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Ezen Baklattan

Weekend Thread | Estimates SS 43.7m, SP 33.6m, PD 21.5, JCIJB 13.6m, BM 11.45m, SLOP 8.8m, STD 6.8m, FFJ 6.58m

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16 minutes ago, AJG said:


I'm Christian too and honestly at this point if something is funny it's funny, and if the criticisms are valid they're valid. I've seen so much of all these anti-religion shows and movies that I've become kinda numb to the whole argument. I'll still believe in what I want to believe and I doubt anything will stop me, all I ask from these films is to just be entertaining. 


Yeah me too, it takes a lot to truly offend me though. what I saw of This is the End was very funny imo, still not so thrilling when a review on RT basically praises Sausage Party

for it have an "there is no god" argument.


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5 minutes ago, Kalo said:


Yeah me too, it takes a lot to truly offend me though. what I saw of This is the End was very funny imo, still not so thrilling when a review on RT basically praises Sausage Party

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for it have an "there is no god" argument.



Anyone that praises a movie for having a 'there is no god' argument are probably the same people who believe getting of religion would somehow magically end all wars.


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Why does something offend you if it has a different message or narrative that what you believe in?  I find this thought process to be incredibly weak.  For example, I don't believe in murder, or torture or rape.  But I've seen plenty of films that entertained the hell out of me that have those things happen in the film.  Why should films be any different?  Why should films have to pander to religion?  They're just stories.  It's just a movie.  Getting offended for someone apparently having some kind of anti religion message is ridiculous imo. 

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5 minutes ago, superweirdo87 said:


Their marketing department is sky-high caliber.


Their marketing department is one of the bright spots for sure. However I feel it's a slight step down from their amazing marketing of say the Potter films, The Hobbit films, and Nolan's films (although Nolan has lots of personal control in the marketing of his films). Of course it's not a big difference, just a slight difference I observe. I only say that because on rare occasion their marketing department has made some bad trailers, like that one BvS trailer. I really like their recent trend of the "special" Comic Con extended trailers for their DC films.

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1 minute ago, Baumer loves Dory said:

Why does something offend you if it has a different message or narrative that what you believe in?  I find this thought process to be incredibly weak.  For example, I don't believe in murder, or torture or rape.  But I've seen plenty of films that entertained the hell out of me that have those things happen in the film.  Why should films be any different?  Why should films have to pander to religion?  They're just stories.  It's just a movie.  Getting offended for someone apparently having some kind of anti religion message is ridiculous imo. 

Because now a days folks just like to find things to be offended about it. The amount of crap I've seen trending on social media, clicked on it to see what it is and then wondered when the fuck society got so butt hurt over everything occurs on a daily basis. 

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41 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:

Pete's Dragon was amazing. 

Now I'm waiting for Sausage Party. A bit skeptical on how much I'll like it.





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It'll solely depend on if you get offended easily when satire/comedy goes after one of your beliefs.  I'm a Christian and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but I have thick skin and don't get offended very easily.  I'm also open to being criticized.


I can easily see if you're more sensitive that it could get to you or be off-putting.

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1 hour ago, ecstasy said:

The legs were bad because people expected to see a real war. Something epic. In reality it was the continuation of the Cap Buck love story with extra characters thrown in. I enjoyed it but it wasn't what I thought it was gonna be from the title.




The legs were what they are because of 2 main factors..... the biggest factor is that with each Marvel Universe movie, the general audience is going to get more limited.  You had to see a minimum of 5 movies to even have a clue what was happening in Civil War.  That doesn't lead to nearly the casual walk up business no matter how good the movie is.  It could be a fantastic movie (and it was), but some 50 year old guy and his wife who have only watched a couple Marvel movies or none at all are never going to buy a ticket.  You aren't going to get that person with a few hours open on a Tuesday night and watches 10 movies a year to buy a ticket.  


Second factor was that it was the least family friendly and most dour Marvel movie yet.  The ending doesn't really lead to repeat theater viewings.  There was plenty of civil war parts and the airport scene was praised.  

Edited by nilephelan
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@ecstasy Yeah I understand your point about how all films are free game for criticism and poking fun at but some things are just stupid.  "Gloating" about what's going to end up being a financial success for DC/WB is just plain weird.  It's haters wanting to try to find something to validate their opinion but instead being terribly wrong in their analysis.. 

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10 minutes ago, Baumer loves Dory said:

Why does something offend you if it has a different message or narrative that what you believe in?  I find this thought process to be incredibly weak.  For example, I don't believe in murder, or torture or rape.  But I've seen plenty of films that entertained the hell out of me that have those things happen in the film.  Why should films be any different?  Why should films have to pander to religion?  They're just stories.  It's just a movie.  Getting offended for someone apparently having some kind of anti religion message is ridiculous imo. 


You sound like you're surprised that there are a lot of people out there that take their religion very seriously, lol.

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50 minutes ago, Kalo said:


I was curious if it was just the DC film WB was.. lacking at so I looked up the last 10 blockbuster budgeted films (100m or more) and 9 out of 10 of them had mixed to bad reception, and 5 of them were financial failures as well. in fact the only one that was raved about was Mad Max and that was directed by George Miller. granted they are doing a little better with their smaller films. but whatever they are doing with their bigger properties obviously isn't working out very well for them. which is a shame because they've have released great films in the past, and it would be nice if Disney had some legitimate competition. I hope they get it together soon for DC's sake.  


These things go in cycles for the most part.  WB was terrible for a while, then they couldn't miss, and now they have been bad the last few years.  


You can already see the turnaround coming though.  They recovered some this summer with the New Line titles and their marketing allowed Suicide Squad to make $300m domestic.  Possibility that War Dogs could break out a little, Sully should be fine, Storks might be a sleeper in the Hotel Transylvania slot, The Accountant has good buzz going, Fantastic Beasts will be a big hit, Live By Night is an Oscar contender, and then you start running into their 2017 slate.  


Lego Batman Movie will be a smash.  Kong: Skull Island had a great trailer and good look.  Wonder Woman, Dunkirk, Blade Runner, Justice League, etc.....  I wouldn't be surprised if they are riding a wave of success this time next year.  

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32 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


PAW PATROL is a lurking giant. It's incredibly popular... but you need to have young children in order to even be familiar with it. :lol: 


My baby is too old for this so I had no clue but now I beleive you.




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11 minutes ago, nilephelan said:




The legs were what they are because of 2 main factors..... the biggest factor is that with each Marvel Universe movie, the general audience is going to get more limited.  You had to see a minimum of 5 movies to even have a clue what was happening in Civil War.  That doesn't lead to nearly the casual walk up business no matter how good the movie is.  It could be a fantastic movie (and it was), but some 50 year old guy and his wife who have only watched a couple Marvel movies or none at all are never going to buy a ticket.  You aren't going to get that person with a few hours open on a Tuesday night and watches 10 movies a year to buy a ticket.  


Second factor was that it was the least family friendly and most dour Marvel movie yet.  The ending doesn't really lead to repeat theater viewings.  There was plenty of civil war parts and the airport scene was praised.  


Sorry, but it's much more simple than this.  The film was 20 minutes of awesome and 120 minutes of absolute drek.  I realize I'm speaking of just an opinion here but it's what I believe.  I heard from my friends and other members here as well.  Civil War was a bore.

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