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3 hours ago, Baumer said:

How the hell are you guys saying that this is going to be more front-loaded than Age of Ultron? That was a movie that was coming off the biggest opening weekend of asall time. Your logic is co nmpletely f***** up. I don't understand you guys anymore. It's like there's a collective Mafia mass of mob like attitude here that as soon as someone doesn't like something everybody else has to pile on it. I seriously don't get this site sometimes. I came for the number I was looking for I'm out of here. I'll check back in to see the Friday numbers but I'm not talking to you doofuses anymore this weekend lol enjoy the Bloodbath.

Number in a vaccum is fine but looking deeper into it, it's just good. Remember BvS presales set the record for SH surpassing both TDKR and AoU. Highly unlikely it'll be less frontloaded than either on OW. With 27.7M, it's looking at 160-165M OW or TDKR OW without the same legs. 

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3 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:


Agree with this Batfleck is legendary.

I think a problem is that these crictics were going in expecting a low energy high facemelting popcorn marvel film with a witty quip every other scene.

Or maybe they were actually expecting a good movie?  Some of the most scathing reviews from critics were by people like Faraci that actually like Man of Steel. 

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17 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:


If they made a good movie though the movie would have far less hate.


The movie was hated since day one, and when you hate something from day one with a passion you will do your best to dissect it looking for bad things way more than just looking at pros and cons ..ect, I am positive that even if this movie has been the highest of quality it will still get tones of hate for the reasons I've posted above.Those reasons were personal and has nothing to do with the quality of the movie.Many people were wishing for it to flop since day one.


It did not deserve all that hate not from day one and not even now. It certainly got a much worse RT score than it deserves , and that was noted by many people who had seen it,including non fans.But that doesn't matter ... I will say people have different tastes but no one deserves to become a laughing stoke just because you didn't like a movie , they are human beings with feelings and careers and they having a hard time it is so instinctive to make videos specially to laugh at their misery ..... 

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Thanking you for quoting that baumer post, would've missed it otherwise. lmao


Btw he's 100% right, this place has been whack as hell for a while. Y'all need to cut it out with the myopic stanning, don't care which "side" you're on

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2 minutes ago, Orestes said:

Snyder is in the rare situation of being hated by fans before the next director of the character he helmed was brought on board. Can't accuse fanboys of never evolving, i guess.

this will be the 21st time we have whined about a director ruining a character we pretend that we love. we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

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5 minutes ago, RandomJC said:
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I still like Whedon. Honestly, only problems I really had with AoU was the Hawkeye family stuff and the Banner/Nat relationship. That relationship is probably the worst Whedon-trope, where a guy is abusive towards a girl, then girl falls in love with abusive guy. That popped up in Buffy several times, too.

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Just now, CoolioD1 said:

this will be the 21st time we have whined about a director ruining a character we pretend that we love. we have become exceedingly efficient at it.


I read all the wikipedia pages Coolio I'm a diehard fan

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5 minutes ago, FlashMaster659 said:

DHD says $76M-$80M


That would give it a true Friday of 48-52m.

TF for F7 was ~51.5m.

F7's ow removing the previews was 131.4m.

If BVS does the same it will get 160m (131.4m + 27.7m)

Edited by a2knet
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5 minutes ago, SoSaysI said:

Or maybe they were actually expecting a good movie?  Some of the most scathing reviews from critics were by people like Faraci that actually like Man of Steel. 


You're saying Faraci liked MOS? Or are you confusing him with McWeeny?

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16 minutes ago, Emerald kikyou said:


The movie was hated since day one,


I respectfully disagree.  


I rememberred clearly how the masses were literally over the moon when MOS sequel was officially said to be Batman VS Supes, people speculating about Bale reprising his role and being offered RDJ kinda of money to do so.


True the casting of Affleck was controversial but that contraversy was on par with the incredible fervour this movie ignititted, especially among DC fans who saw it as a way to finally compete with Marvel on the same level.


Then the Comicon trailer was released and it was universally praised.  Most were saying that it was the main contender for the biggest and most critically praised 2016 CBM.


The mood changed drastically after that 3rd trailer dropped in december.  


But before it, it was the honeymoon with the general audience and the critics who overwhelmingly thought this movie that have been hailed countless of times as the one everyone have been waitring for thirty years will offer something new and fresh to Marvel stale formula.


That was the recurrent rhetoric until december 2015.

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4 minutes ago, SoSaysI said:

Or maybe they were actually expecting a good movie?  Some of the most scathing reviews from critics were by people like Faraci that actually like Man of Steel. 


Or perhaps they were wondering how you could review a film, when it's merely a flick.

I agree the film isn't perfect, you could make the film better by just removing a bunch of scenes and editing it. Not the film was hard to follow but some scenes were a drag.


My point is how badly they reviewed it, yet review complete utter trash like Age Of Ultron well.


A 5/10 average from crictics is completely unreasonable when you see what they're rating other popcorn flicks (over half of the MCU films (done by television directors)).

Also by the way, the action sequences in this film were better than anything in any MCU film.

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