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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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18 minutes ago, Caesar said:

In the novelization when Rey pulls the lightsaber away from him, Kylo says "it is you". I think this is one of the parts left out of the movie so that they could do it in Episode VIII instead. So yeah they will probably show that Rey was one of Luke's students when she was a kid.

Now, a moment like that would have cleared up a few doubts especially for GA. I have no problem with how their fight turned out cos I kind of filled up the gap myself but there're always people who want everything out in the light.

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But why clear  up anything right now?  This is what Empire did so well....it didn't tell you anything, it just left you hanging and wondering.  

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Anyways, I really do believe Rey's heritage is pretty much being handled like Jon Snow in that the first book made it incredibly obvious who his parents were and fans have known for AGES now but the story itself wants to drag it out a little longer. At least Rey's will be confirmed in Episode 8..

Edited by moviesRus
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7 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

But why clear  up anything right now?  This is what Empire did so well....it didn't tell you anything, it just left you hanging and wondering.  

I said the same thing to a few people but they thought I was just making an excuse...<_<

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10 minutes ago, moviesRus said:

Yeah, we're getting another movie in 18 months! At least we don't have to wait 3 years like they did after ESB

We also getting Rogue One next year. I wouldn't be surprised if Episode VIII comes out in December 2017. 

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2 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

Rich, you may be a piece of shit, but you're OUR favorite piece of shit. 


Seriously, though, I think the past week has seen a serious influx of power-level obsessed Redditors.


It's like the "Hulkbuster can't beat the Hulk" arguments on crack. The fact is, these are fictional characters with arbitrarily defined abilities that are determined by the filmmakers. If Abrams & co. portray Rey as being able to kick Ren's emo ass, that's that. No amount of talking about it will change the movie.

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1 hour ago, DMan7 said:

The 3D for this wasn't special, you're probably just better off watching it in 2D.


We saw it in 2D because the 3D shows were sold out. It was a relief for me because standard films are easier for me to see with my one extremely weak eye. It looked great and I felt that the details came across better than 3D. Not having to deal with 3D darkness played a part in the crisper detail.

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10 minutes ago, Michael Gary Scott said:

Had no problem with Rey winning. She clearly has the force on her side plus Kylo has not finished his training yet. Let him get the upper hand in 8 and ultimately Rey wins in 9. 

Yeah, Kylo was consistently portrayed as a bit of a basketcase who isn't fully in control of himself. Plus he just got shot by Chewie's bowcaster! That thing is powerful. Didn't Han shoot it earlier and it basically blew up like 3 guys? 

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Kylo Ren's flesh wound made the defeat from an inexperienced force prodigy more believable.


However, I wish Chewie blew his fucking lower arm completely off.


That would pretty much kill the "how could an untrained girl take out Kylo" debate..


Also, the "lost hand" tradition in Star Wars would be continued.




Edited by grey ghost
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3 hours ago, Obi-Wan Telemachos said:


But you don't understand. Kylo Ren's Force level is at least an 8.4, and Rey couldn't be 4 or 5, max. It just doesn't make any logical sense.



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Damn, Tele's troll level is at least a 9.1, he could easily take out another mod with the low power level of a 5.3...

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At this point, It would be pretty dumb if Rey DIDN'T end up being Lukes daughter. R2-D2 didn't just randomly turn on when Rey was around... Luke had that map for Rey specifically when the time was right for her to find him. Rey isn't some random force user... she's that powerful already for a reason.


Luke trains Ben Solo and others.... Luke fails them(maybe Ben and the others were jealous Rey as a little kid was more powerful)... Ben turns to Snoke and they form the Knights of Ren.. Kylo Ren kills Lukes wife(Mara Jade?). This forces him to hide Rey(Jakuu). He creates a map specifically for her for when the time is right. He goes into hiding.


It'll probably be pretty similar to that.... It seemed to me that Kylo Ren already knew of Rey with the whole "WHAT GIRL?" line etc.... Too much tells me she's Lukes daughter, and I'd be surprised if it went any other way.

Edited by Cookson
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Finally saw the movie... WOW!


Im going to need to see it again, but a fantastic movie.  Emotional, thrilling, and extremely fun.  Easily the most entertaining movie of the year.  My full reaction later, still recouping from that epic experience.  A+ is my initial grade impression.


I can't really rank the Star Wars movies fairly until I see this a few more times, but I'm going to do it (with not permanency) anyways

1.Empire Strikes Back

2.The Force Awakens

3.A New Hope

4.Return of the Jedi

5.Revenge of the Sith

6.Those other two

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Just now, Merkel said:

Actually I think R2 (and Luke, through him), were waiting for someone in specific, but rather someone who would've been "awakend by the force". Kinda how Jesus only began preaching when he was 30


Actually, according to Abrams, Kasdan, and Arndt, Artoo starts to wake up because of BB-8, who asked questions about pieces of the map. And Artoo had the map to the Jedi temple all along... he had downloaded it along with a bunch of other data from back when he tapped into the first Death Star's computer and archive system. (They didn't want to spend time spelling all this out, but they obliquely referred to it, because Kylo Ren mentioned the First Order got most of the map the same way: from Imperial archives). Of course, the trigger to wake up on this information was probably set by Luke, so it's more or less the same thing.

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Oh, rankings!


The Empire Strikes Back - 9.5

A New Hope - 9

Return of the Jedi - 8.5

The Force Awakens - 8.2


Non-special-edition rankings, of course. Using SEs, ROTJ drops about half a point, A New Hope drops about a quarter. Empire stays the same.


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