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SUICIDE SQUAD WEEKEND THREAD | New REVISED SUNDAY NUMBER 134m FROM GURU ON PG 212 | 267.1M WW OW | Nine Lives 6.5 OW |No Spoilers Allowed!!! | ACCOUNT SALES THIS WEEKEND - see first post for details !!

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3 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I agree WW is still opening well because of the decades of demand surrounding it, but if it's hated and falls off a cliff like these others then JL is getting a terrible OW. 


I'm going to disagree with this. Justice League, will go over 100 just like the rest of the DCEU. 

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13 minutes ago, K1stpierre said:


We're all making cracks and jokes, aka insinuating DC is falling apart and blah blah blah. I'm just shedding a new light on it that's all. I've made jokes like everyone for fun, but I'm looking at this from a different perspective. Let's say if this weren't a DC film or Marvel film, and a film on it's own and it opened to 125OW, what would the reaction be even if the film was not great? Holy shit, a 100M+ OW in August??? Are you shitting me? I think because of all the hype from this silly comic book feud (which I'll never understand), people aren't really grasping how big of a OW this is considering the month.


People knew the OW record was gone months ago.


The hot topic is dat Sat drop.

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3 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

Why do I have a feeling I missed the meltdowns looking at the page increases...


Not so much meltdowns as much as page after page of:




Only a couple of people are really pissed and neither one of them really reached the meltdown stage.  Which is kinda a worrying sign in and of itself, if you ask me. :ph34r:

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2 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

I agree WW is still opening well because of the decades of demand surrounding it, but if it's hated and falls off a cliff like these others then JL is getting a terrible OW. 


A November release with no real competition and a trailer with tons of kewl action set pieces and you think people will stay away?  I don't think so. Horrible legs sure but I can just imagine now what that trailer is going to look like.  Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman all on screen doing crazy shit..   I would bet over $100M OW right now no question

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1 minute ago, robertman2 said:

In favor of the wonderful DC Rebirth? Or a different relaunch?


Rebirth has been very successful and I hope Johns can bring that tone to DC Films although my favourite title from DC is Future Quest which is selling really well that it's prompt WB to fasttrack Jonny Quest as a potential film. I haven't read either Wacky Raceland or The Flintstones but both have gotten great reviews

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Just now, Chewy said:



"Only" a 130M weekend, lol. I mean jeez, I'm sorry but the way that just sounded were they thinking it was going to make 200M+? I think in a way when it opened huge like it did, some sort of sizeable drop was going to be realistic (though not as high as I thought).

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17 minutes ago, K1stpierre said:

Exactly. I mean, with your example, could you imagine if this opened to what was expected and say around 85M? We'd be in a situation where we would question literally if it would make over 150M total DOM. At least with this huge OW in August, instead of looking at a finish around 160M, we're looking at around 250-260, 100M DOM difference. That's huge to me even if legs might be dissapointing. Not all films make it to 300M, I think people fail to realize it's not easy getting to 300M.

Nobody is sayinv 125M OW is bad for SS but how it got there is not good. Friday to Saturday drop is DH2 & Twilight territory. Eventually WB needs good WOM including critical reception or their DC universe will collapse.'m>

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9 minutes ago, YourMother said:

If there is anything I learned from Box Office Tracking for superhero movies, that the more you hype its OW to greater heights (CW, SS), you'll only be disappointed when it opens in line with tracking.


I think its because comic book movies tend to have inflated trailer views, social media activity and pre-sales compared to other genres. 


With the pre-sales and social media actvity seemingly always improving over the previomy comic book movie, it always leads to unrealistic expectations of BO performance.


Even with good reviews, I think SS was always destined to be frontloaded. Poteintally bad WOM just makes it worse.

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1 minute ago, MovieMan89 said:

Ugh, why couldn't Nolan have just spared us the Interstellar mumbo jumbo and masterminded this whole DCEU first phase? 


I don't think there is any guarantee it would turn out much better. Bribe someone to do something they don't want to do. Bad idea. 

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26 minutes ago, TLK said:


They apparently took Rogue One away from the director and now Tony Gilroy is the man in charge. It is never a good thing when that happens.


This isn't exactly true: Gilroy has been helping out as second-unit director and is assisting in the edit (along with Edwards). Not really the same thing. 


edit: beaten by Nile Phelan

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