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Weekend Actuals: Sully 35M, WTBB 14.2M, DB 8.25M, SS 5.72M

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1 hour ago, UrosepsisFace said:

I wonder if Warner Brothers will fire Kevin Tsujihara.

I doubt Tsujihara is going away for a variety of reasons.


Expectations that BvS would cross $1b just because they added Batman was ludicrous. Being a Batman movie didn't help Nolan's first, which took in just $374mil worldwide. It was the combination of Nolan, Bale and Ledger that made those films a $1bil franchise, not simply because of Batman. BvS featured a new Batman in a new continuity. Looking at various continuous franchises that feature reboots (ex: Bond, Spider-Man, Transformers) there isn't a continual increase in take simply because it's the same character conceptually. BvS acted like a solid non-breakout sequel to MoS with a 25% increase in take, which is reasonable in the unpredictable >$700mil range. With the same sort of solid non-breakout increase for JL, I would expect it to just kiss $1bil but I wouldn't be surprised if it just missed it.


Did critical reviews hurt the take for BvS? Maybe, maybe not. We've all seen how true event films are largely critic immune because people are going to want to partake of the event anyway. Having amazing critical reviews didn't help CACW hit the $200mil OW mark and it seems like it the general audience treated it as largely an RDJ Marvel movie, since it matched well with IM3. Could BvS have earned more if it was more well received? I'm thinking it would have possibly given it a bit more casual interest to get that extra $20mil - $30mil to cross $900mil WW, but since it was both a tonally heavier movie as well as a longer running movie I think that's really the extent of it. SS having pretty similar numbers to BvS also pretty much indicates that this is just probably the audience level for that brand at the moment.


I think the thing that will help Tsujihara the most is just the big picture between 2015 and 2016. The studio more or less gave up 2015 the moment they moved BvS to 2016. They knew that they didn't have everything in line that year and decided it to have a rough year followed by a good year instead of two okay years in a row. This year is the first year we're seeing their overall strategy in place, with two DC films anchoring a third proven tentpole (Potter this year, Lego next year) and a fourth unproven tentpole (Tarzan this year, Kong next year) with the requisite lower budget portfolio. From a sheer numbers perspective, it's been all a success so far. They're looking at possibly kissing $2bil D this year and their only writedowns are War Dogs, Nice Guys and Keanu, which is nothing. With things now in place, if this happens again next year and the year after then things are completely rosy.


Structurally, they've already reigned in the budgets for the DC films. Critically they were savaged because of studio interference. But with the DC Films brand getting new heads and becoming more independent, I really don't think studio interference will be much more of a factor since the numbers indicate that the DC movies are an established brand now. I can see more of that attention being focused on newer, unestablished brands in order to get them off the ground. Fantastic Beasts should be fine but we'll see if that, along with their burgeoning Kong/Godzilla franchise falls under the "expensive tentpole remake nobody wants" category they and other studios have a problem with. Things could also be a problem if, as has been reported previously, Warners were indeed intent on doing less lower budget films in favor of a more tentpole-centric approach like Disney. As we see from this year, this sort of variety approach is a real strength for Warners.

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

My showing of Sully this afternoon was almost sold out in a big theater. The entire auditorium applauded at the end of the movie, which was random but kinda cool I guess.



Audience applause is one of the most bizarre things humans have ever done. 

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3 hours ago, UrosepsisFace said:

I wonder if Warner Brothers will fire Kevin Tsujihara. According to the trades, this might be the most disastrous run to 2 billion for a studio. Three of the top four from the studio were termed "flops", but the studio has a very good chance at the coveted 2 billion mark anyway.

He needs to be fired. It doesn't matter if he made 2 billion for the studio. It doesn't matter if audiences liked BVS and SS. Only thing that matters is that he approved a movie that I watched illegally in my mom's basement where I live and it didn't make me laugh like the wonderful and original Marvel movies. And so he should be fired, and I'll make sure everyone knows what I think by bitching and moaning about it every day on the internet.

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1 minute ago, Napoleon said:

He needs to be fired. It doesn't matter if he made 2 billion for the studio. It doesn't matter if audiences liked BVS and SS. Only thing that matters is that he approved a movie that I watched illegally in my mom's basement where I live and it didn't make me laugh like the wonderful and original Marvel movies. And so he should be fired, and I'll make sure everyone knows what I think by bitching and moaning about it every day on the internet.

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3 hours ago, CoolioD1 said:

my top 5 tom hanks


1. cloud atlas irish gangster

2. cloud atlas future tribe dude

3. cloud atlas sneaky doctor

4. cloud atlas 22nd century actor dude

5. cloud atlas boring scientist.


The smart ass gene, how did you acquire it ?



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