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Friday Numbers (U4: 9.8M; RT: 6.2M; EL&IC: 3.2M; Haywire: 3M; Contraband:- 3.7M)

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Word of mouth on Red tails seems incredibly high, I would actually expect it do be higher than it itNikki's numbers don't seem on either, The weekend totals for Red Tails don't seem on

The target audience is easy to please.
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There are already enough unoriginal ideas in Hollywood. Should we really encourage something as blatantly lacking in ideas as re-releases? Not to mention the original movies were never intended for 3D so the 3D itself will be inherently lackluster. 3D only seems to work when the film was shot with it in mind, and with a filmmaker who knows how to use it (Avatar, Hugo).
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There are already enough unoriginal ideas in Hollywood. Should we really encourage something as blatantly lacking in ideas as re-releases? Not to mention the original movies were never intended for 3D so the 3D itself will be inherently lackluster. 3D only seems to work when the film was shot with it in mind, and with a filmmaker who knows how to use it (Avatar, Hugo).

I for one love seeing classics on the big screen again. There's nothing like a movie theater to watch a film and there's absolutely nothing wrong with giving people a chance to do that with some older favorites. As far as unoriginiality, these 3D re-releases really have nothing to do with the studios not having new ideas. For example, this one was a fairly last minute call by Disney after TLK's success, and it's not like BATB3D wasted any creative resources that might have prevented Disney from putting some other new movie out instead. That would be called a remake, and I'll take these 3D re-releases over most of the crappy remakes anyday. Maybe you could call these things cash grabs, sure, but they really have nothing to do with the lack of ideas in hollywood.And speak for yourself on the "inherently bad 3D", since both TLK and BATB shocked me with how well the 3D worked. Speaking of things inherent, animation inherently lends itself to 3D technology irregardless of the style of animation. So I especially welcome these 3D animated re-releases because not only are they back on the big screen, there is something new added to them as well. Now Titanic and TPM are the ones I would be very skeptical about 3D adding anything, since it only ever has in a handful of live action films to date. Edited by MovieMan89
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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close got an A- cinemascore so if that's any consolation, I thought it would get lower given the polarizing reviews. Maybe it could have legs but with the no awards prospects now, it will just likely fade away quietly. The movie's box office prospect has always relied on its potential to conquer awards since it's not a family movie, not a female centric drama ala Blind Side or The Help, yes it has stars with Bullock and Hanks but they are supporting characters and the premise is still not appealing to mainstream audience. Personally I feel sad because I like the book it was based on and well Bullock and Hanks will get the flack for having a "bomb" and I like them both.Beauty and the Beast 3D is just fine, it's just icing in the cake for Disney anyway.

Edited by forg
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Haywire has a D+ Cinemascore? WTH?

That is hard to figure out especially with generally positive RT reviews. Maybe it is something of an "art film" when the audience was expecting more of an action film. That could explain how a movie could have better RT reviews than audience reviews. If that's not it, I don't really know.
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That is hard to figure out especially with generally positive RT reviews. Maybe it is something of an "art film" when the audience was expecting more of an action film. That could explain how a movie could have better RT reviews than audience reviews. If that's not it, I don't really know.

Seriously? When have critics ever understood what the public likes?
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That is hard to figure out especially with generally positive RT reviews. Maybe it is something of an "art film" when the audience was expecting more of an action film. That could explain how a movie could have better RT reviews than audience reviews. If that's not it, I don't really know.

It is definitely an action movie.
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There are other good movies in theaters. A 3D re-release for a movie (even a great one) is a stupid idea that needs to die.

I disagree. The best way to watch a movie is in theaters. A classic warrants a re-release. Not to mention there are generations that only with a re-release get the chance to watch them in theaters.
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That is hard to figure out especially with generally positive RT reviews. Maybe it is something of an "art film" when the audience was expecting more of an action film. That could explain how a movie could have better RT reviews than audience reviews. If that's not it, I don't really know.

That's probably what happened with Drive last year, too. That got a C- Cinemascore, but amazing WOM on online communities, so it still got to at least a 3x multiplier.
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