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Weekend Actuals (Page 77): It 60.1M | American Assassin 14.8M | JLaw's Original Sin 7.5M

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I haven't seen either Valerian or Mother! so can't comment on the (de)merits of the films, but looking at reactions both are being judged as 'pretentious'. They had divergent budgets, stories and casting, yet that judgment seems to be the thing they have in common.

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23 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Those who are glad mother! is bombing need to realize what this means to Hollywood producers. This encourages Hollywood to make their films safer so general audiences can embrace it. You can call mother! a lazy allegory all you want, but it's a movie that's getting people to talk, think, and show passionate love and hate. We NEED more stuff like mother! to be released by the big six.


This is pretty much ThatOneGuy route when Valerian bombed.

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So Paramount going wide with a heavy arthouse movie was probably not a good idea. LOL. So now you get "flop" articles about a movie that is the polar opposite of a mainstream film, that needed a platform release. Well done. They went wide with a super controversial arthouse film and created an entirely needless negative storyline. Hollywood brilliance strikes again. 

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2 minutes ago, a2knet said:

I haven't seen either Valerian or Mother! so can't comment on the (de)merits of the films, but looking at reactions both are being judged as 'pretentious'. They had divergent budgets, stories and casting, yet that judgment seems to be the thing they have in common.

Valerian sure as hell isn't pretentious:rofl: 


2 minutes ago, MrPink said:


This is pretty much ThatOneGuy route when Valerian bombed.

Nah mate.



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9 hours ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Mother was always a risky project and it unfortunately didn't pay off.


I don't see how IT gets below 60mil with that great Friday number. Deadline with their terrible weekend multiplier skills.


I think it pays off for Jen for taking risky roles and giving herself entirely to them.  I think her performance was amazing, and I think others in th industry will think so, regardless of awards.


9 hours ago, La Binoche said:

omfg mother! 


wtf was JLaw thinking? This is going to hurt her career. Mainstream audiences will NOT trust her anymore. What a clusterfuck of a movie. I almost kind of enjoyed it on some twisted level...like on a Wicker Man, Mommy Dearest level. 



I think this is going to be a plus for her filmography, and will gain her respect from her peers in the industry, and don't think mainstream audiences 'trust' actors in that sense, to begin with. It was a road too far for many of her fans to follow her down, clearly, but the interviews made it plain what was coming and people could make that choice.

9 hours ago, straggler said:

Jlaw was the MVP. Pfeiffer was good but it was Jlaw's show. I think she pulled off an Oscar caliber performance in as dark a movie as it is possible to make while playing completely against her supposed type. This type of role helps a career regardless of short term reactions. Maybe she envisions a career making serious, auteur films. If so good for her. 


I'm not holding my breath for any major nominations for Jen, however, I do see a possible path if there are enough of those passionate positive reviews reflected in voting memberships to make her a passion vote, regardless of others disliking the movie too much to have it on their radar for awards.  This is Jen acting compellingly, as the constant visual and emotional center of the film, in demanding, even brutal circumstances.  I also think Aronofsky talked her into being willing to campaign.


Having said that I am not expecting an Oscar nomination doesn't mean I can't see one possibly happening.  I went, thinking I'd hate the movie, because I couldn't miss watching Jen in this role, having rehearsed for 3 months, etc.  I expected acting from her like I had never seen before.  And I got it. I enjoyed the experience and will see it again, because there is more of her performance, as well as more of the movie, to sink in, still.  I think her peers will appreciate her acting, as well.


8 hours ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

I love JLAW but I'm so mixed on Darren Aronofsky as a filmmaker. I hated The Fountain and I didn't like Black Swan much either. I still want to see this for the cast though.


If you like Jen you have to see this.  I'm not certain yet if I think it is career best or if I am so blown away in part because it is so different from anything she has ever done, but you really don't want to miss her in this.


8 hours ago, vc2002 said:

WTF is a F cinemascore? a Fucking Frightening Fearful Failure?







I prefer an F to a D.  It is almost certain to be the nail in the coffin of major awards chances, but an F cinemascore with a fresh ranking and passionate 100 scores on metacritic creates an enigma.


4 hours ago, filmlover said:

Oh come on. Without JLaw, mother! wouldn't have even been financed (by anyone), period.


Not sure, because I don't know how much confidence they have in Aronofsky alone.  People may not have liked Noah as much, but it made money.  However you could be right.  Jen  did a Charlie Rose interview where he was talking (in part) about the different kind of challenges she had now than when she was starting out.  She said something about it being intimidating to be able to get something green lit all on her own, without any contradiction or push back from the other people at the table.  Her exact words, if I can remember them were: "It's like, doesn't anyone else have an opinion?" She actually looked kind of unsettled.


This is where there might be 'trust' that is lost, but honestly, studios are responsible for their own investments, regardless.  It WILL make more money with Jen involved.  However, if the subject matter / movie is an absolute turn off to categories of people, no star being attached is going to make it a blockbuster.



2 hours ago, filmlover said:

They're not gonna keep a film that's gonna be making less than $1M in three weeks (if not quicker than that) in theaters for long. They'll put it out on DVD right before Christmas in all likelihood. Also, its Oscar chances are completely dead at this point.


I have no idea if it goes out on DVD before Christmas.  Still, this is a spectacle movie.  Whether it gets them or not, I truly believe it deserves cinematography and sound nominations. It is also a second watch, even third watch movie imho.  I think they'd be stupid to not at least keep it out in LA, NY Chicago, San Francisco type places.  But then, I think opening it wide nationwide might not have been the most brilliant way to go to start with. However, I honestly don't know much about that sort of decision.


2 hours ago, straggler said:

I don't think they are dead at all. It would be a travesty if Jlaw was not at least nominated. Don't think it changes because it did not play like a rom-com. Most Oscar films are not box office hits. But I think thir peers will appreciate this. A crazy, intense, subversive piece of art. 


I think Jen could get nominated for the reasons I said above. But mostly, I think she will gain respect for her acting, and for her commitment to a risky choice.

2 hours ago, jb007 said:

Not true, baumer.


I see Razzies in its future. :P


That could also be, for the exact same reasons I gave that it MIGHT get an acting nomination.  Passionate votes go both ways.

2 hours ago, straggler said:

Like the Shining. 


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Another awesome number for IT. It's crazy that the second weekend will beat the previous opening record for R-rated horror.


Ho-hum for American Assassin, but it looked so generic that it could have done worse.


I guess I'm not that surprised that mother! went so low. IT is gobbling up the horror audience's attention, and Paramount's efforts to repackage it as a mainstream horror film can only go so far with the concept and players at hand.

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1 minute ago, straggler said:

So Paramount going wide with a heavy arthouse movie was probably not a good idea. LOL. So now you get "flop" articles about a movie that is the polar opposite of a mainstream film, that needed a platform release. Well done. They went wide with a super controversial arthouse film and created an entirely needless negative storyline. Hollywood brilliance strikes again. 

You're just pulling our legs at this point. I know you loved the movie but come on now.


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5 minutes ago, a2knet said:

I haven't seen either Valerian or Mother! so can't comment on the (de)merits of the films, but looking at reactions both are being judged as 'pretentious'. They had divergent budgets, stories and casting, yet that judgment seems to be the thing they have in common.


Were people really calling Valerian pretentious?

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4 minutes ago, filmlover said:

You're just pulling our legs at this point. I know you loved the movie but come on now.


How is that pulling anyone's leg? This movie is too insane for the normal prestige film circuit and it got a wide release. How is this better than a platformed release?  

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1 minute ago, CoolioD1 said:

It's these goddamn teenagers. They're so weird about movies flopping.


this is probably the best explanation of what  is going on in this thread lately with those few people :lol:  

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1 minute ago, straggler said:

How is that pulling anyone's leg? This movie is too insane for the normal prestige film circuit and it got a wide release. How is this better than a platformed release?  

Cause then nobody sees the movie and the studio loses even more money. Plain and simple.

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3 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

The categories mother! has a chance at getting nominated in from best to worst:


Sound Editing: At the very least I expect it to get in here. The film has fucking insane sound effects.

Supporting Actress: This category is a little weak and some contenders are losing steam. I expect Pfeiffer to get a Globe nomination and show up here too.

Cinematography: The same cinematographer got nominated for Black Swan, and the film has a very unique filming style. It's competing for the last two spots with Darkest Hour, Call Me by Your Name, and Wonder Wheel.

Production Design: As the film grows more divisive, I'm feeling less confident here.

Director: Very unlikely to happen, but the branch is small enough for a WTF nomination to occur. 

And it won't get nominated for any of those outside of maybe sound. Its Oscar chances are dead. 

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1 minute ago, 75livesinDerry said:


this is probably the best explanation of what  is going on in this thread lately with those few people :lol:  


We were discussing this on WhatsApp yesterday, who would have thought the Mother and Valerian fans would end up being more obnoxious than the Nolanites this year? :thinking: 

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