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Oscars Discussion - Nominations in First Post - Red Carpet Time!

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Some terrible choices this year...EL&IC over Dragon Tattoo is a complete joke. Also, where's Dragon Tattoo's score nom? Did it not qualify for some reason? Hugo is arguably my favorite movie of the year so I'm fine with all its noms, The Artist is in my top 10 (maybe 5) for the year so that's fine too. I still have to see The Descendants so can't comment on that, and people say Tilda Swinton should be in but I didn't see her movie either. Anyway, I don't know anyone that has seen EL&IC and has liked it so the academy should be embarrassed, plus it's like 45% on rt so critics hate it too. Many are saying it's the worst best picture nom of all time. Having dragon tattoo in over that would have made a huge difference and made the best pic noms look so much better.

Edited by FTF
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Gopher, TDKR won`t get any nominations say maybe in supporting actor/actress category if any newcomer proves as iconic as Ledger (and his death helped the nom although BSA is the category that favors villains of any kind). TH is likely to get in on LOTR coattails, though. Plus AMPAS hate Nolan and love Jackson. Fact.

If TDKR is as least as satisfying as Batman Begins (probable) and makes over 400 million (definitely happening), then it's a big contender. Not to win, and not for a director's nod, but the same way Inception was a contender, plus I wouldn't be surprised at all if Tom Hardy got some attention. So if the rule is still 5-10 movies next year, then TDKR has a strong chance. If they go back to five, which I half expect to happen, then probably not, though The Hobbit should be fair game.
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If TDKR is as least as satisfying as Batman Begins (probable) and makes over 400 million (definitely happening), then it's a big contender. Not to win, and not for a director's nod, but the same way Inception was a contender, plus I wouldn't be surprised at all if Tom Hardy got some attention. So if the rule is still 5-10 movies next year, then TDKR has a strong chance. If they go back to five, which I half expect to happen, then probably not, though The Hobbit should be fair game.

I think they are going to give this system one more year, especially because they know TDKR and The Hobbit are coming up and the big reason for the 10 nominee change in the first place was to get better ratings. To have 5 nominees next year would mean TDKR and The Hobbit would have good chances at snubs, and I am not sure they would want to risk that. I could see them potentially going back to 5 nominees in 2013 depending on how things work out next year.
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I didn't like this year nominees either, but I honestly think that 2011 wasn't a great year for movies. I only saw 5 BP nominees, when I saw Midnight in Paris and Moneyball I lowered my expectations, because they weren't really exciting, just ok movies imo, The Help was good, but didn't thrill me either. Although The Descendants was better than these 3 and I think it deserved its nomination. About Tree of Life, I think it was just too much and it came off as pretentious, when I saw the dinosaurs I was like "Oh, come on, that's enough", but I totally understand its nomination, it was one of the most praised films of the year. I still couldn't see The Artist and Hugo and I expect them to be a lot better than the ones I've seen.2010, on the other hand, was a brilliant year. Maybe that's why we expected so much, just compare...Inception - We didn't have a summer hit or scifi flick (although I loved Source Code) like Inception, not even close. Deathly Hallows was no Inception, and I don't think Super 8 or Apes deserved a nomination.Toy Story 3 - I don't expect to have animations as good as TS3 every year, but 2011 was really bad. While last year we had 3 strong animated films, this year they even nominated KFP2 and Puss in Boots.Black Swan - Almost everyone liked this one, its box office run was amazing. Aronofsky finally went mainstream, we didn't have many films like this in 2011.Now, it's kind of a personal opinion, but The Social Network is my favorite film from 2010 and I truly think it was better than anything released in 2011. True Grit, 127 Hours and The King's Speech were also great films, this year I have the feeling that everything is on par with The Kids Are All Right. I hope to fall in love with Hugo or The Artist so I can root for a film, for now I just don't care about who will win Best Picute. Well, maybe Hobbit, TDKR and Brave can provide good box office hits for next year awards.

Edited by JohnnY
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I didn't like this year nominees either, but I honestly think that 2011 wasn't a great year for movies. I only saw 5 BP nominees, when I saw Midnight in Paris and Moneyball I lowered my expectations, because they weren't really exciting, just ok movies imo, The Help was good, but didn't thrill me either. Although The Descendants was better than these 3 and I think it deserved its nomination. About Tree of Life, I think it was just too much and it came off as pretentious, when I saw the dinosaurs I was like "Oh, come on, that's enough", but I totally understand its nomination, it was one of the most praised films of the year. I still couldn't see The Artist and Hugo and I expect them to be a lot better than the ones I've seen.2010, on the other hand, was a brilliant year. Maybe that's why we expected so much, just compare...Inception - We didn't have a summer hit or scifi flick (although I loved Source Code) like Inception, not even close. Deathly Hallows was no Inception, and I don't think Super 8 or Apes deserved a nomination.Toy Story 3 - I don't expect to have animations as good as TS3 every year, but 2011 was really bad. While last year we had 3 strong animated films, this year they even nominated KFP2 and Puss in Boots.Black Swan - Almost everyone liked this one, its box office run was amazing. Aronofsky finally went mainstream, we didn't have many films like this in 2011.Now, it's kind of a personal opinion, but The Social Network is my favorite film from 2010 and I truly think it was better than anything released in 2011. True Grit, 127 Hours and The King's Speech were also great films, this year I have the feeling that everything is on par with The Kids Are All Right. I hope to fall in love with Hugo or The Artist so I can root for a film, for now I just don't care about who will win Best Picute. Well, maybe Hobbit, TDKR and Brave can provide good box office hits for next year awards.

I agree with almost everything you said (though I think Midnight in Paris is a great movie). I also think 2010 was light years better than 2011 and this trend has gone on for 4-5 years now. 2008 was a great year for quality movies, 2009 was so-so/mediocre, 2010 was an amazing year and 2011 was also so-so/mediocre...and 2012 already has more promise than last year (TDKR, TH, Prometheus, The Master, Lincoln, Brave, Django Unchained, etc).
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What a joke these awards have become. Extremely Loud gets 48% on RT and its a Best Picture nominee, and then there is DH2 that has a 96% with near universal acclaim by critics and audiences alike and gets not just snubbed by the Oscars, but straight up raped. NINE NOMINEES and they couldn't even sneak it in as a testament to great film making for the past 10 years. What a shame.

Edited by CEDAR
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2011 was just as good as 2010 in terms of quality IMO, it's just that most of the best movies in 2010 were nominated for best picture. TS3, TSN, Inception, True Grit and Black Swan were at the top of alot of people's lists, including my own. 2011, however, you will see Drive, Warrior, 50/50, TGWTDT and DH2 as people's best, but they were all snubbed. Not to mention every single movie that was nominated last year had lot's of love from the critics. The Kids Are All Right is the lowest on RT when you look at average ratings yet it is still at 7.8/10. This year we have have three movies under that, yet DH2, Drive and The Muppets were higher than that and could have snuck in to the BP field. Next year looks better with films that could be nominated, though it is way too hard to tell at the moment.

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Some terrible choices this year...EL&IC over Dragon Tattoo is a complete joke.

It`s a complete proof of rigging. It came out of nowhere and number of nominees curiously stopped at 9 so we can assume DT was 10th because success with Guilds points out in that direction. Heck, I bet it was higher than 10 but the system is obviously rigged so...
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This system could work correctly if they actually used it for its intended purpose. Who TF thought Extremely Loud was better than 50/50? I want names.

Exactly... WTF. It's outrageous that bold and almost universally liked Drive and 50/50 weren't a part of the best picture conversation but sappy, horribly reviewed and apparently offensive shit like Extremely Loud gets in... The Academy is beyond out of touch. They even ignore the "oscar bait" that people actually connected with... Edited by rockNrollaDIM
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I didn't like this year nominees either, but I honestly think that 2011 wasn't a great year for movies. I only saw 5 BP nominees, when I saw Midnight in Paris and Moneyball I lowered my expectations, because they weren't really exciting, just ok movies imo, The Help was good, but didn't thrill me either. Although The Descendants was better than these 3 and I think it deserved its nomination. About Tree of Life, I think it was just too much and it came off as pretentious, when I saw the dinosaurs I was like "Oh, come on, that's enough", but I totally understand its nomination, it was one of the most praised films of the year. I still couldn't see The Artist and Hugo and I expect them to be a lot better than the ones I've seen.2010, on the other hand, was a brilliant year. Maybe that's why we expected so much, just compare...

Agreed. 2010 blows 2011 out of the water IMO... Especially in terms of the "oscar" movies... 2011 has some awards caliber gems for sure (Drive, 50/50, Shame) but 2010 was superior in Oscar bait and in blockbusters.
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As I mentioned, this will mark 30 years of me watching the Oscars, except this will be the first year that I do not since 82. I'm beyond disgusted with the choices this year.

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Okay-I was wondering, what do you think the 10th nom would of been?At first I was thinking it either be Dragon or Spy...But then I was thinking, Loud and Close did get nominated, so it might of been something like Iron Lady or Marylin. Yeah....

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