that, had something similar to the two Marthas thing been done in an MCU movie, fanboys and critics would have been raving about the "sheer brilliance" of the whole conceit. 



Some are putting in simpler terms than it really is.


Is it a problem to have something like "Martha" make a character realize the other character is human?   Not at all.


But it is a problem when said character is Batman.    ....Who has supposedly been obsessed with Superman for 18 months.   Batman is supposedly the world's greatest detective and he doesn't know who Superman's mom is?  What exactly has Batman been doing for 18 months?  Working out with a tire?     Keep in mind Batman is trying to kill Superman based on his perception of who he is.   So Batman will base a decision about killing someone on what he sees on cable news apparently.


The other half was Superman being frustratingly unwilling to talk to Batman about anything before that moment.   He just showed up and uttered threats and shoved Batman around.   Just one of many problems with the "Superman" in BvS.


So it's a lot more than "Martha"....that's just the name of the bedrock of flaws that led up to it.   It was built upon stupidity.

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33 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:


True that.   I got jumped pretty hard after a glowingly positive review of WW.   But I had just the slightest problem with Gadot's slight frame.  (it bothered me like twice in the whole movie)   Suddenly that's all anyone wanted to talk about.


In November the JL and Rangarok weekend threads and threads are going to be complete nightmare.

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51 minutes ago, LaughingEvans said:

Meanwhile at WB headquarters:


"Spider-man got better reviews than WW?"

"We need to double down on what made WW successful"

"I have an idea"

  Hide contents




Double down on what made WW a hit? I must have missed the love scene between Gal Gadot and Florence Kasumba in Wonder Woman... :P Did you see a director's cut?






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6 hours ago, LaughingEvans said:

Meanwhile at WB headquarters:


"Spider-man got better reviews than WW?"

"We need to double down on what made WW successful"

"I have an idea"

  Reveal hidden contents


You know what they say, WB should make WW the Iron Man of DCEU. So let her sleeping with bunch of woman seems a legit direction to go.

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5 hours ago, jf8350143 said:

You know what they say, WB should make WW the Iron Man of DCEU. So let her sleeping with bunch of woman seems a legit direction to go.


They couldn't make Diana the Iron Man of the DCEU if they tried. For one thing, she isn't an unpalatably smug douchebag.

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On Friday, June 30, 2017 at 7:36 AM, Cochofles said:


Of all the legitimate problems that BvS had, I find it ridiculous that people would aim all their self-righteous ire and mockery at something as ridiculously easy to get as the two Marthas thing.  And I don't even think that it's because people don't understant the concept of empathy and the notion of Batman (after dehumanizing Superman all throughout the film) suddenly realizing that Superman was indeed a person...a son...a human being (even if he was born in a far-off planet)... Nah, the whole thing was all about hating on a film that was 2016's go-to whipping boy. It was open season on Snyder, and overlooking the easy-to-understand motivation behind the Martha thing perfectly worked with the "Snyder is the Anti-Christ" sentiment.  And it's not like the two women being called Martha was made up by the filmmakers. It has been canon in the comics since day one.  But of course it was "dumb"...after all, it happened in BvS, directed by Snyder!! I can totally imagine that, had something similar to the two Marthas thing been done in an MCU movie, fanboys and critics would have been raving about the "sheer brilliance" of the whole conceit. 






MCU fans are already raving about something far dumber the whole "durr durr yeah that kid in iron man 2 was spiderman" 

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I will cherish my BvS screening forever because when Batman said : "What did he just say ?"

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Did Superman really said Marta ?


When I realize he did and that was gonna be the reason why Batman would go from "I am gonna kill Superman in cold blood because he is a menace to world peace and security and I hate him since the beginning of the movie because the sctript says so " to  "oh, Superman and Me ? we ve always been BFFS, we re on joking terms now" in a nano split second , I had one of my best embarrassed laughs ever.



A big thank you to the creative team of BvS, your movie holds a dear place in my heart because of your cluelessness.


Edited by The Futurist
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4 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I will cherish my BvS screening forever because when Batman said : "What did he just say ?"

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Did Superman really said Marta ?


When I realize he did and that was gonna be the reason why Batman would go from "I am gonna kill Superman in cold blood because he is a menace to world peace and security and I hate him since the beginning of the movie because the sctript says " to  "oh, Superman and Me ? we ve always been BFFS, we re on joking terms now" in a nano split second , I had one of my best embarrassed laughs ever.



A big thank you to the creative team of BvS, your movie holds a dear place in my heart because of your cluelessness.



Nah...Aurora's motivations/actions/reactions were even more misguided, absurd, unconvincing, and Hollywood-screenwriter-clueless in that holiday "blockbuster" that shall not be named (the one that deservedly got BvS-level reviews and not even half of its box office). :P 

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1 hour ago, The Futurist said:

I will cherish my BvS screening forever because when Batman said : "What did he just say ?"

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Did Superman really said Marta ?


When I realize he did and that was gonna be the reason why Batman would go from "I am gonna kill Superman in cold blood because he is a menace to world peace and security and I hate him since the beginning of the movie because the sctript says so " to  "oh, Superman and Me ? we ve always been BFFS, we re on joking terms now" in a nano split second , I had one of my best embarrassed laughs ever.



A big thank you to the creative team of BvS, your movie holds a dear place in my heart because of your cluelessness.



Well, normally this post deserves a "beating.a.dead.horse" gif reply, but since a dead horse is still better than that scene, let's just say you're beating a chunk of cold horse shit.






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On 6/30/2017 at 8:55 AM, Super Robertman2 Odyssey said:

BvS has really great parts, but it has also a ton of fucking terrible parts


Most Superhero Movies do. Although BvS has it's issue, but the good part of BVS is pure awesomeness. Those fight scenes were unbelievable.

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