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Weekend Thread (actuals)- Deadpool $56.47m, KFP3 $12.52m, Risen $11.8m, Witch $8.8m, HTBS $8.2m, Race $7.35m (pg 36)

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Seen Risen tonight. Overall I thought it was pretty decent. Is it the next The Ten Commandments or Ben-Hur ? Of course not but at least it was a step up from faith based movies like God's Not Dead and War Room.I  didn't even realize that Malfoy was in this movie. 

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9 hours ago, Intergalactic Ping Pong said:

Deadline certainly has some madness in their methods when it comes to projecting box office weekend grosses. Example: between the third and fourth updates, Star Wars declined $11K for it's Friday earnings, from $915K to $904K. Off of this, Deadline's weekend projection dropped $200K. Wow. 

I think their Friday multi is off as well as BO.com. Friday inflated due to school break. No way panda doing 5x Friday for 14m. Others seem amiss too. Big adjustment expected with studio est.

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Risen wasn't great or anything but it wasn't bad either. The acting was solid and the film works well around its low budget. The first 2 acts are intriguing and it's a very interesting take on the story. While I'm not religious I have no problem with any type of religious films or aspects in films, but that being said, the final act felt as though it's writing was all over the place, and it kept going on and on. Still, I'd recommend if you're interested to check it out maybe cheap night, Netflix, or if your friend is paying ;)


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Yup that's a great Saturday for Deadpool, I think!


I went to TFA today for the 35th time, nice solid milestone number, and it was again kind of ridiculous. I guess I got accustomed to IMAX screenings because the higher ticket price always deflated the audience numbers. For weeks I was used to 40 people being a huge crowd for TFA, even by Week 4 or 5, but since seeing it the last two weekends in two different theaters on Saturday, they're not going to pull it any time soon from those theaters.


I would say my theater had 75 people watching TFA at the 6:45 screening, if not more. I sat in the 4th row and it's a pretty large auditorium. I was shocked honestly. This is probably why Portland hasn't lost one single theater, even despite TFA losing something like 60-65% of its theaters nationwide. I guess my city is an over perform just in general. I am not sure why, or maybe I'm not sure why other cities aren't doing as well, either way. Even our 6-plex kept it for a 10th weekend as I mentioned, which is insane.


I do see why so many people avoid theaters, though. I have Movie Pass for this year, and I'm going to use it and enjoy it, and then evaluate at the end of the year. I am starting to think I may change my moviegoing habits a bit, though, especially as I'm going to save a lot of money on other cost of living stuff. I'm sick of these theaters playing movies in what I consider completely unacceptable conditions. Both of the 2D screenings at 2 separate theaters had unacceptably low audio levels especially on the center dialogue channel. When Huxley is giving his big speech and literally shouting at the crowd, I could have stood up in the theater and shouted much louder than him. That's... not ok. It should be so fucking loud that you couldn't possibly shout over the MOVIE THEATER sound system. I mean get real, a home audio system that's better than that runs $1,000. The home audio system I'm installing in my new place would blow theirs out of the water, which isn't ok. I don't pay $10 per ticket to get mediocre audio.


Worse than that, to my ears, most of these auditoriums do not sound like surround. They don't even sound like 2.1. They sound like 2.0. I don't feel any bass whatsoever, like there's no sub active, or at least it sucks ass or they turned it down. I can't hear anything to the side of me, I can't hear anything behind me. I suspect that's because the theaters are far too rectangular when a true movie theater should be more like a square, otherwise people near the front won't hear any of the back surround at all. The visuals are great, projection is great, no issues there. Better than ever. But I swear when I was a teenager the audio was far superior to the current shit that most of these theaters pass off as theater-quality audio. 


I'm getting to the point where I no longer want to watch any movies in theaters unless it's RPX, IMAX, or some premium format that I know for sure is top notch. Seeing TFA in IMAX 3-D felt like a true experience and the best part wasn't the 3-D or even the big screen (which was also great), it was the killer audio. I know TFA has great audio because I've seen it that way 27 times. But I wouldn't know that if I saw it the first time today. Some dialogue is inaudible it was so low (like Rey speaking to BB-8 with Finn watching when they first meet, she is talking to him, you can hear it with a good sound system, but you can't hear it when they turn the dialogue speaker that low). I don't know if this is their idea of a clever ploy to get you to pay a premium, or if they're just incompetent, but I think I'd rather cut my theatrical viewings down to maybe 7-10 movies per year in IMAX and just rent the rest of them with my 3-disc out Netflix plan. 

Edited by JonathanLB
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48 minutes ago, picores said:

Deadline claims 24m (+48%) Sat for Deadpool and 55m weekend.


Risen and the Witch increases almost muted with 11% and 3%.




I'm surprised The Witch increased at all, considering $630k of Friday number was previews, and the C- cinema score. 

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9 hours ago, JonathanLB said:

The prequels were incredibly successful movies as well, and ROTS very well received by fans and critics, but it still wasn't more than $500M adjusted when I last checked last year. I don't see how Rogue One is a lock for $500M. 


I'm as big of a SW fan as you can get, but I mean... keep your expectations measured. It could be a great film and make $375M and there's nothing wrong with that. For a side story to the main story, that would still be quite great. Think of it like this, Marvel's smaller movies are like Ant Man or Guardians of the Galaxy and even as big of a breakout as GOTW was it still didn't hit $400M. Ant Man did well for what it was but couldn't crack $200M.


This has Darth Vadar in it. Nuff said 

Edited by Jessie
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