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Thor Ragnarok (2017)

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Bringing Taika Waititi into the director's chair really proves to be one of the best things they've done. The first two Thor movies were underwhelming and extremely disappointing, but this one takes everything to another level. Sure, there are expected things, like the fact that the villain isn't that threatening or menacing as they should be, apart from a couple of scenes, but other than that, everything is quite great. The action is well done, the comedy is just on fucking point, like it's fucking unreal how they managed to land every single damn joke and made a whole IMAX room burst into laughter. The only joke that was a miss and didn't gather any laughs was the Point Break one, which frankly I didn't get either. Also, the character Taika Waititi plays. Fucking legendary character. 




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45 minutes ago, ChD said:

Bringing Taika Waititi into the director's chair really proves to be one of the best things they've done. The first two Thor movies were underwhelming and extremely disappointing, but this one takes everything to another level. Sure, there are expected things, like the fact that the villain isn't that threatening or menacing as they should be, apart from a couple of scenes, but other than that, everything is quite great. The action is well done, the comedy is just on fucking point, like it's fucking unreal how they managed to land every single damn joke and made a whole IMAX room burst into laughter. The only joke that was a miss and didn't gather any laughs was the Point Break one, which frankly I didn't get either. Also, the character Taika Waititi plays. Fucking legendary character. 




It's how Tony Stark coined Thor in Avengers 1.



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The movie was ok. Maybe I need to watch it again but I didn't like it so much.


The action was amazing but the humor was too broad and some just flat out unnecessary.


The acting was amazing and Hela was a real presence. She's probably the most physically domineering Marvel villain apart from the Winter Soldier (if you can call him a villain).


Overall, I'd give it a B.

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21 hours ago, ChD said:

Bringing Taika Waititi into the director's chair really proves to be one of the best things they've done. The first two Thor movies were underwhelming and extremely disappointing, but this one takes everything to another level. Sure, there are expected things, like the fact that the villain isn't that threatening or menacing as they should be, apart from a couple of scenes, but other than that, everything is quite great. The action is well done, the comedy is just on fucking point, like it's fucking unreal how they managed to land every single damn joke and made a whole IMAX room burst into laughter. The only joke that was a miss and didn't gather any laughs was the Point Break one, which frankly I didn't get either. Also, the character Taika Waititi plays. Fucking legendary character. 




「point break」的圖片搜尋結果

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So my review...


I was meh on it.Yes there are  bright spots (Valkyrie and some action sequences) but this is one of the times that the so called Marvel formula did not work.Earlier this year ,Marvel,with Homecoming,offerred us an amazing story that each joke was in line with the stories of the characters and what they were and did not prevent them or the story to evolve.Here it feels like the filmmakers were so hellbent on delivering an enjoyable laugh-out-loud space adventure that they sacrificed both the characters and the story.


Hell the whole time i was watching the film i couldn't help but think of what the film could have been if they would focus on the main story (sadly my english can't allow me to describe it in any other way without giving out spoilers).And that did the more injustice to the charcater of Hela.I was really excited about Hela.I mean freaking Cate Blanchett playing a comic book villain.What?No way this goes wrong.Well...


Hela is reduced to the typical one-dimentional "i will destroy you all if you don't become my bitches" villain.With an actress of Blanchett's capabilities (an make no mistake the actress even with the limited material manages to chew the living hell out of the scenery) i would expect one of the most impactful villains in the genre but nope...once again we have a villain that is evil just for the sake of the film having an antagonist.


And that problem did not only affect Hela.All of the charcaters,save Valkyrie maybe-who was saved by her awesomeness- are paper thin with no actual development throughout the film.Thor,Loki and Hulk are exactly the same as you remember from the previous films.And the rest are just there because i guess they need  characters to fill the screentime.The film literally does nothing with some of the actors.They are just there.It's baffling to me how the keep wasting Elba.


And jokes can only help so much.They are good to make you enjoy the film once but what about repeat viewings?When the jokes come in expense of story...how are you supposed to engage with the film a second time?I kinda had the same problem with Deadpool.I was laughing so hard the first time i saw it but the second time i realised that once the jokes have been heard you need something more to keep you invested.It didn't even managed that the first time around.


But of course the film has its brights spot and - negative as i sound - there are many.The actors are doing a wonderful job-especially considering the material that they were given- delivering their lines and they are probably the reason why some of these jokes hit you so hard.Hemsworth is simply terrific.Ruffalo is very good.Blanchett is Blanchett.And Thomson...oh boy Thomson was easily the biggest surprise and the biggest stand out.She was such a bad ass and all around awesome.Can we please get a spin off?


Also,this is easily the most visually stunning Marvel movie ever.Waititi's does one hell of a job  delivering a movie that just makes you stare at it in awe.Action sequences,especially in the final batle,are great as well and you will definetly not be dissapointed in that aspect.


I guess it all comes down to what you look for in movies.I can see this film striking big with the audiences.I guess it just wasn't for me.Will definetly check it out again to see if it grows on me(or goes the other way).For the time being 6.5/10 seems about right.

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I enjoyed this a hell of a lot, but echo the notion that Hela is quite underused and seems to be there for the sake of it. If anything I was far more interested (obviously) in the Grandmaster who seemed a lot more unpredictable, but that might just be the Goldblum effect in general. 


It's very, very fun though - probably in my top 5 Marvel. 




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Most of the dramatic stuff was lazy, muddled, or half-assed. Odin's death was a non-event where no one even put any effort (the super obvious green screen did not help). The themes of Ragnarok, family cast aside, old sins returning to have their revenge, covering up the past with false legends, etc., all of them could have been something truly interesting to explore, but they were all executed not that well at best, downright poor at worst.


Marvel should have just let Waititi go full Waititi and make a goofy buddy cop road trip movie.

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Loved it! Exceeded expectations and will definitely rewatch. Might be tied with SMHC for my favorite MCU movie this year. And is definitely top 5. I’ve always kind of liked Thor as a character, though TDW was all kinds of boringness. This movie, however, allowed Thor to grow and feel more relatable. He saw and lost his father, found out about the family secret. He lost his hammer and realized the power has been in him the whole time. He found and accepted his brother for who he is. Finally accepted his birthright as King of Asgard. Just so much growth in one character that I didn’t really think much of.  Valkyrie was awesome! Korg! Hulk/Banner dynamic was interesting and I’m definitely looking forward to having that explored more in future movies. While he was a supporting character, I don’t think he or anyone overshadowed Thor as the main character. Hemidall was good too, could’ve been utilized more. Even Skurge had an arc that was pretty good. The two negatives were it needed more Hela. I get that time constraints and keeping the focus on the heroes is important, but she was great in the scenes she had and I wanted more. Also, the 1st act was weaker in terms of pacing. A

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my gripe would be that they tried to mash two films into one (Planet Hulk+Ragnarok) and both "films" suffer as a result. I really enjoyed the film though and on the fun scale this definitely beats the previous two (I have a really soft spot for Thor 1 and all the Shakespearian typology it tries to mess with) but it could have been so much more. I think as we get deeper into the MCU that is my chiefest complaint - we get a good surface but the films could be much much more. Hela needed more screentime and a better examination of the back story beyond the "daddy issues" that seem to drive most card-stock villains. To the one who said The Grandmaster was more interesting than Hela, I would agree. 


Solid B and probably middle of the pack as far as the MCU goes for me.

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