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Weekend Thread - Insidious 29.6M, Jumanji 37.2M, TLJ 23.7M, TGS 13.8M, PP3 10.3

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5 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

Yes!! based on DHL


Update Sunday AM: Sony’s Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is up to $36.3M for the weekend, but the biggest gain was made by Universal/Blumhouse/Stage 6’s Insidious: The Last Key with $29.3M over 3 days after a Saturday where there wasn’t as much falloff with $11M, -13%.


Disney/Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi is taking 3rd with $24.3M, a tad higher than expected with a running cume of $573.3M.

STXfilms/eOne/Mark Gordon Company’s Molly’s Game is also higher, now filing $7M in its second weekend in 7th, ahead of Focus Features’ Darkest Hour which earned $6.4M.

So I:TLK increased from Friday proper to Saturday. Nice.

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1 minute ago, TalismanRing said:

 $30m, that's high for a contemporary Indie drama.  I gather it had higher than usual above the line and long development costs.

It was set up at Sony originally and I imagine Chastain, Pascal and Sorkin aren't cheap

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17 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


Damn that’s a really good number

Said so yesterday when some people started to call it a flop. It's having a very solid run cause it's entertaining so it can easily overcome softer awards buzz and become entertainment pick for adults. Which really sets it apart from prestige-only movies this season. I think that it'll hold very well against The Post next week while movies with more awards clout than MG are going to suffer somewhat cause they depend on awards buzz. MF doesn't (buzz is a bonus but not a deal breaker).

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Just now, Jandrew said:

So do all the Insidious movies actually have a common theme? Or is this just another 2010's quasi-demonic horror that just happens to have Insidious in the title?


They all have Lin Shaye in them.


And you would need to watch (very vague “potential” spoiler) 

at least the first Insidious and Chapter 3

in order to fully understand the new one.

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Star Wars is doing so badly in China, you have to wonder if it is pure nostalgia (and nothing else) that made the Disney sequels so popular with the public - and critics too.


Although Chinese moviegoers just have different tastes (see xXx, Warcraft...) so it is hard to know.

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RO added 2.5x the weekend to it's cume which gives TLJ 23.55*2.5 + 572.51 = 631.385 dom.

IMO it's legs will be lesser than RO's now due to the scheduling and as such lesser trending. Good shot at beating TA still.

Edited by a2knet
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Let's talk this holiday season...we all know that it's now gonna be an unprecedented one, with not one, but two movies looking at a possible 10x multiplier...


Part of that can be explained by TLJ overshadowing the market its 1st week...part of that can be explained by Wed openers and holiday set up...part of that can be explained by good WOM...but part of it can't...


Add in this weekend's opener which just "popped"...and the fact that the company that is probably causing some of this "market upheaval" may or may not exist in 6 months and cannot even answer its customer service questions, let alone get us any real usable data...ever...since it probably has almost no employees working on it...


I think I can say this will be a very interesting (and I think HUGE year, til Moviepass goes under or changes) for the 2018 DOM BO, maybe with the tag "expect the unexpected"...my bold prediction was the year itself would break records...and this weekend is a good starting point for that prediction...


(PS - This is why I'm so down on TLJ's legs...every other movie is getting folks in by the boat loads, probably thanks to "free", but TLJ still can't...in a regular market, I'd brush it off more, but I think every day, we see this is no longer a "regular" movie going market, at least right now)...


(And PPS - Theaters better hope Moviepass never fails, b/c it's changing mindsets so fast, I don't think there's any return if it goes under...it goes under and they may also fall off a cliff rapidly without adopting rapid changes...but that's for a separate thread:)...

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22 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

Most posts are not trolling (exception being that troll ForceUser from Jedi Council Forum) because they take perception into consideration. If you go only by raw numbers in a vacuum (no comparison to anything, no putting things into perspective) TLJ is a huge success cause 600M+ dom + 700M+ OS = 1.3B+ WW = huge success. However, this is just raw numbers and boxoffice run is much more than just raw numbers. Boxoffice is all about perception and current perception is that it has fallen from TFA much more than it should've had, that Jumaji is kicking its ass which is something that shouldn't have happened, that failing to hit 3x multi during the holiday season (that other mega openers such as TFA and RO managed) is a sign of mixed WOM (aka if they made a more appealing movie we wouldn't have had this conversation), that media is out to tear it down with baiting headlines that either call it a disappointment or put up a fake defense of its disappointing boxoffice run with a clear emphasis on it being a disappointment. In short, perception is that SW is no more invincible and therefore no need for competition to run away from it. Which poses a problem for IX.


TLJ is the first sequel ever to a 2B WW grosser and 900M dom grosser, so there's no precedent to how such a sequel would behave. We only knew it would drop but it was unknown by how much. had Avatar 2 been released before TLJ, it would have been scrutinized for drops because of the same reason - no precedent. Moreover, TLJ drop from TFA is in ESB to ANH and AOTC to TPM range, but since TFA had much bigger total, applying the same % gives a number that looks more alarming even though it's the same %. 30% drop from 90M is 30M loss, and 30M doesn't sound too bad. 30% drop from 900M is 300M loss and 300M sounds really bad even though it's the same %. It's just that bigger number itself looks more alarming even though the movie kept ESB/AOTC level of decline. OTOH, since those 2 movies were released in summer vs TLJ's holiday release, holiday was supposed to soften the drop and that didn't happen. 


My point is that the raw numbers in a vacuum aren't the only merit of success. No one (save that 1 troll) says that 1.3B is a disaster. It's a big success. But other aspects of the run are questionable at best and cannot be categorized as a clear success. Hence why we are having this discussion for weeks now.

I don't want to point out who the trolls are, though it is quite obvious. 


It is pathetic when they are trying make an issue of Jumanji winning against the 4th weekend of TLJ. Even with a potential loss of $70M due to negative buzz among a small percentage of the moviegoers, TLJ's gross will beat the crap out of a box office phenom like Jumanji.


The margin between TLJ and Jumanji is likely to be the unadjusted gross of Narnia, MOS etc. That is a sound whipping of the best kind, if one wants to compare them. If TLJ had reached its potential, the margin would have been ROTS, SM2. 

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Wow, that is really impressive for Insidious, I thought it would make 16.2m, that's what I guessed in the derby, boy was I way off.


That would be 14.78x the Thursday preview. Not as front loaded as people thought.


I, Tonya at 2.43m is also impressive, that is a PTA drop of 19.42% I think, moving from 49 theaters to 242.


Darkest Hour with a 36.91% PTA drop moving from 943 theaters to 1,733 theaters.


All really good numbers.

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9 minutes ago, MaxAggressor said:


This is what I'm talking about. Raw numbers are not the only thing about the boxoffice run. Perception is the most important one and perception is that SW franchise has gotten weakened by TLJ which is why media outlets keep pushing that angle. If TLJ held better there wouldn't be hit pieces and constant jabs. 


@jb007 That's perception and perception is always going to win over just numbers. You bet that Disney/LF is not happy with this perception because it means studios will be emboldened to release direct threats/competition against SW movies, whereas they would have run away had TLJ been as dominant as everyone thought it would've been. 


Point is, Jumanji's 300M may be half of TLJ's 600M but Jumanji exceeded expectations while TLJ underwhelmed. And that's the biggest takeaway, not whether 300M<<<600M. 

Edited by Valonqar
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