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17 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

I don't completely agree with Moore here but the fact that he gives zero fucks and said this is absolutely hilarious (especially with the Scorsese vs Marvel shit still going on):



Hopefully, this should at least shut up the people on YouTube who keep whining about how the HBO show is “too woke.” 

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6 hours ago, Napoleon said:

They can make The Batman with Pattinson a standalone like Joker, unrelated to the DCEU, and move on with Ben Affleck, Jeremy Irons, JK Simmons and Jared Leto back.

Leto isn't even coming back for Birds of Prey, a movie his character actually appears in.

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8 hours ago, Napoleon said:

They can make The Batman with Pattinson a standalone like Joker, unrelated to the DCEU, and move on with Ben Affleck, Jeremy Irons, JK Simmons and Jared Leto back.

Please tell me you're joking lmao

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Whenever I read pretentious people pontificate about what is adult and what is childish I am reminded about these great quotes by C.S.Lewis



“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”


“The modern view seems to me to involve a false conception of growth. They accuse us of arrested development because we have not lost a taste we had in childhood. But surely arrested development consists not in refusing to lose old things but in failing to add new things? . . . Where I formerly had one pleasure, I now have two.”


“It is usual to speak in a playfully apologetic tone about one’s adult enjoyment of what are called ‘children’s books.’ I think the convention a silly one. No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally (and often far more) worth reading at the age of fifty – except, of course, books of information. The only imaginative works we ought to grow out of are those which it would have been better not to have read at all.”

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17 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

The only people who earned the right to complain about superhero movies being childish and safe are the ones who stood up for DC when there was a smear campaign against their 2016 movies for being "too dark" and "too realistic" and "not fun".

Despite my feeling about Joker, it grossed $1B WW while BVS didn’t. The problem wasn’t darkness, it was quality.

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1 hour ago, cdsacken said:

Man who turned superheroes into rapists and murderers is upset about current state. Cry me a fucking river.

He didn’t turn superheroes into that. He wrote a specific standalone superhero story that was meant to deconstruct and satirize the concept of the genre, but that story was never meant to be seen as an example of what superheroes should be like. Quite the contrary.

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4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

He didn’t turn superheroes into that. He wrote a specific standalone superhero story that was meant to deconstruct and satirize the concept of the genre, but that story was never meant to be seen as an example of what superheroes should be like. Quite the contrary.

Then he never should have written it. Deconstruction of symbols of hope isn't a good thing. Amazon series is pretty damn bad too but at least regular folks kill the bad supers. Some redemption in it I guess.

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I don't know why I should care about Alan Moore's opinions more than anyone else's? I have no issue with him voicing his opinions like everyone else but I never read up on his opinions because I don't care. I'm not one of those insecure fans that doesn't agree with people every time they say something bad about comic book movies. I agree with plenty of things that are said that aren't nice regarding comic book movies but I'm not a lap dog. I don't really care about what every Tom Dick and Harry thinks about it. I don't worship any of these people. I give my own opinions and make up my own mind about these things. 

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39 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Despite my feeling about Joker, it grossed $1B WW while BVS didn’t. The problem wasn’t darkness, it was quality.

Joker was sad, depressing, and ruined many after watching it. That said acting was incredible and enough to overcome the tone. I agree.

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For me it's not a question of fandom. I love DC and Marvel and others as well. I don't want to watch a horror film that is a comedy, I don't want to see a comedy that is a drama. I don't watch to a superhero film filled with evil scumbags as heros.


One exception. I'd like to see a movie after book Forging Hephaestus: A Villians code. Clearly evil villians with a code of honor. Interesting concept.

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57 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Despite my feeling about Joker, it grossed $1B WW while BVS didn’t. The problem wasn’t darkness, it was quality.

Batman v Superman was a successful and profitable movie. There wasn't any problem with tone or quality. Bloggers are the ones who started a smear campaign and pushed the narrative that it was a commercial failure, when audiences actually showed for it and its spin-offs.

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25 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

He didn’t turn superheroes into that. He wrote a specific standalone superhero story that was meant to deconstruct and satirize the concept of the genre, but that story was never meant to be seen as an example of what superheroes should be like. Quite the contrary.

Watchmen is an incredible comic but it along with Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns defiantly had an influence on comics going forward. 



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